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At the moment we have "ItemSmeltedEvent" but that doesnt fire untill the player removes the finished item from the furnace (the cooked chicken etc) What i could do with is one that fires as soon as the item is started to be smelted ideally it would include the following information

the tileentity that trigured it (so we can get the location and see what it is etc)

the item that is being smelted

the fuel source being used (if possible)

what the end product will be when the smelting is finished (there are some situations we may want to modify it *see bellow)

the time it will take (if possible)

be cancel-able


* we may want to add a chance that instead of getting that nice cooked chicken you were expecting you get a burnt chicken

why else would this be useful to other modders?

we can have ;

things that can only smelt if a certain fuel is used

things that can smelt to random items

the ability to add custom events around the tile entity, sounds or particles when certain items are started to be smelted (that go off when smelting is done perhaps using the time part or an event that fires when smelting is done)

the ability to cancel the smelting event if the item is not to be smelted in that tileentity


in short it would be very useful for a lot of things im sure

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