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[1.8] NBT tags are unique for user ??


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i have create a item  testitem whit a nbt tag


static NBTTagCompound ns = new NBTTagCompound();

public static NBTTagCompound getNBT(){return ns;}


ns.setInteger("gearbox", 0);



lets say there is two user in a server  player1 and player2 and the two have the testitem

if the player2 change the value of gearbox to 5

¿ the testitem from the player will change to ?


es que idont have two pcs to make the test here . 

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ibelive  understand how it works



make this test item and set the nbttag code inside a try catch,  if the nbt is emtpy or null it created one whith a ramdom number value

soo fireup minecraft and take 3 of this testitem and put them on mi hotbar diferents slot, rigth click to the one on the slot 0 get an error cath cachit and set a ramdom value for it "433" the value remain whithout change on right click


rigth click on the testitem in the slot 5 get error cath cachit and set a ramdom value for it "839" the value "433" in testitem slot 3 is not afected


the same goes for the one in the sloth 9 it  gets "127"

close minecraft and refireup  the values still


I change positions of the items

close minecraft and refireup the values still not care the order no care if minecraft restart

soo i guest this solve the problem in the multiplayer of an item values of one player afecting the item from other player



here is the code





package mercenarymod.items;


import mercenarymod.materialesMercenarios;

import mercenarymod.Mercenary;

import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;

import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;

import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;

import net.minecraft.item.ItemSword;

import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;

import net.minecraft.world.World;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;

import mercenarymod.items.MercenaryModItems;

import mercenarymod.utilidades.registrarTextura;

import mercenarymod.utilidades.gearbox;

import mercenarymod.items.sierras.tiempo0;

import mercenarymod.utilidades.util;

import java.lang.Math;

import java.util.List;



public class testitem extends Items{


public static String name = "testitem";

static NBTTagCompound ns = new NBTTagCompound();


public static boolean test=true;



public testitem(){

setUnlocalizedName(Mercenary.MODID + "_" + name);

GameRegistry.registerItem(this, name);


this.maxStackSize = 1;



public ItemStack onItemRightClick(ItemStack testitem, World worldIn, EntityPlayer playerIn){



worldIn.playSoundAtEntity(playerIn, "modmercenario:run", 1.0F, 1.0F);


try {

NBTTagCompound exi= testitem.getTagCompound();

int ex=exi.getInteger("gearbox");

System.out.println("contenido de nbttag gearbox ="+exi.getInteger("gearbox") );


} catch (Throwable any) {


int ran=(int)((Math.random())*1000);

ns.setInteger("gearbox", ran);



System.out.println("Java ERROR: "+any);




return testitem;




}//fin de la classe




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