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[1.7.2] Inherited Abstract, getBlockBrightness, setLightValue, etc :(


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Okay, this is just a Java thing, not really specific to modding.  You probably need to learn more about Java.  But here is an explanation.


You have extended BlockContainer class which (if you look at the source for that class) implements the interface ITileEntityProvider.  But BlockContainer doesn't fully implement that interface, which means that BlockContainer has to be declared as "abstract".  Therefore it is up to your class to finish the implementation of the interface.


What you need to do is to follow Eclipse's suggested fix -- if you hover over the red-underlined error part of your code Eclipse will usually suggest a fix.  In this case it should suggest to add the unimplemented methods to your class.  When you do that several methods will be added to the end of your class code, but the bodies of these methods will be empty (except a comment marking these as TODO).


You then need to look at each method and put in your code that is relevant to your class.


In this case, the only method that needs to be implemented is the createNewTileEntity() method.  So of course in that method you should create and return the tile entity that is appropriate to your container.


Hope that makes some sense...

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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Just to clarify you dont create the tile in that method the tile needs to be its own separate class that extends TileEntity. In that class you simply have to return a new instance of your tile entity e.g.

public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World var1, int var2)
return new TileEntityCampfireLog();

looking at your code it looks like you are missing a variable in your createNewTileEntity method.


Whenever you override a method you should add the @Override annotation as shown in example above that will give an error if you do something wrong such as miss a variable. 

I am the author of Draconic Evolution

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