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Different Ore Generation Issue


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Hello all!


So, here's what happened. I made a mod and got it working how I liked it and then after taking a break and learning some more java, I came back and saw how much my mod looked liked it was coded by a 3rd grader. So I made it more appealing for me to read, and the ore generator that gave me trouble before is acting up again, but this time the ores aren't generated, but empty pockets of air are being made. (Its probably something really stupid but I've been having so much trouble with it. It could also just be the way I moved stuff around. Either case, I need help!)


I have no idea what is causing this and it is because of that I came back here. So, if you find whats causing it or, have some ideas for me to test please let me know! Here's  a download link from my Dropbox of the source. (https://www.dropbox.com/s/43gfgqweik4zvxl/tada.zip)



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When I don't do that though and instead put "ryansmod.common.block.AleniumOre()", Eclipse always tells me that "ryansmod.common.block cannot be resolved to a type", and I haven't the slightest idea on how to fix this one. I think Eclipse could be thinking that ryansmod.common.block is a java file, but I'm not sure.

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Thanks for the help, I know I'm not the best at this and probably am making tons of mistakes. And I had been told that capital letter for a field name was the way to go. Guess not.

And when you say I need something like mymod.whateverBlock, do you mean the variable that I use to register the block? I just tried importing ryansmod.RyansMod, and using that variable (RyansMod.aleniumOre) and it appears to have worked.

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