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[1.7.2] Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?


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I keep getting these errors but can't figure out why. They don't happen when a specific event takes place, well not that I know of, so I can't figure out the cause.


[19:08:29] [server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 14900ms behind, skipping 298 tick(s)

[19:08:41] [server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 2154ms behind, skipping 43 tick(s)

[19:08:59] [server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 2479ms behind, skipping 49 tick(s)

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I am using packets yes. I am not sure what could be causing it because I am not too familiar with packets as I am newish to modding. These are all the packet classes, which work, but I am not familiar with how they work so I can't seem to figure out why they are causing this error, if they are.




package com.blocklings.network;


import java.io.IOException;


import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP;

import net.minecraft.network.NetHandlerPlayServer;


import com.blocklings.main.Blocklings;


import cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent;

import cpw.mods.fml.common.network.FMLNetworkEvent.ServerCustomPacketEvent;


public class ServerPacketHandler {


protected String channelName;

protected EntityPlayerMP thePlayer;



public void onServerPacket(ServerCustomPacketEvent event) throws IOException {


channelName = event.packet.channel();


NetHandlerPlayServer theNetHandlerPlayServer = (NetHandlerPlayServer) event.handler;

thePlayer = theNetHandlerPlayServer.playerEntity;


if (channelName.equals(Blocklings.networkChannelName)) {


ProcessPacketServerSide.processPacketOnServer(event.packet.payload(),event.packet.getTarget(), thePlayer);











package com.blocklings.network;


import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;

import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufInputStream;


import java.io.IOException;


import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP;


import com.blocklings.main.Blocklings;


import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;


public class ProcessPacketServerSide {


public ProcessPacketServerSide() {




public static void processPacketOnServer(ByteBuf parBB, Side parSide, EntityPlayerMP parPlayer) throws IOException {


if (parSide == Side.SERVER)



System.out.println("Received Packet on Server Side from Player = " + parPlayer.getEntityId());


ByteBufInputStream bbis = new ByteBufInputStream(parBB);


int packetTypeID = bbis.readInt();


System.out.println("Packet type ID = " + packetTypeID);


switch (packetTypeID) {


case Blocklings.PACKET_TYPE_C2S_TEST: {


int testVal = bbis.readInt();

















package com.blocklings.network;


import java.io.IOException;


import com.blocklings.main.Blocklings;


import cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent;

import cpw.mods.fml.common.network.FMLNetworkEvent.ClientCustomPacketEvent;


public class ClientPacketHandler extends ServerPacketHandler {



public void onClientPacket(ClientCustomPacketEvent event) throws IOException {


channelName = event.packet.channel();


if (channelName.equals(Blocklings.networkChannelName)) {


ProcessPacketClientSide.processPacketOnClient(event.packet.payload(), event.packet.getTarget());










package com.blocklings.network;


import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;

import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufInputStream;


import java.io.IOException;


import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;

import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;

import net.minecraft.world.World;


import com.blocklings.entity.EntityBlockling;

import com.blocklings.main.Blocklings;


import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;

import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;


public class ProcessPacketClientSide {


public ProcessPacketClientSide() {





public static void processPacketOnClient(ByteBuf parBB, Side parSide) throws IOException {


if (parSide == Side.CLIENT) {


World theWorld = Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld;

ByteBufInputStream bbis = new ByteBufInputStream(parBB);


int packetTypeID = bbis.readInt();


switch (packetTypeID) {




int entityID = bbis.readInt();


Entity foundEntity = getEntityByID(entityID, theWorld);


if (foundEntity != null) {


} else {






if (foundEntity instanceof EntityBlockling) {


EntityBlockling blockling = (EntityBlockling) foundEntity;






















public static Entity getEntityByID(int entityID, World world) {


for (Object o : world.getLoadedEntityList()) {


if (((Entity) o).getEntityId() == entityID) {


return ((Entity) o);





return null;









package com.blocklings.network;


import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufOutputStream;

import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled;


import java.io.IOException;


import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;


import com.blocklings.entity.EntityBlockling;

import com.blocklings.main.Blocklings;


import cpw.mods.fml.common.network.internal.FMLProxyPacket;


public class CreatePacketServerSide {


public CreatePacketServerSide() {




public static FMLProxyPacket createEntityPacket(Entity parEntity) throws IOException {


ByteBufOutputStream bbos = new ByteBufOutputStream(Unpooled.buffer());






if (parEntity instanceof EntityBlockling) {


EntityBlockling blockling = (EntityBlockling) parEntity;










FMLProxyPacket thePacket = new FMLProxyPacket(bbos.buffer(), Blocklings.networkChannelName);




return thePacket;



public static void sendToAll(FMLProxyPacket parPacket) {






public static void sendS2CEntitySync(Entity parEntity) {


try {




} catch (IOException e) {









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Here is what comes up when the lag spikes occur:


[09:50:25] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World.tick.entities.regular.tick.ai.newAi' took aprox 2297.20861 ms

[09:50:25] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World.tick.entities.regular.tick.ai' took aprox 2297.396424 ms

[09:50:25] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World.tick.entities.regular.tick' took aprox 2297.491871 ms

[09:50:25] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World.tick.entities.regular' took aprox 2308.833617 ms

[09:50:25] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World.tick.entities' took aprox 2308.994747 ms

[09:50:25] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World.tick' took aprox 2312.519436 ms

[09:50:25] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World' took aprox 2312.805776 ms

[09:50:25] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels' took aprox 2313.091774 ms


I am not entirely sure though what the source of this would be, but I am assuming my packets perhaps.

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I assume Blocklings use the new AI?


How many Blocklings are you loading, what is their detection/pathfinding range, and is there anything else about them that might cause the behaviour of the new AI to take up a large amount of resources?

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I am not too sure if there is anything wrong with it:




this.tasks.addTask(1, new EntityAISwimming(this));

this.tasks.addTask(2, this.aiSit);

this.tasks.addTask(3, new EntityAIAttackOnCollide(this, 1.0D, false));

this.tasks.addTask(4, new EntityAIFollowOwner(this, 1.0D, 12.0F, 1.0F));

this.tasks.addTask(5, new EntityAIWander(this, 1.0D));

this.tasks.addTask(6, new EntityAIWatchClosest(this, EntityPlayer.class, 8.0F));

this.tasks.addTask(6, new EntityAILookIdle(this));

this.targetTasks.addTask(1, new EntityAIHurtByTarget(this, true));

this.targetTasks.addTask(2, new EntityAIOwnerHurtByTarget(this));

this.targetTasks.addTask(3, new EntityAIOwnerHurtTarget(this));



Also some more errors started cropping up that you may find useful:



[10:49:39] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World.tick.entities.regular' took aprox 1733.634726 ms

[10:49:39] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World.tick.entities' took aprox 1733.80612 ms

[10:49:39] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World.tick' took aprox 1734.82764 ms

[10:49:39] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World' took aprox 1735.154349 ms

[10:49:39] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels' took aprox 1735.311032 ms

[10:49:39] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root' took aprox 1735.547425 ms

[10:49:43] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.connection.entityBaseTick' took aprox 2239.146521 ms

[10:49:43] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.connection' took aprox 2239.534466 ms

[10:49:43] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root' took aprox 2247.847915 ms

[10:49:43] [server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 2249ms behind, skipping 44 tick(s)

[10:49:45] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World.tick.entities.regular.tick.ai.newAi' took aprox 1787.395209 ms

[10:49:45] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World.tick.entities.regular.tick.ai' took aprox 1802.375907 ms

[10:49:45] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World.tick.entities.regular.tick' took aprox 1802.500432 ms

[10:49:45] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World.tick.entities.regular' took aprox 1831.465963 ms

[10:49:45] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World.tick.entities' took aprox 1831.63291 ms

[10:49:45] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World.tick' took aprox 1834.835337 ms

[10:49:45] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World' took aprox 1835.136046 ms

[10:49:45] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels' took aprox 1835.307439 ms

[10:49:45] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root' took aprox 1835.474728 ms

[10:49:49] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World.tick.tickBlocks' took aprox 2075.184351 ms

[10:49:49] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World.tick' took aprox 2085.748496 ms

[10:49:49] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World' took aprox 2086.254467 ms

[10:49:49] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels' took aprox 2086.439887 ms

[10:49:49] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root' took aprox 2086.528491 ms

[10:49:51] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World.tick.entities.regular.tick.ai.newAi.navigation' took aprox 1795.846184 ms

[10:49:51] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World.tick.entities.regular.tick.ai.newAi' took aprox 1813.656757 ms

[10:49:51] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World.tick.entities.regular.tick.ai' took aprox 1813.704994 ms

[10:49:51] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World.tick.entities.regular.tick' took aprox 1813.794283 ms

[10:49:51] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World.tick.entities.regular' took aprox 1834.972179 ms

[10:49:51] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World.tick.entities' took aprox 1835.252019 ms

[10:49:51] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World.tick' took aprox 1838.506446 ms

[10:49:51] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World' took aprox 1838.909786 ms

[10:49:51] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels' took aprox 1839.1171 ms

[10:49:51] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root' took aprox 1839.318257 ms

[10:49:54] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World.tick.entities.regular.tick' took aprox 2127.64279 ms

[10:49:54] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World.tick.entities.regular' took aprox 2138.937667 ms

[10:49:54] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World.tick.entities' took aprox 2139.105982 ms

[10:49:54] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World.tick' took aprox 2142.223568 ms

[10:49:54] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New World' took aprox 2142.512987 ms

[10:49:54] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels' took aprox 2142.67446 ms

[10:49:54] [server thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root' took aprox 2142.875959 ms


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I overwrite quite a lot of methods, plus the class is pretty big because they have a built in xp and levelling system.




package com.blocklings.entity;


import java.util.List;

import java.util.Random;


import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;

import net.minecraft.entity.EntityAgeable;

import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase;

import net.minecraft.entity.SharedMonsterAttributes;

import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAIAttackOnCollide;

import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAIBeg;

import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAIFollowOwner;

import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAIHurtByTarget;

import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAILeapAtTarget;

import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAILookIdle;

import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAIMate;

import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAINearestAttackableTarget;

import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAIOwnerHurtByTarget;

import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAIOwnerHurtTarget;

import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAISwimming;

import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAITarget;

import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAITargetNonTamed;

import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAIWander;

import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAIWatchClosest;

import net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntityMob;

import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntitySheep;

import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityTameable;

import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;

import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;

import net.minecraft.item.Item;

import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;

import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;

import net.minecraft.pathfinding.PathEntity;

import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB;

import net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentText;

import net.minecraft.util.DamageSource;

import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper;

import net.minecraft.world.World;


import com.blocklings.main.Blocklings;

import com.blocklings.network.CreatePacketServerSide;


import cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler;


public class EntityBlockling extends EntityTameable {


public int xp;

public int level;

public int requiredXP;

public double maxHealth;

public double attackDamage;


public int currentUpgradeTier;


public float hitbox;


public float attackTimer;


public int i;


public EntityBlockling(World world) {




this.xp = 0;

this.level = 1;

this.requiredXP = 250;

this.maxHealth = 4.0D;

this.attackDamage = 1.0D;


this.currentUpgradeTier = 1;


this.hitbox = 1.0F;


this.i = 0;


this.setSize(hitbox, hitbox);



this.tasks.addTask(1, new EntityAISwimming(this));

        this.tasks.addTask(2, this.aiSit);

        this.tasks.addTask(3, new EntityAIAttackOnCollide(this, 1.0D, false));

        this.tasks.addTask(4, new EntityAIFollowOwner(this, 1.0D, 12.0F, 1.0F));

        this.tasks.addTask(5, new EntityAIWander(this, 1.0D));

        this.tasks.addTask(6, new EntityAIWatchClosest(this, EntityPlayer.class, 8.0F));

        this.tasks.addTask(6, new EntityAILookIdle(this));

        this.targetTasks.addTask(1, new EntityAIHurtByTarget(this, true));

        this.targetTasks.addTask(2, new EntityAIOwnerHurtByTarget(this));

        this.targetTasks.addTask(3, new EntityAIOwnerHurtTarget(this));







protected void applyEntityAttributes() {


this.maxHealth = 4.0D;

this.attackDamage = 1.0D;











public boolean getCanSpawnHere() {


int i = MathHelper.floor_double(this.posX);

        int j = MathHelper.floor_double(this.boundingBox.minY);

        int k = MathHelper.floor_double(this.posZ);


        int l = this.worldObj.getFullBlockLightValue(i, j, k);

        boolean s = this.worldObj.canBlockSeeTheSky(i, j, k);

        boolean b = this.worldObj.getBlock(i, j - 1, k) == Blocks.grass;


        List list = worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABB(Entity.class, AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox(posX, posY, posZ, posX + 1, posY + 1, posZ + 1).expand(16D, 512D, 16D));


    return list.size() < 5 && l > 8 && b && s;




public boolean interact(EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer)


        ItemStack itemstack = par1EntityPlayer.inventory.getCurrentItem();


        if(par1EntityPlayer.getCommandSenderName().equalsIgnoreCase(this.getOwnerName()) && !this.worldObj.isRemote && par1EntityPlayer.isSneaking() && itemstack == null) {


        FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().ingameGUI.getChatGUI().printChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(

        "XP: " + this.xp + "/" + this.requiredXP + " | " +

        "Level: " + this.level));

        FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().ingameGUI.getChatGUI().printChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(

        "Health: " + (int)this.getHealth() + "/" + (int)this.maxHealth + " | " +

        "Attack Damage: " + (int)this.attackDamage));




        if(par1EntityPlayer.getCommandSenderName().equalsIgnoreCase(this.getOwnerName()) && itemstack != null && itemstack.getItem() == Blocklings.itemWoodenUpgrade && this.currentUpgradeTier == 1 && this.level >= 2 && !this.worldObj.isRemote && par1EntityPlayer.isSneaking()) {


        this.currentUpgradeTier = 2;




        this.heal((float)maxHealth - this.getHealth());


        if (!par1EntityPlayer.capabilities.isCreativeMode) {






            if (itemstack.stackSize <= 0) {


                par1EntityPlayer.inventory.setInventorySlotContents(par1EntityPlayer.inventory.currentItem, (ItemStack)null);


                FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().ingameGUI.getChatGUI().printChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(

            "Wooden Upgrade Applied"));




            if (!worldObj.isRemote) {








        if(par1EntityPlayer.getCommandSenderName().equalsIgnoreCase(this.getOwnerName()) && itemstack != null && itemstack.getItem() == Blocklings.itemCobblestoneUpgrade && this.currentUpgradeTier == 2 && this.level >= 3 && !this.worldObj.isRemote && par1EntityPlayer.isSneaking()) {


        this.currentUpgradeTier = 3;




        this.heal((float)maxHealth - this.getHealth());


        if (!par1EntityPlayer.capabilities.isCreativeMode) {






            if (itemstack.stackSize <= 0) {


                par1EntityPlayer.inventory.setInventorySlotContents(par1EntityPlayer.inventory.currentItem, (ItemStack)null);


                FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().ingameGUI.getChatGUI().printChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(

            "Cobblestone Upgrade Applied"));




            if (!worldObj.isRemote) {








        if(par1EntityPlayer.getCommandSenderName().equalsIgnoreCase(this.getOwnerName()) && itemstack != null && itemstack.getItem() == Blocklings.itemStoneUpgrade && this.currentUpgradeTier == 3 && this.level >= 4 && !this.worldObj.isRemote && par1EntityPlayer.isSneaking()) {


        this.currentUpgradeTier = 4;




        this.heal((float)maxHealth - this.getHealth());


        if (!par1EntityPlayer.capabilities.isCreativeMode) {






            if (itemstack.stackSize <= 0) {


                par1EntityPlayer.inventory.setInventorySlotContents(par1EntityPlayer.inventory.currentItem, (ItemStack)null);


                FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().ingameGUI.getChatGUI().printChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(

            "Stone Upgrade Applied"));




            if (!worldObj.isRemote) {








if(par1EntityPlayer.getCommandSenderName().equalsIgnoreCase(this.getOwnerName()) && itemstack != null && itemstack.getItem() == Blocklings.itemIronUpgrade && this.currentUpgradeTier == 4 && this.level >= 5 && !this.worldObj.isRemote && par1EntityPlayer.isSneaking()) {


this.currentUpgradeTier = 5;




this.heal((float)maxHealth - this.getHealth());


if (!par1EntityPlayer.capabilities.isCreativeMode) {






    if (itemstack.stackSize <= 0) {


        par1EntityPlayer.inventory.setInventorySlotContents(par1EntityPlayer.inventory.currentItem, (ItemStack)null);


        FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().ingameGUI.getChatGUI().printChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(

    "Iron Upgrade Applied"));




    if (!worldObj.isRemote) {








if(par1EntityPlayer.getCommandSenderName().equalsIgnoreCase(this.getOwnerName()) && itemstack != null && itemstack.getItem() == Blocklings.itemLapisLazuliUpgrade && this.currentUpgradeTier == 5 && this.level >= 6 && !this.worldObj.isRemote && par1EntityPlayer.isSneaking()) {


this.currentUpgradeTier = 6;




this.heal((float)maxHealth - this.getHealth());


if (!par1EntityPlayer.capabilities.isCreativeMode) {






    if (itemstack.stackSize <= 0) {


        par1EntityPlayer.inventory.setInventorySlotContents(par1EntityPlayer.inventory.currentItem, (ItemStack)null);


        FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().ingameGUI.getChatGUI().printChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(

    "Lapis Lazuli Upgrade Applied"));




    if (!worldObj.isRemote) {








if(par1EntityPlayer.getCommandSenderName().equalsIgnoreCase(this.getOwnerName()) && itemstack != null && itemstack.getItem() == Blocklings.itemGoldUpgrade && this.currentUpgradeTier == 6 && this.level >= 7 && !this.worldObj.isRemote && par1EntityPlayer.isSneaking()) {


this.currentUpgradeTier = 7;




this.heal((float)maxHealth - this.getHealth());


if (!par1EntityPlayer.capabilities.isCreativeMode) {






    if (itemstack.stackSize <= 0) {


        par1EntityPlayer.inventory.setInventorySlotContents(par1EntityPlayer.inventory.currentItem, (ItemStack)null);


        FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().ingameGUI.getChatGUI().printChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(

    "Gold Upgrade Applied"));




    if (!worldObj.isRemote) {








if(par1EntityPlayer.getCommandSenderName().equalsIgnoreCase(this.getOwnerName()) && itemstack != null && itemstack.getItem() == Blocklings.itemDiamondUpgrade && this.currentUpgradeTier == 7 && this.level >= 8 && !this.worldObj.isRemote && par1EntityPlayer.isSneaking()) {


this.currentUpgradeTier = 8;




this.heal((float)maxHealth - this.getHealth());


if (!par1EntityPlayer.capabilities.isCreativeMode) {






    if (itemstack.stackSize <= 0) {


        par1EntityPlayer.inventory.setInventorySlotContents(par1EntityPlayer.inventory.currentItem, (ItemStack)null);


        FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().ingameGUI.getChatGUI().printChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(

    "Diamond Upgrade Applied"));




    if (!worldObj.isRemote) {








if(par1EntityPlayer.getCommandSenderName().equalsIgnoreCase(this.getOwnerName()) && itemstack != null && itemstack.getItem() == Blocklings.itemEmeraldUpgrade && this.currentUpgradeTier == 8 && this.level >= 9 && !this.worldObj.isRemote && par1EntityPlayer.isSneaking()) {


this.currentUpgradeTier = 9;




this.heal((float)maxHealth - this.getHealth());


if (!par1EntityPlayer.capabilities.isCreativeMode) {






    if (itemstack.stackSize <= 0) {


        par1EntityPlayer.inventory.setInventorySlotContents(par1EntityPlayer.inventory.currentItem, (ItemStack)null);


        FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().ingameGUI.getChatGUI().printChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(

    "Emerald Upgrade Applied"));




    if (!worldObj.isRemote) {








if(par1EntityPlayer.getCommandSenderName().equalsIgnoreCase(this.getOwnerName()) && itemstack != null && itemstack.getItem() == Blocklings.itemObsidianUpgrade && this.currentUpgradeTier == 9 && this.level >= 10 && !this.worldObj.isRemote && par1EntityPlayer.isSneaking()) {


    this.currentUpgradeTier = 10;




    this.heal((float)maxHealth - this.getHealth());


    if (!par1EntityPlayer.capabilities.isCreativeMode) {






        if (itemstack.stackSize <= 0) {


            par1EntityPlayer.inventory.setInventorySlotContents(par1EntityPlayer.inventory.currentItem, (ItemStack)null);


            FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().ingameGUI.getChatGUI().printChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(

        "Obsidian Upgrade Applied"));




        if (!worldObj.isRemote) {








if(!this.worldObj.isRemote && this.isTamed() && itemstack == null && par1EntityPlayer.getCommandSenderName().equalsIgnoreCase(this.getOwnerName()) && !par1EntityPlayer.isSneaking()) {






        if (itemstack != null && (itemstack.getItem() == Item.getItemFromBlock(Blocks.red_flower) || itemstack.getItem() == Item.getItemFromBlock(Blocks.yellow_flower))) {


            if (!par1EntityPlayer.capabilities.isCreativeMode && !this.isTamed()) {






            if (itemstack.stackSize <= 0 && !this.isTamed()) {


                par1EntityPlayer.inventory.setInventorySlotContents(par1EntityPlayer.inventory.currentItem, (ItemStack)null);




            if (!this.worldObj.isRemote && !this.isTamed()) {


                if (this.rand.nextInt(2) == 0) {







                    this.worldObj.setEntityState(this, (byte)7);


                } else {



                    this.worldObj.setEntityState(this, (byte)6);






            return true;




        return super.interact(par1EntityPlayer);




public void onLivingUpdate() {




if (this.attackTimer > 0) {


this.attackTimer -= 1;


if (!worldObj.isRemote) {








if(i < 3) {


if (!worldObj.isRemote) {











public boolean attackEntityAsMob(Entity par1Entity) {


Random random = new Random();


if(this.attackTimer <= 2) {


this.attackTimer = 8;




if(this.isTamed()) {


addXP((int)this.attackDamage + random.nextInt((int)this.attackDamage + (int)this.attackDamage * 3));






        return par1Entity.attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.causeMobDamage(this), (float) getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.attackDamage).getAttributeValue());




public void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) {



        compound.setInteger("XP", this.xp);

        compound.setInteger("Level", this.level);

compound.setInteger("Required XP", this.requiredXP);

compound.setDouble("Max Health", this.maxHealth);

compound.setDouble("Attack Damage", this.attackDamage);


compound.setInteger("Current Upgrade Tier", this.currentUpgradeTier);


compound.setFloat("Hitbox", this.hitbox);




    public void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) {



        this.xp = compound.getInteger("XP");

        this.level = compound.getInteger("Level");

this.requiredXP = compound.getInteger("Required XP");

this.maxHealth = compound.getInteger("Max Health");

this.attackDamage = compound.getInteger("Attack Damage");


this.currentUpgradeTier = compound.getInteger("Current Upgrade Tier");


this.hitbox = compound.getFloat("Hitbox");




    public void addXP(int addedXP) {


this.xp = this.xp + addedXP;





public void onLevelUp() {


if(this.xp >= this.requiredXP) {


this.xp = 0;

this.level = level + 1;




this.heal((float)maxHealth - this.getHealth());

FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().ingameGUI.getChatGUI().printChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(

    "Your Blockling Levelled Up! It is now level " + this.level));






public void calculateRequiredXP() {


this.requiredXP = this.level * this.level * 10 * 10;




public void setMaxHealth() {


if(this.level == 1) {


this.maxHealth = 4.0D;


} else if(this.level == 2 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 1) {


this.maxHealth = 6.0D;


} else if(this.level == 3 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 1) {


this.maxHealth = 9.0D;


} else if(this.level == 4 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 1) {


this.maxHealth = 12.0D;


} else if(this.level == 5 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 1) {


this.maxHealth = 15.0D;


} else if(this.level == 6 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 1) {


this.maxHealth = 19.0D;


} else if(this.level == 7 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 1) {


this.maxHealth = 23.0D;


} else if(this.level == 8 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 1) {


this.maxHealth = 28.0D;


} else if(this.level == 9 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 1) {


this.maxHealth = 33.0D;


} else if(this.level >= 10 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 1) {


this.maxHealth = 40.0D;


} else if(this.level == 2 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 2) {


this.maxHealth = 7.0D;


} else if(this.level == 3 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 2) {


this.maxHealth = 10.0D;


} else if(this.level == 4 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 2) {


this.maxHealth = 13.0D;


} else if(this.level == 5 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 2) {


this.maxHealth = 16.0D;


} else if(this.level == 6 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 2) {


this.maxHealth = 20.0D;


} else if(this.level == 7 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 2) {


this.maxHealth = 24.0D;


} else if(this.level == 8 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 2) {


this.maxHealth = 29.0D;


} else if(this.level == 9 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 2) {


this.maxHealth = 34.0D;


} else if(this.level >= 10 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 2) {


this.maxHealth = 41.0D;


} else if(this.level == 3 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 3) {


this.maxHealth = 11.0D;


} else if(this.level == 4 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 3) {


this.maxHealth = 14.0D;


} else if(this.level == 5 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 3) {


this.maxHealth = 17.0D;


} else if(this.level == 6 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 3) {


this.maxHealth = 21.0D;


} else if(this.level == 7 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 3) {


this.maxHealth = 25.0D;


} else if(this.level == 8 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 3) {


this.maxHealth = 30.0D;


} else if(this.level == 9 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 3) {


this.maxHealth = 35.0D;


} else if(this.level >= 10 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 3) {


this.maxHealth = 42.0D;


} else if(this.level == 4 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 4) {


this.maxHealth = 15.0D;


} else if(this.level == 5 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 4) {


this.maxHealth = 18.0D;


} else if(this.level == 6 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 4) {


this.maxHealth = 22.0D;


} else if(this.level == 7 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 4) {


this.maxHealth = 26.0D;


} else if(this.level == 8 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 4) {


this.maxHealth = 31.0D;


} else if(this.level == 9 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 4) {


this.maxHealth = 36.0D;


} else if(this.level >= 10 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 4) {


this.maxHealth = 43.0D;


} else if(this.level == 5 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 5) {


this.maxHealth = 19.0D;


} else if(this.level == 6 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 5) {


this.maxHealth = 23.0D;


} else if(this.level == 7 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 5) {


this.maxHealth = 27.0D;


} else if(this.level == 8 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 5) {


this.maxHealth = 32.0D;


} else if(this.level == 9 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 5) {


this.maxHealth = 37.0D;


} else if(this.level >= 10 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 5) {


this.maxHealth = 44.0D;


} else if(this.level == 6 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 6) {


this.maxHealth = 24.0D;


} else if(this.level == 7 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 6) {


this.maxHealth = 28.0D;


} else if(this.level == 8 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 6) {


this.maxHealth = 33.0D;


} else if(this.level == 9 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 6) {


this.maxHealth = 38.0D;


} else if(this.level >= 10 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 6) {


this.maxHealth = 45.0D;


} else if(this.level == 7 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 7) {


this.maxHealth = 29.0D;


} else if(this.level == 8 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 7) {


this.maxHealth = 34.0D;


} else if(this.level == 9 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 7) {


this.maxHealth = 39.0D;


} else if(this.level >= 10 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 7) {


this.maxHealth = 46.0D;


} else if(this.level == 8 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 8) {


this.maxHealth = 35.0D;


} else if(this.level == 9 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 8) {


this.maxHealth = 40.0D;


} else if(this.level >= 10 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 8) {


this.maxHealth = 47.0D;


} else if(this.level == 9 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 9) {


this.maxHealth = 41.0D;


} else if(this.level >= 10 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 9) {


this.maxHealth = 48.0D;


} else if(this.level >= 10 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 10) {


this.maxHealth = 50.0D;








public void setAttackDamage() {


if(this.level == 1) {


this.attackDamage = 1.0D;


} else if(this.level == 2 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 1) {


this.attackDamage = 2.0D;


} else if(this.level == 3 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 1) {


this.attackDamage = 3.0D;


} else if(this.level == 4 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 1) {


this.attackDamage = 4.0D;


} else if(this.level == 5 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 1) {


this.attackDamage = 5.0D;


} else if(this.level == 6 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 1) {


this.attackDamage = 7.0D;


} else if(this.level == 7 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 1) {


this.attackDamage = 9.0D;


} else if(this.level == 8 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 1) {


this.attackDamage = 11.0D;


} else if(this.level == 9 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 1) {


this.attackDamage = 13.0D;


} else if(this.level >= 10 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 1) {


this.attackDamage = 15.0D;


} else if(this.level == 2 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 2) {


this.attackDamage = 3.0D;


} else if(this.level == 3 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 2) {


this.attackDamage = 4.0D;


} else if(this.level == 4 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 2) {


this.attackDamage = 5.0D;


} else if(this.level == 5 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 2) {


this.attackDamage = 6.0D;


} else if(this.level == 6 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 2) {


this.attackDamage = 8.0D;


} else if(this.level == 7 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 2) {


this.attackDamage = 10.0D;


} else if(this.level == 8 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 2) {


this.attackDamage = 12.0D;


} else if(this.level == 9 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 2) {


this.attackDamage = 14.0D;


} else if(this.level >= 10 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 2) {


this.attackDamage = 16.0D;


} else if(this.level == 3 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 3) {


this.attackDamage = 5.0D;


} else if(this.level == 4 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 3) {


this.attackDamage = 6.0D;


} else if(this.level == 5 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 3) {


this.attackDamage = 7.0D;


} else if(this.level == 6 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 3) {


this.attackDamage = 9.0D;


} else if(this.level == 7 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 3) {


this.attackDamage = 11.0D;


} else if(this.level == 8 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 3) {


this.attackDamage = 13.0D;


} else if(this.level == 9 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 3) {


this.attackDamage = 15.0D;


} else if(this.level >= 10 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 3) {


this.attackDamage = 17.0D;


} else if(this.level == 4 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 4) {


this.attackDamage = 7.0D;


} else if(this.level == 5 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 4) {


this.attackDamage = 8.0D;


} else if(this.level == 6 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 4) {


this.attackDamage = 10.0D;


} else if(this.level == 7 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 4) {


this.attackDamage = 12.0D;


} else if(this.level == 8 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 4) {


this.attackDamage = 14.0D;


} else if(this.level == 9 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 4) {


this.attackDamage = 16.0D;


} else if(this.level >= 10 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 4) {


this.attackDamage = 18.0D;


} else if(this.level == 5 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 5) {


this.attackDamage = 9.0D;


} else if(this.level == 6 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 5) {


this.attackDamage = 11.0D;


} else if(this.level == 7 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 5) {


this.attackDamage = 13.0D;


} else if(this.level == 8 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 5) {


this.attackDamage = 15.0D;


} else if(this.level == 9 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 5) {


this.attackDamage = 17.0D;


} else if(this.level >= 10 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 5) {


this.attackDamage = 19.0D;


} else if(this.level == 6 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 6) {


this.attackDamage = 12.0D;


} else if(this.level == 7 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 6) {


this.attackDamage = 14.0D;


} else if(this.level == 8 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 6) {


this.attackDamage = 16.0D;


} else if(this.level == 9 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 6) {


this.attackDamage = 18.0D;


} else if(this.level >= 10 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 6) {


this.attackDamage = 20.0D;


} else if(this.level == 7 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 7) {


this.attackDamage = 15.0D;


} else if(this.level == 8 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 7) {


this.attackDamage = 17.0D;


} else if(this.level == 9 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 7) {


this.attackDamage = 19.0D;


} else if(this.level >= 10 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 7) {


this.attackDamage = 21.0D;


} else if(this.level == 8 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 8) {


this.attackDamage = 18.0D;


} else if(this.level == 9 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 8) {


this.attackDamage = 20.0D;


} else if(this.level >= 10 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 8) {


this.attackDamage = 22.0D;


} else if(this.level == 9 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 9) {


this.attackDamage = 21.0D;


} else if(this.level >= 10 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 9) {


this.attackDamage = 23.0D;


} else if(this.level >= 10 && this.currentUpgradeTier == 10) {


this.attackDamage = 25.0D;








public void setEntitySize() {


if(level == 1) {


this.hitbox = 0.4F;


} else if(level == 2) {


this.hitbox = 0.55F;


} else if(level == 3) {


this.hitbox = 0.7F;


} else if(level == 4) {


this.hitbox = 0.85F;


} else if(level == 5) {


this.hitbox = 1.0F;


} else if(level == 6) {


this.hitbox = 1.15F;


} else if(level == 7) {


this.hitbox = 1.3F;


} else if(level == 8) {


this.hitbox = 1.45F;


} else if(level == 9) {


this.hitbox = 1.6F;


} else if(level >= 10) {


this.hitbox = 1.75F;




this.setSize(this.hitbox, this.hitbox);




public int getLevel() {


        return this.level;




public int getCurrentUpgradeTier() {


return this.currentUpgradeTier;




public float getAttackTimer() {


        return this.attackTimer;




public void setLevel(int level) {


this.level = level;




public void setCurrentUpgradeTier(int currentUpgradeTier) {


this.currentUpgradeTier = currentUpgradeTier;




public void setAttackTimer(float attackTimer) {


this.attackTimer = attackTimer;





public EntityAgeable createChild(EntityAgeable var1) {


return null;




public boolean isAIEnabled() {


return true;








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Could you please paste the class to http://paste.minecraftforge.net/ (which is http://gist.github.com/) instead? It is very difficult to read your code with messed up indentation and without syntax highlighting and line numbers :)


I see a lot of identical calls in there that could (and should) have their result saved to a local variable instead.


Also, you may want to look into the keyword




The use of both could pretty effectively make your code more performant and concise, thereby making future modifications less difficult and error-prone.

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The indentation issues when pasting arise from using mixed tabs and spaces. You ought to set your editor to enforce one over the other - you will probably want to replace one with the other before pasting, as well, unless your editor allows automatic conversion.


Personally I use spaces - that way I am sure other people will have the intended indentation size when reading my code in their editor.


If you want, I can look over your code once we fix the overloaded-issue and give you some hints as to improvements for your code, both regarding readability and performance? Just a friendly offer :)


Oh, and if you could update the gist with fixed indentation before I delve into it to try and find the issue you're having, that would be wonderful :)

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Enjoy :)


Homework: Read up on Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY).


I will have a look at your issue when I come back a bit later.


NOTE: I have not compiled nor reread the code, so it probably will not work right off the bat. However, it should provide a guideline for how to not repeat yourself.


If there is any issues with the code, or clarifications that need to be made, don't hesitate to PM me - let us keep this thread clean from general programming help - for posterity - though :)



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The only problem I am having now is that it I get a NullPointerException here, but I don't exactly know why. Any ideas?


itemstack.getItem() == Blocklings.itemWoodenUpgrade      && this.currentUpgradeTier == 1 && this.level >= 2 ||

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I added itemstack != null to the if statement, but it still gives me the error and crashes my game.


if (

itemstack != null &&

itemstack.getItem() == Blocklings.itemWoodenUpgrade      && this.currentUpgradeTier == 1 && this.level >= 2 ||

temstack.getItem() == Blocklings.itemCobblestoneUpgrade && this.currentUpgradeTier == 2 && this.level >= 3 ||

itemstack.getItem() == Blocklings.itemStoneUpgrade      && this.currentUpgradeTier == 3 && this.level >= 4 ||

itemstack.getItem() == Blocklings.itemIronUpgrade        && this.currentUpgradeTier == 4 && this.level >= 5 ||

itemstack.getItem() == Blocklings.itemLapisLazuliUpgrade && this.currentUpgradeTier == 5 && this.level >= 6 ||

itemstack.getItem() == Blocklings.itemGoldUpgrade        && this.currentUpgradeTier == 6 && this.level >= 7 ||

itemstack.getItem() == Blocklings.itemDiamondUpgrade    && this.currentUpgradeTier == 7 && this.level >= 8 ||

itemstack.getItem() == Blocklings.itemEmeraldUpgrade    && this.currentUpgradeTier == 8 && this.level >= 9 ||

itemstack.getItem() == Blocklings.itemObsidianUpgrade    && this.currentUpgradeTier == 9 && this.level >= 10


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You can use [ code ] tags for short code snippets.


also, why not save


to a local variable, provided


is not null?


Item item = itemstack.getItem();


The current precedence of your boolean operators is as follows:



a && [code]b

) ||








You are probably better off wrapping the entire thing in an if-statement that checks whether




. Alternatively, wrap the combined boolean or operations in parentheses.

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I did use:


Item item = itemstack.getItem();


But it gave me a "dead code" error underneath:




                    chat.printChatMessage(new ChatComponentText("XP: " + this.xp + "/" + this.requiredXP + " | " + "Level: " + this.level));

                    chat.printChatMessage(new ChatComponentText("Health: " + (int) this.getHealth() + "/" + (int) this.maxHealth + " | " + "Attack Damage: " + (int) this.attackDamage));



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