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[1.7.2] GuiScreen.drawRect not working with variables in arguments.

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Here is my code: http://pastebin.com/yegwWq2C


As for what it is supposed to be doing, it's job is to take variables from my main logic file and display a red square at the given point. I have be using chat statements to test and confirm that my math is correct and that the GUI file was handling them properly. Everything is set up correctly and always points to a valid location on screen. It even works if I replace everything with constants, what am I doing wrong?


You are missing a semicolon at line 5 in your pastebin, but I do not think this is your problem. Yesterday I had the same problem. I tried to render my own progress bar with raw opengl, but it did not affect the gui at all. Then I tried to use drawRect instead of opengl, but still it did not work. Funnily drawTexturedModalRect worked.


BTW: I am extending GuiContainer and not GuiScreen, but it should be the same problem.


One tip: Have you tried to debug minecraft with your IDE? Watch the variables, which are given to drawRect.

try {


}catch(Throwable t) {

    MagicAppErrorSolver.solveProblem(t, this);


//Programmers will lose work

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