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I am trying to create a thing that verticly moves a player up to another platform that's above it, I have managed to get it to detect if there is a platform and get there and everything


	public boolean 	onBlockActivated(World world, int x, int y, int z, EntityPlayer player, int side, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ){
	if (!world.isRemote){
		if (player.getHeldItem() != null){
			if (player.getHeldItem().getItem() == AeroSteam.toolWrench){
				int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
				if (meta > 4){
					int height = findHeight(world, x, y, z);
					if (isValid(world,x,y,z,meta,height)){
						System.out.println("is valid with height "+ height + " by " + player.getCommandSenderName());	
						player.setPosition(x, height+20, z);
						player.setLocationAndAngles(x+0.5F, y+20, z+0.5F, player.rotationYaw, player.rotationPitch);
						player.setPositionAndRotation2(x, height+20, z, player.rotationYaw, player.rotationPitch, 1);

				System.out.println("Meta is " + meta);
	return true;


The issue is that it won't move the player, I have tried all 3 methods of moving a player and

player.setLocationAndAngles(x+0.5F, y+20, z+0.5F, player.rotationYaw, player.rotationPitch);

have I tried on an item with success of movign the player, but here for some reason it does not move the player, me, when I activate it, i get all the messages from within the inner most if clause but no player moving.


That is I do get the ""is valid with height "+ height + " by " + player.getCommandSenderName()" message popping up which is what confuse me as it reaches where I want it to but no movement


You are using an !world.Isremote check, this makes it only works on server.

But I think moving the player is client, so remove that first and test it again.

And try player.motionY = 1;


You are using an !world.Isremote check, this makes it only works on server.

But I think moving the player is client, so remove that first and test it again.


That's wrong. It only mean the server side.

If you play in singleplayer, you have too a server and a client.


Maybe control + click on methods will help you solving this.


public void setPositionAndUpdate(double p_70634_1_, double p_70634_3_, double p_70634_5_)
        this.setLocationAndAngles(p_70634_1_, p_70634_3_, p_70634_5_, this.rotationYaw, this.rotationPitch);


This is really strange if you ask me.

And I can always use player.motionY

I think this has something to do with your check.

This is something that prevented my flywand from working.

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