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[1.8] Brickfix WorldGen - Adding new Structures to the game :)


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Hi Guys,

I have played a little with the minecraft structure generation and now present you the first parts of an early alpha Mod:




This mod is about adding some structures to the worldgen, making exploring more interesting and sometimes even a challange!

I always felt that exploring the minecraft world was a lot of fun, and when finding a structure it was generally very rewarding. I always build my bases close to some structure, when not inside. But I felt that there just weren't enough structures. So this is my attempt of adding structures to minecraft, that fit into the  a general theme and do not spawn to close to each other.


Currently, there are three types of structures:

- Abandomned buildings: Not to long ago, somebody still lived there.

- Dungeons: A building crawling with monsters, but rewarding concerning loot.

- Ruins: There is not much left, but sometimes there is something interesting to be found.






For now, only eight structures are added, but it will be more over time.

You can download the mod here:








+ Added a bigger Tower

+ Added some kind of Ruin

+ Added 'molten Obsidian' Block

+ Added 'lightning Block' Block


- Removed unnessecary events


*Reorganised the generation yet again!

*Generation finally stable



+ Added Beach Rubble

+ Added Underwater Ruin


*Changed the way structures are generated, preventing a rare crash



+ Added lonely Farm

+ Added a complex Dungeon

+ Made Corrupted Temples more rare



+ Added Corrupted Temple

+ Added randomized Chest Content

+ Added randomized Furnace Content



+ Added abandomned Tower




If you have any feedback, I am happy to heare about it :)

You can leave suggestions for future structures, as well as other ideas, in a comment.


I on my side have a question: Is the structure spawning too frequent or too rarely?


And of course please report any kind of Bugs :P




PS: This mod is in an early alpha stage, of course more content will come soon!

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Hi Guys,

I have played a little with the minecraft structure generation and now present you the first parts of an early alpha Mod:








For now, only one structure is added, but it will be more over time.

You can download the mod here:




If you have any feedback, I am happy to here about it :)

You can leave suggestions for future structures, as well as other ideas, in a comment.


I on my side have a question: Is the structure spawning to frequent or to rarely?


And of course please report any kind of Bugs :P




PS: This is in an early alpha stage, of course more content will come soon!


Open source? or not?


Structures are cool, they make minecraft less boring :P

Do they have any loot inside? Or is that a future plan?

Maybe you could make some traps too ;)

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Thanks for showing interest - of course I will also add traps and stuff.


For the moment this mod is not open source, but it will be after I found some time messing with github or some other way to make the code public.


In this version (Alpha 1.0), there is no chest content, but I already have a newer version almost finished where there is random chest and even furnace content!


I also have messed around with the TileEntity of the BeaconBlock - expect some nasty surprises there :)


Did you download the mod? Could you give me any feedback on the generation?



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Thanks for showing interest - of course I will also add traps and stuff.


For the moment this mod is not open source, but it will be after I found some time messing with github or some other way to make the code public.


In this version (Alpha 1.0), there is no chest content, but I already have a newer version almost finished where there is random chest and even furnace content!


I also have messed around with the TileEntity of the BeaconBlock - expect some nasty surprises there :)


Did you download the mod? Could you give me any feedback on the generation?




Sounds awesome :)

No I haven't tried the mod yet unfortunately but I will as soon as I have time.


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  • 4 weeks later...

And another Update!

If some of you wonder why there is no version 4, this is because a crash I fixed emideatly afterwords, and so I skipped releasing it.


The new update features two rather small, but fun structures:

At first, there is an underwater ruin, perhaps once a tower, made out of prismarine blocks, with a small loot chest. It is only found in the ocean biome and quite rarely.

Secondly, I have added a structure for beaches: some wood, a chest. It is not mutch, but I think it really adds some athmosphere when traveling along an ocean.


I hope you have fun with these additions



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Hi -- we appear to be approaching the same rough target from different direction.  I'm writing a separate mod ( here ) that focusses on on-demand in-world generation of customisable user-defined structures, with a possibility of in the future making them auto-generate via the World Generator.  Your mod is apparently handling the World Generation piece first, then looking at adding new structures to its repertoire.


I'm really interested in seeing how you're achieving your outcome -- are you planning on releasing the current beta sourcecode as open source at all, either via a simple zip archive or via something like Github?  If you're interested, you can grab a copy of my code in the latest package under my module's thread.  I'd also be interested in collaboration on a common structure definition file format.



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  • 1 month later...

Hey, I am quite interested in using the source code as a base for personal-use mods. It's difficult to find any references or tutorials for world generation for 1.8, and I'd really like to play around in that particular sandbox. If you could post a download location for any of the versions, I'd be extremely grateful.

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  • 3 months later...

That's very doable...


Here's the chunk of "chest-writing" code I use:


public static void genChest(World world, BlockPos pos, ArrayList<ItemStack> items)


world.setBlockState(pos, Blocks.chest.getDefaultState(), 2);

        TileEntity tileentity = world.getTileEntity(pos);


        int incrementer = 0;

        if (tileentity instanceof TileEntityChest)


        for(int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++)


        ((TileEntityChest)tileentity).setInventorySlotContents(incrementer, items.get(i));





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jup, that's how you do it.


I can't really upload any source right now, as I am constantly trying and changing things, even though there has not been any update for a while.

Also, up to now there is nothing really complicated I have done, you can ask me how certain things in my mod work any time :)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Hello Brickfix, I am new, but i wanted to point out some balancing issues.


1- Make the dungeons a little more common. I took me 2 worlds to find a structure.


2- Remove the corrupted temple. On a test Survival world, I got a beacon in only a few minutes, and the spawners weren't working properly. In my opinion, its too OP.


Thanks, drybones967  :)

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  • 2 weeks later...


I haven't had the chance to code for quite a while, and no update will turn up anytime soon.

But actually I thought I had it balanced out quite well...


What where the coords of the beacon you found? If any value is smaller +/- 1000, I recommend to use the newest version ;D

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