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Hi, I have been messing around with mobs and I have a mob that stands and walks on two legs when f3 (the head rotation yaw parameter) is greater than or equal to zero or when f4 (the rotation pitch parameter) is also greater than or equal to 0. It makes the mob wander around on all fours most of the time and on occasion it will walk on two legs. There is a quirk however, it will randomly stand up and sit down rapidly here n there. To accomplish this I use the .addChild method and have constructed my model so that the head is stationary and gets translated downward by the appropriate amount when the rest of the model is rotated 90 degrees to obtain the walking on all fours animation but the rest of the time it walks on two legs.



[my setRotationAngles code]

public void setRotationAngles(float rotationTime, float legRotationAmplitude, float noIdeaWhatThisDoesOrIsUsedFor, float rotationYaw, float rotationPitch, float scale, Entity entity)
    super.setRotationAngles(rotationTime, legRotationAmplitude, noIdeaWhatThisDoesOrIsUsedFor, rotationYaw, rotationPitch, scale, entity);
    //Head Animation
  HeadMain.rotateAngleX = (float) (rotationPitch / 57.29578F);
  HeadMain.rotateAngleY = (float) (rotationYaw / 57.29578F);
      RotationSet legL = new RotationSet(Arrays.asList(LegLMain));
  RotationSet legR = new RotationSet(Arrays.asList(LegRMain));
  RotationSet ArmL = new RotationSet(Arrays.asList(ArmLMain));
  RotationSet ArmR = new RotationSet(Arrays.asList(ArmRMain));
  RotationSet Tail = new RotationSet(Arrays.asList(TailMain));

  float RotateArmLX = MathHelper.cos(rotationTime * 0.6662F + (float)Math.PI) * legRotationAmplitude;
  float RotateArmLY = MathHelper.cos(rotationTime * 0.6662F + (float)Math.PI) * legRotationAmplitude;
  float RotateArmLZ = MathHelper.cos(rotationTime * 0.6662F + (float)Math.PI) * legRotationAmplitude;
  float RotateArmRX = MathHelper.cos(rotationTime * 0.6662F) * legRotationAmplitude;
  float RotateArmRY = MathHelper.cos(rotationTime * 0.6662F) * legRotationAmplitude;
  float RotateArmRZ = MathHelper.cos(rotationTime * 0.6662F) * legRotationAmplitude;
  float RotatelegLX = MathHelper.cos(rotationTime * 0.6662F) * legRotationAmplitude;
  float RotatelegLY = MathHelper.cos(rotationTime * 0.6662F) * legRotationAmplitude;
  float RotatelegLZ = MathHelper.cos(rotationTime * 0.6662F) * legRotationAmplitude;
  float RotatelegRX = MathHelper.cos(rotationTime * 0.6662F + (float)Math.PI) * legRotationAmplitude;
  float RotatelegRY = MathHelper.cos(rotationTime * 0.6662F + (float)Math.PI) * legRotationAmplitude;
  float RotatelegRZ = MathHelper.cos(rotationTime * 0.6662F + (float)Math.PI) * legRotationAmplitude;
  float RotateTailX = MathHelper.cos(rotationTime * 0.32F + (float)Math.PI) * legRotationAmplitude *2;
  float RotateTailY = MathHelper.cos(rotationTime * 0.32F + (float)Math.PI) * legRotationAmplitude *2;
  float RotateTailZ = (float) (MathHelper.sin(rotationTime * 0.32F + (float)Math.PI) * legRotationAmplitude *2.2);
  	legL.doRotation(RotatelegLX, 0, 0);
	//legL.doRotation(0, RotatelegLY, 0);
	//legL.doRotation(0, 0, RotatelegLZ);

	 legR.doRotation(RotatelegRX, 0, 0);
   // legR.doRotation(0, RotatelegRY, 0);
	//legR.doRotation(0, 0, RotatelegRZ);

	// ArmL.doRotation(RotateArmLX, 0,0 );
	// ArmL.doRotation(0,RotateArmLY, 0);
	ArmL.doRotation(0, 0, RotateArmLZ);

	// ArmR.doRotation(RotateArmRX, 0,0 );
	// ArmR.doRotation(0,RotateArmRY, 0);
	ArmR.doRotation(0, 0, RotateArmRZ);

	// Tail.doRotation(RotateTailX, 0,0 );
	// Tail.doRotation(0,RotateTailY, 0);
	Tail.doRotation(0, 0, RotateTailZ);

	if (rotationYaw >= 0F || rotationPitch >= 0) {
		// running on all fours
		ModifiedModelRenderer renderMob = this.MobModel;
		renderMob.rotateAngleX = ((float) (renderMob.rotateAngleZ + (float) (90 * Math.PI / 180)));

		ModifiedModelRenderer renderArmL = this.ArmLMain;
		renderArmL.rotateAngleX = ((float) (renderArmL.rotateAngleX - (60 * Math.PI / 180)));
		renderArmL.rotateAngleY = ((float) (renderArmL.rotateAngleY - (30 * Math.PI / 180)));

		ModifiedModelRenderer renderArmR = this.ArmRMain;
		renderArmR.rotateAngleX = ((float) (renderArmR.rotateAngleX - (60 * Math.PI / 180)));
		renderArmR.rotateAngleY = ((float) (renderArmR.rotateAngleY - (-30* Math.PI / 180)));

		ModifiedModelRenderer renderLegL = this.LegLMain;
		renderLegL.rotateAngleX = ((float) (renderLegL.rotateAngleX - (60 * Math.PI / 180)));

		ModifiedModelRenderer renderLegR = this.LegRMain;
		renderLegR.rotateAngleX = ((float) (renderLegR.rotateAngleX - (60 * Math.PI / 180)));

		ModifiedModelRenderer renderTail = this.TailMain;
		renderTail.rotateAngleX = ((float) (renderTail.rotateAngleX - (90 * Math.PI / 180)));


	else {

		// walking on Two Legs
		ModifiedModelRenderer renderMob = this.MobModel;
		renderMob.rotateAngleX = ((float) (renderMob.rotateAngleZ));

		ModifiedModelRenderer renderArmL = this.ArmLMain;
		renderArmL.rotateAngleX = ((float) (renderArmL.rotateAngleX));
		renderArmL.rotateAngleY = ((float) (renderArmL.rotateAngleY));

		ModifiedModelRenderer renderArmR = this.ArmRMain;
		renderArmR.rotateAngleX = ((float) (renderArmR.rotateAngleX));
		renderArmR.rotateAngleY = ((float) (renderArmR.rotateAngleY));

		ModifiedModelRenderer renderLegL = this.LegLMain;
		renderLegL.rotateAngleX = ((float) (renderLegL.rotateAngleX));

		ModifiedModelRenderer renderLegR = this.LegRMain;
		renderLegR.rotateAngleX = ((float) (renderLegR.rotateAngleX));


	if (rotationYaw >=0.0F) //spins the ears like a helicopter dick I want to implement a twitch here
    // ModifiedModelRenderer renderEarR = this.EarR;
  //   renderEarR.rotateAngleZ = ((float)(renderEarR.rotateAngleZ - (0.25D * MathHelper.cos(rotationYaw / 8.0F) + 0.5D)));
     //   ModifiedModelRenderer renderEarL = this.EarL; 
     //   renderEarL.rotateAngleZ = ((float)(renderEarL.rotateAngleZ + (0.5D * MathHelper.sin(rotationYaw / 8.0F) + 0.5D)));




I was wondering two things,


1) how are the parameters f3 and f4 actually being called/created in minecraft (I am having trouble understanding how animations can be called or how these parameters are created) All I understand is that they are related to the pitch and yaw of the models head. where the head can be animated using


 //Head Animation
  HeadMain.rotateAngleX = (float) (rotationPitch / 57.29578F);
  HeadMain.rotateAngleY = (float) (rotationYaw / 57.29578F);

as such I see that they are angles but how are they being called when the entity moves


2) how would I increase the wander frequency of a mob (ie get it to wander around more often and for longer distances)


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