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[1.7.2] Weird issue regarding textures and changing languages


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Hi guys,


I've finally gotten my mod to compile in 1.7.2 and not to crash while loading... whew. I have a weird problem though: if I launch Minecraft (from Eclipse/MCP) and check my blocks/items in the creative mode inventory, they all have missing textures. If I try to change Minecraft's running language however, they work (for this launch - relaunching the game gives me the issue again). Bonus weirdness, the in-game language has not actually changed, it stays English.


It's entirely possible that this is due entirely from my code - I do have some logic tied to language changes, though nothing to do with textures. But if anybody had an idea of what could cause something like this, it would be great.





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Darn, I just took my swami mentalist cap to the cleaners. It won't be back for a few days, so my skill in clairvoyant code reading is null right now. It you wait a few days, I may be able to discern what you did to your code to make it not work. Sorry.

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Darn, I just took my swami mentalist cap to the cleaners. It won't be back for a few days, so my skill in clairvoyant code reading is null right now. It you wait a few days, I may be able to discern what you did to your code to make it not work. Sorry.


i got mine! and i must say.... use the force luke!


*Force* <insert cool sound effect from star wars>

        if (event.getSide() == Side.CLIENT)


put that at the end of your preinit and then say loud and clearly! Wingardium Leviosa


**  Always remember you are unique,  **

**  just like everyone else                   **     


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press the thank you button, on my post!!

God, damn it!

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sequituri, my mod's line count is of around 45 000 lines (Minecraft itself is around 230 000). The init part alone spans a dozen classes. Bit hard to quote it all ;)


Thanks Zzyxz, it was that! That and declaring my blocks and items in load and not preInit, which worked in 1.6 but apparently not in 1.7. And apparently changing the language causes Minecraft to refresh its resources, which explains why that solved it for me. Any idea why the language doesn't change though? Is it a bug specific to my setup or a more general one?

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My point was, not everyone knows that your mod is found in a graphic link in your signature area. You might have included a normal text link in the body of your request to find the source / GitRepo (For those of us who haven't helped you out many times before, that is). A lot of people link their mod (however, not the source code). I'll know next time, but you may get this kind of response from other newbs.


Anyways, glad you got it figured out.

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