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cant find StructurePool using Code


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Version: 1.20.6
Forge: 50.0.26

current code:

public static Holder<StructureTemplatePool> getTemplatePoolHolder(final ServerLevel level, final ResourceLocation resourceLocation) {
        if (level==null) {
            return null;

        RegistryAccess registryaccess = level.registryAccess();

        Registry<StructureTemplatePool> registry = registryaccess.registryOrThrow(Registries.TEMPLATE_POOL);

        Logger logger = TheDungeon.LOGGER;

        logger.info("searcing for {} in {}", resourceLocation, registry);

        //Holder<StructureTemplatePool> holder = registry.getHolder(resourceLocation).orElse(null);

        StructureTemplatePool pool = registry.get(resourceLocation);
        Holder<StructureTemplatePool> holder = null;
        if (pool!=null) holder = Holder.direct(pool);
        return holder;

unfortunately it seems like either i am getting the Registry wrong or the ResourceKey

this is the resource location it is trying to find: new ResourceLocation(TheDungeon.MOD_ID, "goblin_caves/spawns")

where the file is located resources > data > the_dungeon > worldgen > template_pool > goblin_caves > spawns.json

it does generate randomly when i create a structureSet

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ok so I figured out that what i was doing here worked

i apparently did not supply a starting jigsaw to the generate method, although now i get this error
No starting jigsaw the_dungeon:goblin_caves/spawns found in start pool the_dungeon:goblin_caves/spawns

this is the json file

  "name": "the_dungeon:goblin_caves/spawns",
  "fallback": "minecraft:empty",
  "elements": [
      "weight": 1,
      "element": {
        "location": "the_dungeon:goblin_caves/spawns/stone_cave_spawn",
        "processors": "minecraft:empty",
        "projection": "rigid",
        "element_type": "minecraft:single_pool_element"


Edited by Just_EmSee
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