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I think that it's time for Multiplayer Minecraft to allow a new kid on the block.

One that isn't a hub server, or that wants to be a hub server.

So I've been developing an idea that will hopefully come to fruition before the summertime.


This idea is ServerBy6ix.

Serverby6ix, my project, is a futuristic, cyberpunk inspired, role-play environment that melds everything you love about multiplayer Minecraft, the mini-games, the PvP, the social interaction, together in a seamless, constantly updated world.


There isn't a single server trying to break the barrier that hub servers hold.

Don't get me wrong hub servers are quick and efficient, but they're drab and dull.

The only thing that keeps them alive is a strong playerbase and a new minigame that introduces itself when times get a little dreary.

For new servers this is difficult. Without these main two elements it's hard for a new server to remain afloat.

No one wants to be edgy, no one wants to try something new.

Why do players take such long breaks from Minecraft at times? It gets boring, and all thats out there outside of survival singleplayer is hub servers. An endless sea of repetitive, dime a dozen, copy-cats.

Minus a select few servers that remain unique, this is the sad blocky reality we live in.


I'd like for you to take a chance and see what I've got cooking.

I hope it allows a new era of Minecraft servers to dream big and strive to achieve big.


I explain my server concept pretty well in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjF8NYr1lYA

The trailer I made originally can be viewed on the main page of my IndieGoGo fundraiser: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/serverby6ix-the-future-of-minecraft-begins-here/x/3510512#home

The fundraiser needs $2,500 by April 22nd, 2014 in order for it to come to fruition. I'm hoping we can get close.


This project, this server is a dream of mine and I need all the help I can get.

I appreciate the time you took out to read this message. Feel free to show as little or as much support as you'd like, something as little as a tweet would mean the world to me.


Thank you,



P.S. And yes, I will be whoring myself out on the internet just to catch a bit of momentum. So I apologize if this all comes off a little brash.

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