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Change collision bounds and make block invisible depending on time

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Hey there.

For my new mod project I need a block to completely disappear during the night/day. I need it to be completely hidden, no hit-box no impossible to break, etc. I need a block to get thouse  properties during the day, and an opposite one that will do the same during the night. How would I do this?



Take a look at the bounding box and some of the other functions like that. 


I have this done on some custom blocks that I only want visible in Creative.  It sort of works.  The problem is I can't seem to force the client to re-render.  If I log in and out the change occurs, warp, ect.  But if I stand there, it doesn't seem to change.

Long time Bukkit & Forge Programmer

Happy to try and help


I can make something non-solid by returning null on a method, but the bouding box is still on and I don't know how to make it happen only at night or day.

I tried this:



public AxisAlignedBB getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool(World p_149668_1_,

int p_149668_2_, int p_149668_3_, int p_149668_4_) {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub

if (MinecraftServer.getServer().worldServers[0].getWorldInfo()

.getWorldTime() <= 14000) {

return super.getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool(p_149668_1_, p_149668_2_,

p_149668_3_, p_149668_4_);

} else {

return null;




Though I belive the method is called only once, and won't update in runtime while the player is playing. I don't know how to solve this. Help please?


Ok, I decided to change my approach. I added a time handler, made a method get called every tick in a lagless way. Some pseudo code:

if(getworld != null || worldServers.length > 0){

if(it's day){



  alreadyupdatedday = true

  alreadyupdatednight = false


} else {



  alreadyupdatednight = true

  alreadyupdatedday = false





The problem is I don't know what to put on the update night day and update day methods so that it will change the bouding boxes, make the block invisible, and remove that black frames. Also, the use can't be allowed to break the block. I don't know what do do now.

Help someone?


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