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[Forge 1.7.2] Chunk Co-Ords


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What I'm trying to do is set the blocks in a chunk to be stone based  on the users Y level. I think I have the right code, I just can't seem to find how to get the max X & Z and the Min X & Z. Any help would be great!


Chunk Chunk = par2World.getChunkFromBlockCoords((int)par3EntityPlayer.posX, (int)par3EntityPlayer.posZ);

        int X1 = Chunk.xPosition;

        int Z1 = Chunk.zPosition;

        int X2 = Chunk.xPosition + 15;

        int Z2 = Chunk.zPosition + 15;


This is what I have at the moment to get the Chunk Max X & Z & Min X & Z

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I don't really understand what you mean "set blocks in a chunk based on the user's Y level".  And why do you need to access the chunk directly, why not just use the world instead?




Well, the idea is that, when you are in the chunk, when the item is used, the chunk will get a layer of stone underneath the player.


Here's the code:


public ItemStack onItemRightClick(ItemStack par1ItemStack, World par2World, EntityPlayer par3EntityPlayer)
        par2World.setBlock((int)par3EntityPlayer.posX, (int)par3EntityPlayer.posY -1, (int)par3EntityPlayer.posZ - 1, Blocks.stone);

        Chunk Chunk = par2World.getChunkFromBlockCoords((int)par3EntityPlayer.posX, (int)par3EntityPlayer.posZ);
        int X1 = Chunk.xPosition;
        int Z1 = Chunk.zPosition;
        Reference.printGame(String.valueOf(Chunk.xPosition), par3EntityPlayer);
        Reference.printGame(String.valueOf(Chunk.zPosition), par3EntityPlayer);
        int X2 = Chunk.xPosition + 15;
        int Z2 = Chunk.zPosition + 15;
        Reference.fillChunk(X2, Z2, par2World, par3EntityPlayer, Blocks.stone);
        par2World.setBlock(X1, (int) par3EntityPlayer.posY - 1, Z1, Blocks.stone);
       	return par1ItemStack;


        par2World.setBlock((int)par3EntityPlayer.posX, (int)par3EntityPlayer.posY -1, (int)par3EntityPlayer.posZ - 1, Blocks.stone);

This piece of code was to get the block placing function right


    public static void fillChunk(int X, int Z, World par1World, Entity Player, Block Block){
        for(int i=1; i<17; i++){
        	printConsole("Count is: " + i);
        	par1World.setBlock(X, (int)Player.posY -1, Z, Block);
            for(int j=1; j<17; j++){
            	printConsole("Count is: " + String.valueOf(i) + j);
            	par1World.setBlock(X, (int)Player.posY -1, Z, Block);


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OK I understand now.


If you want to find the 16 x 16 blocks in a chunk, you can calculate it from the player x,z position using code something like this


minWX = playerXpos & ~0x0f;  // throws away the bottom four bits, i.e. truncates to the next lowest multiple of 16, eg 32, 16, 0, -16, -32 etc
minWZ = playerZpos & ~0x0f;
maxWX = minWX + 15;
maxWZ = minWZ + 15;

for (wx = minWX; wx <= maxWX; ++wx) {
  for (wz = minWZ; wz <= mazWZ; ++wz) {
     // setblock (wx, playerYpos - 1, wz)



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OK I understand now.


If you want to find the 16 x 16 blocks in a chunk, you can calculate it from the player x,z position using code something like this


minWX = playerXpos & ~0x0f;  // throws away the bottom four bits, i.e. truncates to the next lowest multiple of 16, eg 32, 16, 0, -16, -32 etc
minWZ = playerZpos & ~0x0f;
maxWX = minWX + 15;
maxWZ = minWZ + 15;

for (wx = minWX; wx <= maxWX; ++wx) {
  for (wz = minWZ; wz <= mazWZ; ++wz) {
     // setblock (wx, playerYpos - 1, wz)




Thanks TGG :D You're a massive help!

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