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[Answered] ForgeGradle setup fail - OverlappingFileLockException

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First off.. it is really confusing on where you are supposed to ask for help with forgegradle setup. The sticky "read first before posting" topics seem to go in a loop. This one says do not ask for support but the forum sub says this is for asking for support and help. So I am sorry if this is in the wrong spot.


I am trying to install forge (most recent "Recommended" build) following the installation instructions. I have had an older forge setup before so I didnt bother downloading a newer jdk (i had an older version of 7). I downloaded the zip. Extracted to a new folder. Right clicked to open cmd and put:

gradlew.bat setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies

and it runs through and gives me "overlappingFIleLockException"



FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.


* What went wrong:

A problem occurred configuring root project 'forge172'.

> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':classpath'.

  > java.nio.channels.OverlappingFileLockException (no error message)



I have tried the following:

  • searching google for and these forums for: "overlappingFilelockException" and other variations with gradle, forge, classpath, etc
  • using setupDevWorkspace
  • redownloading forgeGradle
  • downloading the newer JDK7 and resetting JAVA_HOME and PATH with the newer JDK install
  • disabled antivirus
  • restarting the computer


a lot of the above has been done multiple times when something changes (downloading new JDK so retry all the different commands etc)


I am at a loss of what to do. I have looked at the build.gradle file but haven't changed anything.


I have a file with the stacktrace https://gist.github.com/Ditchbuster/9882142 uploaded.


I originally ran gradle on a slow internet connection. I don't know if when it tried to download something the first time something got messed up. I have deleted and redownloaded since that first run. Does it save files somewhere else that might need to be cleaned up?


EDIT: Added that I am using the most recent recommended build


Ok. After diving into gradle a little more it looks like using clean and other commands will not clear out the cache. Before I had been looking for the .gradle folder but couldn't find it to delete it manually in case something was wrong with the downloads from before. I found I can override the manual cache directory using the "-g" option. I set it to a blank folder and it has started downloading and getting assets which is a lot farther then it ever got before. I will update if this continues well.


EDIT: It looks like that has worked. 1 hour and 34 minutes later I have a BUILD SUCCESSFUL.


Ok. After diving into gradle a little more it looks like using clean and other commands will not clear out the cache. Before I had been looking for the .gradle folder but couldn't find it to delete it manually in case something was wrong with the downloads from before. I found I can override the manual cache directory using the "-g" option. I set it to a blank folder and it has started downloading and getting assets which is a lot farther then it ever got before. I will update if this continues well.


EDIT: It looks like that has worked. 1 hour and 34 minutes later I have a BUILD SUCCESSFUL.


I've heard that cleanCache is the switch to make it clean out the cache and start over.

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