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Hey guys,


What is it?


As I am sure you are aware, the backbone for Minecraft modding is MCP. Every time Mojang releases a new update the MCP team must build a new version of their project. Modders have to wait patiently for a new version to be released with all the users crying "When will you update??????" To help modders and groups like Forge, Searge and the team release Pre-releases of MCP. However, they are released quietly with a simple post on Twitter and are difficult to find in the mess. In response I am creating this unofficial thread which contains links to Twitter posts announcing updates as well as the download links to the Pre-released versions. Note that these are official download links and not reuploads.




Why bother with pre-releases? They give you a chance to look at what has changed in the code and prepare you to update your mod.


Keep it alive!


To those who read this, keep this thread alive! I will update this as MCP is updated. If this thread becomes popular it will become a convenient way to find MCP updates. Maybe even the Forge developers will use this ;)


The MCP Pre-releases


1.8 (MCP 9.10 Pre-release 1)



An average guy who mods Minecraft. If you need help and are willing to use your brain, don't be afraid to ask.


Also, check out the Unofficial Minecraft Coder Pack (MCP) Prerelease Center for the latest from the MCP Team!


Was I helpful? Leave some karma/thanks! :)


In case anyone would want it, here is the MC Forums link. http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/modification-development/2256945-unofficial-minecraft-coder-pack-mcp-prerelease


Hope this is useful guys. Let me know via a message if any updates come up that I miss.


Stickies are appreciated ;)

An average guy who mods Minecraft. If you need help and are willing to use your brain, don't be afraid to ask.


Also, check out the Unofficial Minecraft Coder Pack (MCP) Prerelease Center for the latest from the MCP Team!


Was I helpful? Leave some karma/thanks! :)

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