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Can someone just look over and error check my inventory utils class (feel free to use it yourself)?  Thanks for any feed back!




package Technomage3.Core.Utils;

import java.util.Iterator;

import Technomage3.Core.Utils.InventoryUtils.Inventory;
import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;

public class InventoryUtils {

public static class Inventory implements Iterable<ItemStack> {

	private IInventory inv;

	public Inventory(IInventory i){
		inv = i;

	public Iterator<ItemStack> iterator() {
		return new InventoryIterator();

	public InventoryIterator inventoryIterator() {
		return new InventoryIterator();

	public boolean containsStack(ItemStack stack){

		for(ItemStack s : this){

			if(ItemStack.areItemStacksEqual(stack, s))
				return true;

		return false;

	public boolean containsAll(Iterable<ItemStack> inv){

		for(ItemStack s : inv){

				return false;

		return true;

	public boolean removeStack(ItemStack s){

			return false;

		InventoryIterator itr = this.inventoryIterator();


				return true;


		return true;
	 * @param stack2 the stack to try to remove
	 * @return the amount that was actually removed

	public ItemStack removeByItem(ItemStack stack2){

		ItemStack toTake = stack2.copy();

		for(ItemStack s : this){
			int b = toTake.stackSize;
			toTake = takeStack(toTake, s);

		return new ItemStack(toTake.itemID, toTake.getItemDamage(), stack2.stackSize - toTake.stackSize);

	public boolean canRemoveAll(ItemStack stack2) {

		ItemStack stack = stack2.copy();

		for(ItemStack s : this){
			stack = takeStackNoMod(stack, s);

			if(stack.stackSize <= 0 || stack == null)

		return stack.stackSize <= 0 || stack == null;

	 * removes either the entire stack or nothing from the inventory
	 * @param stack
	 * @return whether the stack was added
	public boolean removeIffCan(ItemStack stack){

			return true;
		} else
			return false;


	public boolean canAdd(ItemStack stack2) {

		ItemStack stack = stack2.copy();

		InventoryIterator itr = this.inventoryIterator();


			ItemStack i = itr.get();

			if(i == null){
				return true;
			} else
				stack = mergeStacksNoMod(stack, i);

			if(stack == null || stack.stackSize == 0)
				return true;

		return stack == null || stack.stackSize == 0;

	public ItemStack add(ItemStack stack){

		InventoryIterator itr = this.inventoryIterator();


			ItemStack i = itr.get();

			if(i == null){
				return null;
			} else
				stack = mergeStacks(stack, i);


			if(stack == null || stack.stackSize == 0)
				return stack;

		return stack;

	 * adds either the entire stack or nothing into the inventory
	 * @param stack
	 * @return whether the stack was added
	public boolean addIffCan(ItemStack stack){

			return true;
		} else
			return false;


	public boolean contains(ItemStack stack){

		ItemStack s = stack.copy();

		for(ItemStack i : this){

			if(areStacksCompatible(i, s)){
				s.stackSize -= i.stackSize;


		return s.stackSize <= 0;

	 * @param s the stack to search for
	 * @return the amount of room for s's items in the inventory
	public int getRoom(ItemStack s){

		int room = 0;

		for(ItemStack i : this){

			if(i == null){

				room += 64;

			} else if(areStacksCompatible(s, i)){
				room += i.getMaxStackSize() - i.stackSize;

		return room;

	 * @param s the stack to search for
	 * @return the amount of s's items in the inventory
	public int getAmount(ItemStack s){

		int have = 0;

		for(ItemStack i : this){

			if(i != null && areStacksCompatible(s, i)){
				have += i.stackSize;

		return have;


	public class InventoryIterator implements Iterator<ItemStack> {

		private int pos;

		public boolean hasNext() {
			return pos < inv.getSizeInventory() - 1;

		public ItemStack next() {
			return inv.getStackInSlot(++pos);

		public ItemStack previous() {
			return inv.getStackInSlot(--pos);

		public void remove() {
			inv.setInventorySlotContents(pos, null);


		public void set(ItemStack stack){
			inv.setInventorySlotContents(pos, stack);

		public ItemStack get(){
			return inv.getStackInSlot(pos);

		public int getSlot(){
			return pos;



public static Inventory getInventory(IInventory i){
	return new Inventory(i);

 * Merges s2 into s1, and returns the extra of s2
 * @param s1
 * @param s2
 * @return the extra of s2
public static ItemStack mergeStacks(ItemStack s1, ItemStack s2) {

	if(areStacksCompatible(s1, s2))
		return s2;

	int room = Math.min(s1.getMaxStackSize() - s1.stackSize, s2.stackSize);

	if(room <= 0)
		return s2;

	s1.stackSize += room;
	s2.stackSize -= room;

	if(s2.stackSize == 0)
		return null;
		return s2;


 * Simulates mergeing s2 into s1, and returns the extra of s2
 * @param s1
 * @param s2
 * @return the extra of s2
private static ItemStack mergeStacksNoMod(ItemStack s1, ItemStack s2) {

	if(areStacksCompatible(s1, s2))
		return s2;

	int room = Math.min(s1.getMaxStackSize() - s1.stackSize, s2.stackSize);

	if(room <= 0)
		return s2;

	s2.stackSize -= room;

	if(s2.stackSize == 0)
		return null;
		return s2;


 * @param toTake the goal amount to take
 * @param from the stack to take from
 * @return what still has to be taken (the remainder of toTake)
public static ItemStack takeStack(ItemStack toTake, ItemStack from){

	if(!areStacksCompatible(toTake, from))
		return toTake;

	int take = Math.min(from.stackSize, toTake.getMaxStackSize() - toTake.stackSize);

	toTake.stackSize -= take;
	from.stackSize -= take;

	return toTake;

 * @param toTake the goal amount to take
 * @param from the stack to take from
 * @return what still has to be taken (the remainder of toTake)
private static ItemStack takeStackNoMod(ItemStack toTake, ItemStack from){

	if(!areStacksCompatible(toTake, from))
		return toTake;

	int take = Math.min(from.stackSize, toTake.getMaxStackSize() - toTake.stackSize);

	toTake.stackSize -= take;

	return toTake;

public static boolean areStacksCompatible(ItemStack s1, ItemStack s2){

	return s1.itemID == s2.itemID && s1.getItemDamage() == s2.getItemDamage();


 * transfers as much as possible of goal from pullFrom into pushTo
 * @param pushTo the inventory to push items to
 * @param stack the stack to try to transfer
 * @param pullFrom the inventory to take items from
public static void transferStack(Inventory pushTo, ItemStack goal,
		Inventory pullFrom) {

	int toTransfer = Math.min(goal.stackSize, Math.min(pushTo.getRoom(goal), pullFrom.getAmount(goal)));

	pushTo.add(pullFrom.removeByItem(new ItemStack(goal.itemID, goal.getItemDamage(), toTransfer)));





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