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Hello everyone!


I'm trying to make a multiblock structure but I have some problems...

The metadata is wrong and I cant figure it out what I did wrong so for fixing the texture I replaced this line of code:

if(world.getBlockMetadata(x1, y1, z1) > 0) world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x1, y1, z1, 0, 3);



if(world.getBlockMetadata(x1, y1, z1) > 0) world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x1, y1, z1, 9, 3);


But the texture is only showing after I removed 1 block of the structure.


Block Class:

package com.poonkje.optical.blocks;

import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockContainer;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.world.World;

import com.poonkje.optical.TileEntity.TileEntityWindmillFloor;
import com.poonkje.optical.common.MainClass;

public class WindmillFloor extends BlockContainer {

public WindmillFloor(Material material) {

	this.setBlockBounds(0, 0, 0, 1, (1F/16F)*14, 1);

public int getRenderType() {
	return -1;

public boolean renderAsNormalBlock() {
	return false;

public boolean isOpaqueCube() {
	return false;

public void onNeighborBlockChange(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block neighborBlock) {
	updateMultiBlockStructure(world, x, y, z);

public void onBlockAdded(World world, int x, int y, int z) {
	updateMultiBlockStructure(world, x, y, z);

public void updateMultiBlockStructure(World world, int x, int y, int z) {
	isMultiBlockStructure(world, x, y, z);

public boolean isMultiBlockStructure(World world, int x1, int y1, int z1) {
	boolean mStructure = false;

	boolean currentCheckStructure = true;

	for(int x2 = 0; x2 < 3; x2++){
		for(int z2=0; z2 < 3; z2++){
				currentCheckStructure = true;

				for(int x3 = 0; x3 < 3; x3++){
					for(int z3 = 0; z3 < 3; z3++) {
						if(currentCheckStructure && !world.getBlock(x1+x2-x3, y1, z1+z2-z3).equals(MainClass.WindmillFloor)){
							currentCheckStructure = false;
					for(int x3 = 0; x3 <3; x3++){
						for(int z3 = 0; z3 < 3; z3++){
							world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x1+x2-x3, y1, z1+z2-z3, x3*3+z3, 2);

			mStructure = currentCheckStructure;
	if(mStructure) return true;

	if(world.getBlockMetadata(x1, y1, z1) > 0) world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x1, y1, z1, 9, 3);

	return false;

public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World var1, int var2) {
	return new TileEntityWindmillFloor();



TileEntityRenderWindmillFloor class:

package com.poonkje.optical.TileEntity.Renderer;

import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;

import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.tileentity.TileEntitySpecialRenderer;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;

public class TileEntityRenderWindmillFloor extends TileEntitySpecialRenderer {

private final ResourceLocation res = new ResourceLocation("optical:textures/model/windmillFloor.png");

private int textureW = 32;
private int textureH = 32;

private float pixel = 1F/16F;
public void renderTileEntityAt(TileEntity tileentity, double x, double y, double z, float f) {

		GL11.glTranslatef((float)x, (float)y, (float)z);

		Tessellator tes = Tessellator.instance;
		tes.startDrawingQuads(); // Starts the tes
			if(tileentity.getWorldObj().getBlockMetadata(tileentity.xCoord, tileentity.yCoord, tileentity.zCoord) == 9){
				tes.addVertexWithUV(1, pixel*14, 1, 1F/textureW*(32), 1F/textureH*(32));
				tes.addVertexWithUV(1, pixel*14, 0, 1F/textureW*(32), 1F/textureH*(0));
				tes.addVertexWithUV(0, pixel*14, 0, 1F/textureW*(0), 1F/textureH*(0));
				tes.addVertexWithUV(0, pixel*14, 1, 1F/textureW*(0), 1F/textureH*(32));

			if(tileentity.getWorldObj().getBlockMetadata(tileentity.xCoord, tileentity.yCoord, tileentity.zCoord) == 1){
				tes.addVertexWithUV(0.5, pixel*14, 1.5, 1F/textureW*(32), 1F/textureH*(32));
				tes.addVertexWithUV(0.5, pixel*14, 1, 1F/textureW*(32), 1F/textureH*(8+16));
				tes.addVertexWithUV(0, pixel*14, 1, 1F/textureW*(8+16), 1F/textureH*(8+16));
				tes.addVertexWithUV(0, pixel*14, 1.5, 1F/textureW*(8+16), 1F/textureH*(32));

			if(tileentity.getWorldObj().getBlockMetadata(tileentity.xCoord, tileentity.yCoord, tileentity.zCoord) == 2){
				tes.addVertexWithUV(0.5, pixel*14, 2, 1F/textureW*(32), 1F/textureH*(8+16));
				tes.addVertexWithUV(0.5, pixel*14, 1, 1F/textureW*(32), 1F/textureH*();
				tes.addVertexWithUV(0, pixel*14, 1, 1F/textureW*(8+16), 1F/textureH*();
				tes.addVertexWithUV(0, pixel*14, 2, 1F/textureW*(8+16), 1F/textureH*(8+16));
			if(tileentity.getWorldObj().getBlockMetadata(tileentity.xCoord, tileentity.yCoord, tileentity.zCoord) == 3){
				tes.addVertexWithUV(1, pixel*14, 0.5, 1F/textureW*(8+16), 1F/textureH*(32));
				tes.addVertexWithUV(1, pixel*14, 0, 1F/textureW*(8+16), 1F/textureH*(8+16));
				tes.addVertexWithUV(0, pixel*14, 0, 1F/textureW*(, 1F/textureH*(8+16));
				tes.addVertexWithUV(0, pixel*14, 0.5, 1F/textureW*(, 1F/textureH*(32));
			if(tileentity.getWorldObj().getBlockMetadata(tileentity.xCoord, tileentity.yCoord, tileentity.zCoord) == 5){
				tes.addVertexWithUV(1, pixel*14, 1, 1F/textureW*(8+16), 1F/textureH*();
				tes.addVertexWithUV(1, pixel*14, 0.5, 1F/textureW*(8+16), 1F/textureH*(0));
				tes.addVertexWithUV(0, pixel*14, 0.5, 1F/textureW*(, 1F/textureH*(0));
				tes.addVertexWithUV(0, pixel*14, 1, 1F/textureW*(, 1F/textureH*();
			//5 Middle Connected with 4! TODO
			if(tileentity.getWorldObj().getBlockMetadata(tileentity.xCoord, tileentity.yCoord, tileentity.zCoord) == 5){
				tes.addVertexWithUV(0, pixel*14, 2, 1F/textureW*(8+16), 1F/textureH*(8+16));
				tes.addVertexWithUV(1, pixel*14, 2, 1F/textureW*(8+16), 1F/textureH*();
				tes.addVertexWithUV(1, pixel*14, 1, 1F/textureW*(, 1F/textureH*();
				tes.addVertexWithUV(0, pixel*14, 1, 1F/textureW*(, 1F/textureH*(8+16));
			if(tileentity.getWorldObj().getBlockMetadata(tileentity.xCoord, tileentity.yCoord, tileentity.zCoord) == 6){
				tes.addVertexWithUV(0.5, pixel*14, 0.5, 1F/textureW*(0), 1F/textureH*(32));
				tes.addVertexWithUV(1, pixel*14, 0.5, 1F/textureW*(0), 1F/textureH*(8+16));
				tes.addVertexWithUV(1, pixel*14, 0, 1F/textureW*(, 1F/textureH*(8+16));
				tes.addVertexWithUV(0.5, pixel*14, 0, 1F/textureW*(, 1F/textureH*(32));


			if(tileentity.getWorldObj().getBlockMetadata(tileentity.xCoord, tileentity.yCoord, tileentity.zCoord) == 7){
				tes.addVertexWithUV(0.5, pixel*14, 0, 1F/textureW*(, 1F/textureH*(32));
				tes.addVertexWithUV(0.5, pixel*14, 1, 1F/textureW*(8+16), 1F/textureH*(32));
				tes.addVertexWithUV(1, pixel*14, 1, 1F/textureW*(8+16), 1F/textureH*(8+16));
				tes.addVertexWithUV(1, pixel*14, 0, 1F/textureW*(, 1F/textureH*(8+16));


			if(tileentity.getWorldObj().getBlockMetadata(tileentity.xCoord, tileentity.yCoord, tileentity.zCoord) == {
				tes.addVertexWithUV(0.5, pixel*14, 1, 1F/textureW*(, 1F/textureH*(32));
				tes.addVertexWithUV(1, pixel*14, 1, 1F/textureW*(, 1F/textureH*(8+16));
				tes.addVertexWithUV(1, pixel*14, 0.5, 1F/textureW*(0), 1F/textureH*(8+16));
				tes.addVertexWithUV(0.5, pixel*14, 0.5, 1F/textureW*(0), 1F/textureH*(32));

			if(tileentity.getWorldObj().getBlockMetadata(tileentity.xCoord, tileentity.yCoord, tileentity.zCoord) == 5){
				tes.addVertexWithUV(1.5, pixel*14, 1, 1F/textureW*(0), 1F/textureH*(8+16));
				tes.addVertexWithUV(1.5, pixel*14, 0.5, 1F/textureW*(0), 1F/textureH*(32));
				tes.addVertexWithUV(1, pixel*14, 0.5, 1F/textureW*(, 1F/textureH*(32));
				tes.addVertexWithUV(1, pixel*14, 1, 1F/textureW*(, 1F/textureH*(8+16));

		tes.draw(); //End of tes




This line of code sets the texture if the block is not a multiblock structure ( The texture is again only visible after you remove one block of the structure )

				if(tileentity.getWorldObj().getBlockMetadata(tileentity.xCoord, tileentity.yCoord, tileentity.zCoord) == 9){
				tes.addVertexWithUV(1, pixel*14, 1, 1F/textureW*(32), 1F/textureH*(32));
				tes.addVertexWithUV(1, pixel*14, 0, 1F/textureW*(32), 1F/textureH*(0));
				tes.addVertexWithUV(0, pixel*14, 0, 1F/textureW*(0), 1F/textureH*(0));
				tes.addVertexWithUV(0, pixel*14, 1, 1F/textureW*(0), 1F/textureH*(32));

And I don't know why but the textures are to dark and is only light on a specific perspective?


Images to get a better view of the



If I set 9 to 0 in the block and the render class then I get this:

Normal block ( Not a multiblock structure this is what I want to to look like if I place it ):


Multiblock structure:


Texture dark and is only normal on a specific perspective:








Thanks already for the help!

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