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[Solved] [1.7.2] Adding New Drops To Existing Blocks (Sticks From Leaves)

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Hi to pretty much complete the first version of my mod, I require a way to make it so the when the player breaks a leaf block it drops a stick. Everywhere I have looked previously has supplied me with very contrasting information and so I thought I would try here as all the topics I have previously read have been very useful. Any help at all would great, thanks.


You can use the HarvestDropsEvent and check if the block is leaves and then add sticks to the drops list in the event.

Don't PM me with questions. They will be ignored! Make a thread on the appropriate board for support.


1.12 -> 1.13 primer by williewillus.


1.7.10 and older versions of Minecraft are no longer supported due to it's age! Update to the latest version for support.




Hrmmm, I believe I have done it correctly but so far, no sticks have been dropped.


if(event.block == Blocks.leaves || event.block == Blocks.leaves2) {


event.drops.add(new ItemStack(Items.stick, 1));




Thanks, the top section is just for what blocks can be broken by hand.


package com.willr27survivalplus.handler;

import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.init.Items;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeHooks;
import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.PlayerEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.event.world.BlockEvent.HarvestDropsEvent;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent;

public class WSPEventHandler {

public void setBreakableBlocks(PlayerEvent.BreakSpeed event) {

	ItemStack item = event.entityPlayer.getCurrentEquippedItem();

	if(item == null && event.block == Blocks.bed
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.brown_mushroom_block
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.cactus
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.cake
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.carpet
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.carrots
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.clay
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.cocoa
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.dirt
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.flower_pot
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.grass
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.gravel
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.nether_wart
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.potatoes
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.red_mushroom_block
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.redstone_torch
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.reeds
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.sand
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.sapling
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.skull
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.snow
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.snow_layer
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.standing_sign
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.tnt
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.torch
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.tripwire
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.unlit_redstone_torch
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.vine
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.wall_sign
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.waterlily
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.web
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.wheat
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.wool
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.brown_mushroom
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.deadbush
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.double_plant
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.fire
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.grass
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.leaves
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.leaves2
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.mycelium
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.red_flower
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.red_mushroom
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.redstone_wire
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.tallgrass
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.tripwire_hook
	|| item == null && event.block == Blocks.yellow_flower

	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.bed
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.brown_mushroom_block
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.cactus
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.cake
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.carpet
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.carrots
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.clay
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.cocoa
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.dirt
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.flower_pot
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.grass
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.gravel
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.nether_wart
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.potatoes
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.red_mushroom_block
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.redstone_torch
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.reeds
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.sand
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.sapling
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.skull
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.snow
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.snow_layer
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.standing_sign
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.tnt
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.torch
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.tripwire
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.unlit_redstone_torch
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.vine
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.wall_sign
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.waterlily
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.web
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.wheat
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.wool
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.brown_mushroom
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.deadbush
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.double_plant
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.fire
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.grass
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.leaves
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.leaves2
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.mycelium
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.red_flower
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.red_mushroom
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.redstone_wire
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.tallgrass
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.tripwire_hook
	|| item != null && event.block == Blocks.yellow_flower) {


	} else if(item == null || !ForgeHooks.isToolEffective(item, event.block, event.metadata)){




public void checkDrops(HarvestDropsEvent event) {

	if(event.block == Blocks.leaves || event.block == Blocks.leaves2) {

		event.drops.add(new ItemStack(Items.stick, 1));





I registered it like so:


public void Init(FMLInitializationEvent Event) {

	FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus().register(new CraftingHandler());
	MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new WSPEventHandler());	




Don't know the cause, but I usually put my events in PreInit (see if that makes a difference - in fact, I never use Init, only PreInit for everything).


Another thing:

- Try adding System.out.println methods around that event and see if it's actually being called. It could be side issues.



I think I may have found your issue.

HarvestDropsEvent is only called when an item is "dropped" from your block (in this case: saplings or apples).

Since leaves only drop those items in a low chance, it will only drop your item (which is a stick) if it drops a sapling or apple of itself.


To fix this issue you should not use HarvestDropsEvent and use BreakEvent, I think you can figure which "BreakEvent" to use.

(lazy:  BlockEvent.BreakEvent)


I changed it to this:


public void checkDrops(BlockEvent.BreakEvent event) {

	if(event.block == Blocks.leaves || event.block == Blocks.leaves2) {





However, now I am unsure on setting the drop as it has changed, sorry if I am overlooking something simple.


for the top section i would recommend making an arraylist of blocks you can still break as a field, something like:


ArrayList<Block> blocklist = new ArrayList<Block>(Arrays.asList(new Block[]{Blocks.bed, Blocks.brown_mushroom_block, etc...}));


this way you can use blocklist.contains(event.block)


your code would then look something like this:


ArrayList<Block> blocklist = new ArrayList<Block>(Arrays.asList(new Block[]{Blocks.bed, Blocks.brown_mushroom_block, etc...}));

public void setBreakableBlocks(PlayerEvent.BreakSpeed event) {

	ItemStack item = event.entityPlayer.getCurrentEquippedItem();

	if(blocklist.contains(event.block) {


	} else if(item == null || !ForgeHooks.isToolEffective(item, event.block, event.metadata)){





but it's up to you if you use it or not ;)

I made the Mob Particles mod, you can check it out here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2709242-172-forge-mob-particles/


Can't you still use the HarvestDropsEvent and set the dropChance to 1.0f? By lokking at this line:

 public float dropChance; // Change to e.g. 1.0f, if you manipulate the list and want to guarantee it always drops

it should actually work.

Don't PM me with questions. They will be ignored! Make a thread on the appropriate board for support.


1.12 -> 1.13 primer by williewillus.


1.7.10 and older versions of Minecraft are no longer supported due to it's age! Update to the latest version for support.



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