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Help with updating to 1.7


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I just tried to update to my mod from 1.6.4 to 1.7.4 and It was hit very hard. I don't know much about 1.7 yet and there are not many tutorials to follow, so I would appreciate it if people can help my fix my problems.


I would like help with the following problems:

(I know its a lot and not well organized & I apologize)


- They changed the block id system, so for setting blocks and getting blocks, how does that and they whole block system work now and are items impacted?


- What happened to @NetworkMod and How can I initialize my packet Handler, packetHandler channels, and other stuff


- TickRegistry Class?


- Icon Registry and Textures?


- Registering things like Player Tracker


- Language and Block Registry


- Everything Else That You Think That Would Help Me!!!



Don't be afraid to ask question when modding, there are no stupid question! Unless you don't know java then all your questions are stupid!

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Forge now handles Data Values, so remove them for everything.

Network mod is not needed; just remove it.

No idea; haven't ever used it

Remove the registerIcons methods, and add .setBlockTextureName("modid:texture.png") or .setTextureName("modid:texture.png") to the end of each Block or Item you add. (e.g., public static final Item exampleItem = new ItemExampleItem().setUnlocalizedName("exampleItem).setTextureName("parker8283_example:exampleItem.png");

LanguageRegistry no longer exists. You must now put your In-Game Names in a seperate file called en_US.lang in the assets/modid/lang/ directory, and do the following:

For blocks, write tile.exampleBlock.name=Example Block, and for Items, put item.exampleItem.name=Example Item.

Block Registry should be the same.

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BlockRegistry is this.


public static Block ConicalFlask = new BlockConicalFlask(Material.glass);


GameRegistry.registerBlock(ConicalFlask, Strings.ConicalFlaskInfo[1]);


I am not sure what the string does in GameRegistry.registerBlock so I just gave it the string of the unlocalizedname


LanguageRegistry works in the .lang file tho I don't know how to do it yet


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