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I have recently begun to learn Java and am working on a little mod to test my skills. Whilst I probably won't release this mod to anybody within the community, I wish to polish it off completely and see what I can do with it.


Unfortunately, I have encountered a slight hiccup, as my block Mollionite Ore can be mined with any pickaxe.


Here is the class file for you coding experts to take a look at, if you please:


package com.pxlhub.advancedores.blocks;
import java.util.Random;
import com.pxlhub.advancedores.items.ModItems;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
public class MollioniteOre extends Block {

public MollioniteOre() {

setHarvestLevel("pickaxe", 2);


public Item getItemDropped(int metadata, Random random, int fortune) {
return ModItems.mollioniteCrystal;


I'm not sure how that will look on the forum, so if you like PasteBin, click here!


As you can see, I have included the setHarvestLevel (Function is it?), but it can still be mined with any pickaxe and the Mollionite Crystal is still dropped! Is there something key I am missing?


Thanks for the help,



I'm going to be annoying and bump.


If anybody has even the slightest information on how I can get this to function correctly, I would really appreciate it!


If it is of any use to anybody further, I have started to use GitHub to upload my project to when I am done for the evening. If anybody wants to take a look at it, feel free. https://github.com/PXLForce/AdvancedOres!


Material.glass can be harvested without any tool.

There are at least two solutions:

-replace this material with an equivalent material, but with setRequiresTool() in its definition [you can make a new Material, if necessary)

-override Block#canHarvestBlock(EntityPlayer, int) to check the tool level instead


Material.glass can be harvested without any tool.

There are at least two solutions:

-replace this material with an equivalent material, but with setRequiresTool() in its definition [you can make a new Material, if necessary)

-override Block#canHarvestBlock(EntityPlayer, int) to check the tool level instead


I can't believe I didn't think of this!


Thank you very much! I originally set the material to glass as I didn't want it to drop itself when harvested. Since I have now set what the block will drop, I didn't need it there, but didn't realise! I've now changed it back to the rock material and all seems fine.


Thanks! :)

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