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[1.7.10][KINDA-SOLVED] Player Log Out events.


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While PlayerEvent.PlayerLoggedInEvent registered with:

	FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus().register(new EventPlayerLoad());


works just fine on both SP and MP when you/someone logs in, the PlayerEvent.PlayerLoggedOutEvent is never launched when on SP. It is only called on dedicated server when someone logs out.


My mod needs to make a setNull to few layers in my own playerMap for GC to collect them, if I won't do it, the data for player with given UUID will still exist even if I create a totally new SP world, and will likely copy from my world1/playerdata/player.mod  to world2/playerdata/player.mod after first autoSave.


If PlayerLoggedOutEvent works only for MP servers, that will give me at  least half of results, now - how do I make that happen on SP?

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Anyone? If something is not clear please ask.


To reassure - PlayerLoggedOutEvent is NOT launched when you quit Singleplayer world, but ONLY by dedicated server (server.jar).


I need similar event that will launch on SP.

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Why do you have your own "PlayerMap"?

private static Map<UUID, ExtendedPlayer> playerMap = new WeakHashMap<UUID, ExtendedPlayer>();


EP object holds mod's virtually loaded data. The data itself has a very nice manager that only loads necessary parts (e.g player LevelHistory would be loaded only if you would like to reconstruct player, and would presist just for time to: Convert history to actual final product (adding-up all level changes into one final PlayerStats object), call SyncManager that will sent new PlayerStats to everyPlayer that needs them to be updated).


Anyway - it's all fancy stuff from my API.


Why do you have your own files that you save to?


I am using .json and in future will be using json -> mySQL converting (which will not be in minecarft, but as a other program running on dedic server that will translate changes in .json and put them in SQL.


So again - When you logout from dedicated server, it's all being nicely disposed from both Client and Server, but when on SP, I guess I'll have to do it with World unload event (thanks shieldbug1) + if(client). Was Trying FML event that occurs when virtual server is shut down but game crashes with preinit (something with registration).


And last but not least - I don't like IEEP and my own handling took me few hours to write and has much better memory/data handling (for this particular API).



Oh and ofc. solution:





FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus().register(new EventPlayer());
MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new EventWorld());



public void playerLoggedOutEvent (PlayerEvent.PlayerLoggedOutEvent event)
//Called only when running dedicated server and player logs out. Never called on client-side.
	Side side = FMLCommonHandler.instance().getEffectiveSide();
	if (side == Side.SERVER)
		//I am not sure but seems like in my situation this if statement above is unnecesary since the event itself is alredy called only on dedicated server. Added it just "in case".



public void unloadingWorld (WorldEvent.Unload event)
//Called on both client and/or dedicated server.
	Side side = FMLCommonHandler.instance().getEffectiveSide();
	if (side == Side.CLIENT)
		//Called only if you go into SP world, then quit, world is unloaded.


P.S - no idea how it works on Localhost, probably works fine (I never really launched localhost in MC).




1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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