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I need to render the appearance of a block without actually having the block exist in the world. I thought it would be as simple as the following:


public void RenderWorld(RenderWorldLastEvent event)
                //example test, should render a diamond at the world coordinates 70, 70, 70;
	MinecraftForgeClient.renderBlock(event.context.globalRenderBlocks, Block.blockDiamond, 70, 70, 70);


Putting a breakpoint in shows my code is being called from the Event Bus. However, if I travel to 70,70,70 the fax-diamond block is not there. (see attached image)


I thought I had to maybe call "Tessellator.instance.draw();" but that gives a me a Exception because I am not tessellating


2012-09-02 22:10:04 [iNFO] [sTDERR] java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not tesselating!

2012-09-02 22:10:04 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at net.minecraft.src.Tessellator.draw(Tessellator.java:165)

2012-09-02 22:10:04 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at leftler.mods.buildViz.client.RenderEventHandler.RenderWorld(RenderEventHandler.java:30)


Adding in a "Tessellator.instance.startDrawingQuads();" gets it to git rid of the error but the block still does not show up in the world.

public void RenderWorld(RenderWorldLastEvent event)
	MinecraftForgeClient.renderBlock(event.context.globalRenderBlocks, Block.blockDiamond, 70, 70, 70);


What is the correct way to manually render a block in the world when that block does not truly "Exist"?


you could create a block with no collision like this

    public AxisAlignedBB getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool(World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4)
        return null;

so it u could just walk thorough it. but im not sure if thats what ur looking for


No, not really, I am making a tool to place preview .schematic files inside minecraft, I want to draw the blocks from the schematics without actually placing the blocks as I want this to happen entirely client side and I do not want the client and server side to get out of sync. I could do your method but that would mean I would need to, at run time, somehow call my own custom getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool instead of the original block's.


My original idea was to make block shaped entities that where not collideable and not affected by gravity but if I can get "MinecraftForgeClient.renderBlock" to work that would be a much better solution.


The big issue is I want this to be compatible with any mods that implement a custom renderer.  So eventually I will need to call the block's renderer, whatever that my be.

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