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[1.7.10] How to getItemEnchantability() from ItemStack's NBTTags


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I'm adding some different "attributes" to some of my tools:


	nbt.setInteger("HarvestLevel", 2);
	nbt.setInteger("MaxDamage", 500);
	nbt.setFloat("EfficiencyOnProperMaterial", 3.0F);
	nbt.setFloat("DamageVsEntity", 5.0F);
	nbt.setInteger("Enchantability", 40);

* Those values are examples, there are about 400 total combinations


The rest of attributes are easily get, because the methods have an ItemStack parameter.


For example, the maxDamage:

public int getMaxDamage(ItemStack stack)
	NBTTagCompound nbt = stack.getTagCompound();

	return nbt.getInteger("MaxDamage");


But unfortunately, the getItemEnchantability() method is the only one without an ItemStack parameter:


public int getItemEnchantability() {
	// TODO Auto-generated method stub
	return super.getItemEnchantability();


So, I'm wondering if there is any way to get the NBT Tag, without an ItemStack parameter.


Thanks for helping.



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The problem is there's no hook for it currently.

You can always make a PR on the forge github for this.


What needs to be done is following:

Add a new method like getItemEnchantability with an ItemStack parameter inside the Item class which calls the vanilla one by default.

In the EnchantmentHelper class, within the buildEnchantmentList method, you then need to change the line with getItemEnchantability and add the itemstack as parameter.

If that's done, you need to override the getItemEnchantability method in your item with the ItemStack parameter.

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This thread makes me sad because people just post copy-paste-ready code when it's obvious that the OP has little to no programming experience. This is not how learning works.

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Enchantability is expected to be a fixed characteristic of an item class and its material. Are you sure that it needs to become a dynamic (changeable) property of each individual stack of an item?


If you aren't planning very many distinct enchantability levels, then the painful work-around might be to create multiple instances of the item's class, one for each possible level. When an item stack's enchantability changes, it would be replaced by a stack of a different subclass of the item. The call to getEnchantability could then return a function of both material and the subclass's enchantability modifier.


If you're doing something like having tools magically transmute material, then subclassing by material could change several properties based on the one parameter.


The debugger is a powerful and necessary tool in any IDE, so learn how to use it. You'll be able to tell us more and get better help here if you investigate your runtime problems in the debugger before posting.

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The problem is there's no hook for it currently.

You can always make a PR on the forge github for this.


What needs to be done is following:

Add a new method like getItemEnchantability with an ItemStack parameter inside the Item class which calls the vanilla one by default.

In the EnchantmentHelper class, within the buildEnchantmentList method, you then need to change the line with getItemEnchantability and add the itemstack as parameter.

If that's done, you need to override the getItemEnchantability method in your item with the ItemStack parameter.

Done, and waiting: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/1314


Thanks  :)

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Enchantability is expected to be a fixed characteristic of an item class and its material. Are you sure that it needs to become a dynamic (changeable) property of each individual stack of an item?


If you aren't planning very many distinct enchantability levels, then the painful work-around might be to create multiple instances of the item's class, one for each possible level. When an item stack's enchantability changes, it would be replaced by a stack of a different subclass of the item. The call to getEnchantability could then return a function of both material and the subclass's enchantability modifier.


If you're doing something like having tools magically transmute material, then subclassing by material could change several properties based on the one parameter.


What I'm trying to do is create about 400 different tools, with 5 different enchantability levels, depending on the materials made of (information stored on the NBT Tags).

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