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I have created a custom mob that functions in minecraft using forge/eclipse, but there is no texture. It's stats are all correct, and its body shape, but it has the purple black no texture overlay. When I run minecraft I get this error: "java.io.FileNotFoundException: sao:textures/entity/boar/boar.png


And this is the line of code I used to call the texture:


"private static final ResourceLocation EntityTexture = new ResourceLocation("sao:textures/entity/boar/boar.png");"


Does anyone know how to fix this? I have searched google and multiple forums for over 22 hours over the past two days regarding this issue and have come up with nothing. The texture and model class were made using Techne.


Here's my Render class:



package achilleus.sao.mobs.render;


import achilleus.sao.MainClass;

import achilleus.sao.mobs.FrenzyBoar;

import achilleus.sao.mobs.entity.EntityFrenzyBoar;

import net.minecraft.client.model.ModelBase;

import net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderLiving;

import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;

import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving;

import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;


public class RenderFrenzyBoar extends RenderLiving {

private static final ResourceLocation EntityTexture = new ResourceLocation("sao:textures/entity/boar/boar.png");

protected FrenzyBoar model;

public RenderFrenzyBoar(ModelBase par1ModelBase, float par2) {

super(par1ModelBase, par2);

model = ((FrenzyBoar)mainModel);




public void renderFrenzyBoar(EntityFrenzyBoar entity, double par2, double par4, double par6, float par8, float par9) {

super.doRender(entity, par2, par4, par6, par8, par9);



public void doRenderLiving(EntityLiving par1EntityLiving, double par2, double par4, double par6, float par8, float par9) {

renderFrenzyBoar((EntityFrenzyBoar)par1EntityLiving, par2, par4, par6, par8, par9);



public void doRender(Entity par1Entity, double par2, double par4, double par6, float par8, float par9) {

renderFrenzyBoar((EntityFrenzyBoar)par1Entity, par2, par4, par6, par8, par9);





protected ResourceLocation getEntityTexture(Entity entity) {


return EntityTexture;











No, it exists at /src/main/resources/assets/textures/entity/boar/boar.png. I've also tried

ResourceLocation("sao", "textures/entities/boar/boar.png")





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