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I'm successfully sending the player status updates via their actions in my mod, but the chat fills up really fast when it posts twice. The code is only in the class once, but no matter where I put it (troubleshooting) it shows up twice.


par3EntityPlayer.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText("A chatty chat message for you!"));


I'm wondering if the onItemRightClick() is running twice, or if the ChatComponentText is. Although, I've tried to use the minecraft way and it still double posts.


Any insight? Is this a bug, "just the way it is" or more likely... is it my erroneous code?


@Jdb100: @SideOnly is for distinguishing between Dedicated Server & Minecraft Client. So Stuff with @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) will still be present on the Intergrated server (but not on the dedicated one).


@navybofus: Use world.isRemote to check on which side you are. isRemote == true means you are client.


Wow, a small little if statement was jacking me up that bad... I guess that's what I get for working in code all day.


Thanks so much. No more alienated mod users wondering why every status is double posted.

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