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[1.7.10] Custom GL rendered armor model


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Hello, does anyone know of a way I could make a model for armor using GL? I know there is a tutorial for 1.7, but from what I saw it supported 1.6, not 1.7. In addition, it used Techne and I'd rather use GL.

I am the self-nominated Lord of the Mastodons and don't you dare deny it. ;) Also, check out my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/DerpDerp44/

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Good, the amount of times I have posted that link is getting ridiculous.


I can't really find an immediate tutorial for that for 1.7 but in any case, it doesn't really matter what kind of 3D object you are using for the armor.

It's simply a case of swapping them out in the render class.

I haven't got experience with the tessellator because I don't like hardcoded objects but what I'd do is set all the code for a armor(just follow any tutorial for 1.6 or later, I highly doubt something changed there) and once you are done start filling in the 3D render as you want. In which case, all you need to know is how to use the tessellator of which there are ample tutorials such as this http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Tessellator


I hope this helps you.

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From what I saw, ModelBiped uses the same methods Techne does. Hmm. It also doesn't really implement any methods that I could use to render using Tessellator. I'll have to look more into it. Modular Powersuits code also wouldn't help, because MachineMuse uses .obj and .mtl.

I am the self-nominated Lord of the Mastodons and don't you dare deny it. ;) Also, check out my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/DerpDerp44/

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However, as Minecraft does not have an custom rendered blocks by default, I don't think that there really is a class I could extend to get custom Tessellated armor models, so I'll probably have to make my own TESR type thing.

I am the self-nominated Lord of the Mastodons and don't you dare deny it. ;) Also, check out my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/DerpDerp44/

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