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[1.7.2-] Crash when placing specific item in a crafting table GUI

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I'm writing a small mod for my server (we have too many chests laying around...),

And today I encountered a weird crash when I placed one of my blocks in a crafting grid.

crash report (from my dev environment):



I read the whole file and there's not a single line involving one of my classes.

Any clue for a solution?

Before you write something that makes me dumb, read a couple of my posts back, and think again.


It's a block by the way.

Also keep in mind that I started writing this mod only yesterday so there's not much yet.

package ninehous.compressedblocks.blocks;

import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import ninehous.compressedblocks.CompressedBlocks;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;

public class BlockCompressedFlint extends Block {
public static Block blockCompressedFlint;
public BlockCompressedFlint(){


public static void init(){
    BlockCompressedFlint.blockCompressedFlint = new BlockCompressedFlint().setBlockName("blockCompressedFlint").setCreativeTab(CompressedBlocks.CBTab).setBlockTextureName(CompressedBlocks.modid + ":" + "blockCompressedFlint");
    GameRegistry.registerBlock(blockCompressedFlint, "blockCompressedFlint");
    GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(blockCompressedFlint, 1), new Object[]{"fff", "fff", "fff", Character.valueOf('f'), new ItemStack(BlockFlint.blockFlint, 1)});
GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(BlockFlint.blockFlint, 9), blockCompressedFlint);


Before you write something that makes me dumb, read a couple of my posts back, and think again.


I'm kinda new to modding... Once I have time (and will) I will change some stuff around.

Also, if it works, then it's fine for me until I find better ways to do stuff.

Before you write something that makes me dumb, read a couple of my posts back, and think again.

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