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Trying to start an Aternos minecraft server, but when trying to start the server, it keeps crashing, when checking the logs, there are 6 warnings saying just about the same thing, this is my first time working with Aternos or modded online servers altogether.


This is the paste for the logs:




mods.toml is a file that is required to be included in every mod jar that Forge attempts to load that specifies various important properties of a mod, if the game is crashing because a mod is missing it, the mod is either corrupted, improperly built, or isn't a mod. Since Aternos doesn't allow installing mods not approved for use on their servers, the problem is most likely that the mod file was messed up, either on your end or the developer's end. You can try reinstalling it, but if that doesn't work I don't know of any other possible fixes you could do.

16 hours ago, TileEntity said:

The missing mods.toml file warning can be ignored and usually do not cause crashes


The last mentioned mod is haybale - start with removing this mod and strawgolem

This did help with the initial issue and I believe there is only one issue left, that being my metaspace allocation, the server refuses to start OR crash, and loops until I manually stop it, sorry for the hassle. 


New log: https://paste.ee/p/TuDVr 

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
On 10/24/2024 at 7:13 AM, Tiny Desk Engineer said:

mods.toml is a file that is required to be included in every mod jar that Forge attempts to load that specifies various important properties of a mod, if the game is crashing because a mod is missing it, the mod is either corrupted, improperly built, or isn't a mod. Since Aternos doesn't allow installing mods not approved for use on their servers, the problem is most likely that the mod file was messed up, either on your end or the developer's end. You can try reinstalling it, but if that doesn't work I don't know of any other possible fixes you could do.

To resolve your Aternos Minecraft server crashing, check for incompatible mods, missing dependencies, insufficient RAM, or corrupt world files. If you share the error messages or logs here, I can provide more targeted advice. Modded servers often crash due to mismatched mods or memory issues! I want to share something, I was studying, and the teacher gave me an academic task on essay writing, and a research paper, didn't complete them by myself. My elder brother suggested an e-platform https://academized.com/research-paper-writing-service website that offers research paper writing services. They typically help students with custom-written academic papers on a variety of topics. And it was worth getting help from them.

Thank you for the advice.

Edited by BrooklynKeller

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