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there is an error in you world generation code...

it should be (...).generate(world, rand, randPosX, randPosY, randPosZ)


Excuse me if I'm wrong, but in the images currently posted, I don't see that error anywhere. And if it was there, the OP would be getting a runtime error and the minecraft client wouldn't even run.


the client runs normally but I searched the new ores in the world but they doesn't generate. where I mistake?








You aren't using the x, y, and z values you generated in each for loop.

i.e. you should be calling this:

(new WorldGenMinable(...)).generate(world, random, x, y, z);


But instead you are calling this:

(new WorldGenMinable(...)).generate(world, random, chunkX, chunkY, chunkZ);


Even though these are technically valid coordinates in the world, they are not the coordinates you generated. The reason you can't find any ores is A) they are all spawning in the same area in each chunk, and B) chunkY is set to 0, therefore it is being spawned under bedrock, however, since ores can only be spawned in stone, it just isn't spawning anything. Does that make sense?



I tried (new WorldGenMinable(simonsoresMod.PlatinumOre, 50)).generate(world, random, x, y, z); but it's equal


Could you please post your current code so I can see all of it?




package com.example.simonsores.generation;


import java.util.Random;








import com.example.simonsores.simonsoresMod;


import net.minecraft.block.Block;

import net.minecraft.world.World;

import net.minecraft.world.chunk.IChunkProvider;

import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenMinable;

import cpw.mods.fml.common.IWorldGenerator;


public class SimonGenerator implements IWorldGenerator


private static final int chunkY = 0;


public SimonGenerator() {

// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub




public void generate(Random random, int chunkX, int chunkZ, World world, IChunkProvider chunkGenerator, IChunkProvider chunkProvider)




case -1:

generateInNether(world, random, chunkX * 16, chunkZ * 16);


case 0:

generateInOverworld(world, random, chunkX * 16, chunkZ * 16);


case 1:

generateInEnd(world, random, chunkX * 16, chunkZ * 16);





private void generateInNether(World world, Random random, int chunkX, int chunkZ) {





private void generateInOverworld(World world, Random random, int chunkX, int chunkZ)


for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {

int x = chunkX + random.nextInt(16);

int y = random.nextInt(300);

int z = random.nextInt(16);

(new WorldGenMinable(simonsoresMod.PlatinumOre, 50)).generate(world, random, x, y, z);




for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {

int x = chunkX + random.nextInt(16);

int y = random.nextInt(300);

int z = random.nextInt(16);

(new WorldGenMinable(simonsoresMod.CobaltOre, 20)).generate(world, random, x, y, z);}}



private void generateInEnd(World world, Random random, int chunkX, int chunkZ) {





I tried in this way, did you mean this?


private void generateInOverworld(World world, Random random, int chunkX, int chunkZ)


for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {

int x = chunkX + random.nextInt(16);

int y = random.nextInt(300);

int z = random.nextInt(15);

(new WorldGenMinable(simonsoresMod.PlatinumOre, 50)).generate(world, random, x, y, z);



SimonSlime, I believe what he means is, as you had to do with your X coordinate, you have to add the chunkZ to your Z variable. Does that make sense? I can give a further explanation if you do not understand why, it's important you understand why things work, not just that they do.


diesieben07, is that what you meant?


ok then maybe did you mean this? sorry but it's my first generation  :-\



for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {

int x = chunkX + random.nextInt(16);

int y = random.nextInt(300);

int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);

(new WorldGenMinable(simonsoresMod.PlatinumOre, 50)).generate(world, random, x, y, z);



ok ok I fixed it! the error was in the main.java.


I had written


    GameRegistry.registerWorldGenerator(gen, 1);


and I have changed it with


    GameRegistry.registerWorldGenerator(new SimonGenerator(), 1);


I don't know why I did this stupid mistake but the important thing is that now it works! thank you all! :)


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