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[SOLVED] addChatMessage() doesn't recognize argument as IChatComponent

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Good evening lads and lasses,


I am having a little problem while trying to display a chat message with an item. I want to do this through the addChatMessage() method, however it thinks my given argument is a String and not an IChatComponent. I have tried looking through the source however it didn't help me. Browsing the web and the Forge forum haven't given me an answer either.


public boolean func_111207_a(ItemStack itemstack, EntityPlayer player, EntityLivingBase target){
return false;


This is what the troubling part of the code looks like. I have done exactly the same thing as some examples on the internet, that all worked perfectly fine according to the original programmer. Even directly copied a bit once, however it didn't work...



the method addChatMessage thinks the given argument is a String instead of IChatComponent


Here's how I handle incoming chat. Maybe it'll help you a little.


			String formatted = event.message.getUnformattedText().replaceAll("§(.)", "§$1§l");
			event.message = new ChatComponentText(formatted);


event.message is an IChatComponent.


Thanks for the quick responses! :)


Of course it "thinks" it is a String, because it IS a String.

Pass an instance of IChatComponent. You probably want ChatComponentText. The tutorials you are looking at are for older minecraft versions.

Haha, I had figured it's a String which led to my confusion. I'll look into ChatComponentText. Thank you.


Here's how I handle incoming chat. Maybe it'll help you a little.


String formatted = event.message.getUnformattedText().replaceAll("§(.)", "§$1§l");
event.message = new ChatComponentText(formatted);


event.message is an IChatComponent.

I'll look into this one as well if diesieben07's solution doesn't work. Thank you.



EDIT: diesieben07's solution was perfect, thank you :D

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