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[1.7.2][SOLVED] Searching for surrounding tile entitys


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Can someone help me fix a problem I am having with my tile entity, I can't seem to find the neighbouring tile entitys from my block, so that I can render some pipes. Here is my code https://github.com/Shamboozle/FluidTransport if some one could look at it and point me i the right direction it would be greatly appreciated.



(I'm sufficient in Java and Minecraft modding BTW)

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Example code to locate all direct neighbors of a tile-entity.  Lots of ways to do this, including just manually checking each x/y/z +/- set.  But I like loops, so this is a simple loop :)


After calling the method, cachedNeighbors will contain references to any nearby tile entities, or null if none.  Each index corresponds to a forge-direction (north, south, east, west, up, down..though not necessarily in that order).


TileEntity[] cachedNeighbors = new TileEntity[6];

public void updateNeighbors()
  ForgeDirection d;
  int x, y, z;
  TileEntity te;
  for(int i = 0; i <6 ;i++)
    d = ForgeDirection.values()[i];
    x = xCoord + d.offsetX;
    y = yCoord + d.offsetY;
    z = zCoord + d.offsetZ;
    te = worldObj.getTileEntity(x, y, z);


You can use the above without the caching as well...just put your operational code in instead of putting the te in the array.


To check a specific side, after the cache has been updated, you could query such as




//do something with the north-neighbor


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