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[SOLVED] Render mining overlay & fix unable to break snow? (Custom Item)


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I'm attempting to make a tool that doesn't use the base player mining. I am doing this because eventually I want to expand the area that the tool can mine. The code right now is using a packet sent to the server and attempting to break a block like zombies do with the doors. This only sporadically works, and stops working when I attempt to use this to mine snow. I would also eventually like to render the mining overlay on top of the block I am mining. I have a good amount of java experience, I only need a push in the right direction. Is there anywhere I can look in the API for help on this? Is there something I am missing? Any help would be much appreciated.

public void handle(Supplier<NetworkEvent.Context> ctx) {
        ServerPlayer player = ctx.get().getSender();
        if(player == null)

        ServerLevel pLevel = player.serverLevel();

        HitResult targetBlock = player.pick(18.0D, 0.0F, false);
        BlockPos blockpos = ((BlockHitResult) targetBlock).getBlockPos();
        BlockState blockState = pLevel.getBlockState(blockpos);
        Block block = blockState.getBlock();

        int i = (int)((float)breakTime / (float)this.getBlockBreakTime(block) * 10.0F);
        if (i != lastBreakProgress) {
            pLevel.destroyBlockProgress(player.getId(), blockpos, i);
            lastBreakProgress = i;

        if (breakTime == getBlockBreakTime(block)) {
            pLevel.destroyBlock(blockpos, true);
            pLevel.levelEvent(2001, blockpos, Block.getId(pLevel.getBlockState(blockpos)));
            breakTime = 0;
            lastBreakProgress = 0;


EDIT: The solution to rendering the mining overlay is to use:

player.connection.send(new ClientboundBlockDestructionPacket(player.getId(), blockpos, i));

(where player is a "ServerPlayer") in place of "pLevel.destroyBlockProgress...."

Edited by SubortusDevMC
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I’m not quite sure what you need to do next, but put your code inside ctx.get().enqueWork(() ->{})

because the packets are not handled inside the level thread, and most game logic needs to be managed synchronously to all other game logic happening in that level 

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I figured as much, I had originally left it out because I didn't see how it would cause an issue. I added it now.

Thanks for the new knowledge. I was not aware that was the case. Do you know how to make the block breaking overlay (The animation that appears when mining) appear here? I haven't found anything on it.


Edit: I don't know how, but it fixed the snow issue. Might have been a personal error though.

Edited by SubortusDevMC
I went back and ran the client to see changes.
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BlockRenderDispatcher#renderBreakingTexture might work, but it has to much rendering jargon on the parameters when all your doing is server logic. I suggest looking around and finding its usages, maybe there will be a simpler method.

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  • 2 weeks later...

PoseStack pPoseStack = RenderSystem.getModelViewStack();

Vec3 vec3 = Minecraft.getInstance().gameRenderer.getMainCamera().getPosition();

double d0 = vec3.x();

double d1 = vec3.y();

double d2 = vec3.z();

Frustum frustum = Minecraft.getInstance().levelRenderer.getFrustum();

ForgeHooksClient.dispatchRenderStage(net.minecraftforge.client.event.RenderLevelStageEvent.Stage.AFTER_BLOCK_ENTITIES, Minecraft.getInstance().levelRenderer, pPoseStack, Minecraft.getInstance().gameRenderer.getProjectionMatrix(Minecraft.getInstance().options.fov().get()), Minecraft.getInstance().levelRenderer.getTicks(), Minecraft.getInstance().gameRenderer.getMainCamera(), frustum);


pPoseStack.pushPose(); pPoseStack.translate((double)blockpos.getX() - d0, (double)blockpos.getY() - d1, (double)blockpos.getZ() - d2);

PoseStack.Pose posestack$pose1 = pPoseStack.last();

VertexConsumer vertexconsumer1 = new SheetedDecalTextureGenerator(Minecraft.getInstance().renderBuffers().crumblingBufferSource().getBuffer(ModelBakery.DESTROY_TYPES.get(breakTime)), posestack$pose1.pose(), posestack$pose1.normal(), 1.0F);

ModelData modelData = pLevel.getModelDataManager().getAt(blockpos);

Minecraft.getInstance().getBlockRenderer().renderBreakingTexture(blockState, blockpos, pLevel, pPoseStack, vertexconsumer1, modelData == null ? ModelData.EMPTY : modelData);


I couldn't find much usage, I found this and attempted to implement it. It doesn't seem to do anything though. I have this linked to a server to client packet... I have been at this since September seventh and have not made any progress. Blockpos and Blockstate are all pre-assigned variables, as is pLevel. I took the vertex consumer directly from LevelRenderer where I got this code from anyways. I didn't know what number to put into the ModelBakery.DESTROY_TYPES.get() so I just put the breakTime I used in the above code. Am I missing something?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Found the solution, will be closing this soon. The Minecraft mining overlay can be rendered using:
"serverplayer.connection.send(new ClientboundBlockDestructionPacket(serverplayer.getId(), blockpos, i));"

Everything else is completely unnecessary, and I was making this harder than it had to be.

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  • SubortusDevMC changed the title to [SOLVED] Render mining overlay & fix unable to break snow? (Custom Item)

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