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I want to thank those who help me in advance,


so i posted a few days ago except i worded my post oddly and none understood what i was trying to do, i apologize for that, this is what i was trying to say;


I want to make particles spawn when you are holding an item, how can i accomplish this?


i tried messing around with








public void onUpdate(World world, double x, double y, double z, double velX, double velY, double velZ) {


world.spawnParticle("portal", x + 1, y, z + 1, 1.0D, 1.0D, 1.0D);





public void randomDisplayTick(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random);


    if (random.nextInt(10) == 0)


    world.spawnParticle("portal", (double)((float)x + random.nextFloat()), (double)((float)y + 1.1F), (double)((float)z + random.nextFloat()), 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D);



randomDisplayTick is for Blocks. And those are not the parameters that onUpdate takes. Learn how to override a method. You cannot just change the parameters and expect Minecraft to magically call your method with the correct values.

I agree.


Are you in eclipse? Because in eclipse it shows that green override symbol.

Here is the correct code.

public void onUpdate(ItemStack p_77663_1_, World world, Entity p_77663_3_, int p_77663_4_, boolean p_77663_5_) {
	EntityPlayer player=(EntityPlayer) p_77663_3_;
		 world.spawnParticle("portal", player.posX + 1, player.posY, player.posZ, 1.0D, 1.0D, 1.0D);

I'm back from being gone for... I think its been about a year. I'm pretty sure nobody remembers me, but hello anybody who does!


private Random rand = new Random();
    public void onUpdate(ItemStack is, World world, Entity ent, int i, boolean bool)
    	if(ent != null && ent instanceof EntityPlayer && bool)
    		EntityPlayer p = (EntityPlayer)ent;
    			world.spawnParticle("portal", p.posX, p.posY, p.posZ, rand.nextGaussian(), rand.nextGaussian(), rand.nextGaussian());

This sends all particles to your head.


private Random rand = new Random();
    public void onUpdate(ItemStack is, World world, Entity ent, int i, boolean bool)
    	if(ent != null && ent instanceof EntityPlayer && bool)
    		EntityPlayer p = (EntityPlayer)ent;
    			world.spawnParticle("portal", p.posX, p.posY-rand.nextInt(2), p.posZ, rand.nextGaussian(), rand.nextGaussian(), rand.nextGaussian());

This sends particles to random points on your body(height wise).

width=320 height=64http://www.slothygaming.com/img/ota.png[/img]

If your grammar is shit and you blatantly don't know what you're doing, I will not help you.




a) Don't rely on it being a player, check with instanceof

b) the "is current item" check is already done for you, it's the boolean parameter.


a)Youre right.

b) oh yeah. That make sense.


Corrected code


public void onUpdate(ItemStack p_77663_1_, World world, Entity entity, int p_77663_4_, boolean flag) {
		 world.spawnParticle("portal", entity.posX + 1, entity.posY, entity.posZ, 1.0D, 1.0D, 1.0D);

I'm back from being gone for... I think its been about a year. I'm pretty sure nobody remembers me, but hello anybody who does!

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