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[1.7.10] Remote Block Breaking [SOLVED]


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Got a block that, placed, adds an other block above it to the world & rotates it.

Now, what it want is: if the bottom Block gets broken the other block gets removed/broken.

I tried to call breakBlock(...) in the breakBlock(...) method of the bottom block:

public void breakBlock(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block block, int p_149749_6_)
        Block block1 = world.getBlock(x, y+1, z);
        block1.breakBlock(world, x, y+1, z, MinecraftMoney.instance.moneyExchangeDown, this.blockRotationIndex);

        super.breakBlock(world, x, y, z, block, p_149749_6_);


To control, if the breakBlock(...) of the top block gets called I wrote a console output with the given variables for the top block breakBlock(...). The output confused me even more:


Called by breakBlock(...) of bottom block:

'breakBlock()' called with: [net.minecraft.world.WorldServer@8baf6a][401][80][339][de.binarycpg.mm.block.BlockMoneyExchangeDown@defb8][4]


Called in the Moment i broke the block

'breakBlock()' called with: [net.minecraft.world.WorldServer@8baf6a][401][80][339][de.binarycpg.mm.block.BlockMoneyExchangeDown@defb8][4]


Help? What do i need to check or add so it workes?

The TileEntitys are Going to kill us all and take over the entire (Minecraft) world!

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