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Iam wondering if i could make different harvest levels for different blocks in one class (MyBlockOre.class).

If it can't, how did vanilla minecraft did? In what class?



Creator of the Master Chef Mod and many more to come.


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Ok, I have tried to work it out. But I can only mine the blocks with my pickaxe. Not the shovel


This is my code:



    public int getHarvestLevel(int metadata)


    if (this == Chef.oreSaltOre) {

    this.setHarvestLevel("pickaxe", 2);

    } else if (this == Chef.oreSaltOre2) {

    this.setHarvestLevel("shovel", 1);


return metadata;




Creator of the Master Chef Mod and many more to come.


If I helped you, please click the 'thank you' button.


For the level to harvest it, Something like this?


    public int getHarvestLevel(int metadata)
    	if (this == Chef.oreSaltOre) {
    	} else if (this == Chef.oreSaltOre2) {
	return getHarvestLevel(0);

Creator of the Master Chef Mod and many more to come.


If I helped you, please click the 'thank you' button.




No I'd rather check the metadata, since this is surely passed to the method.


Use somewhere mostly defined an array of IIcons or something, where you decode the metadata into the corresponding IIcon, right?

Do the same in here: depending on the metadata return a different harvestlevel.


I hope this brought you to the right direction.

Sincerely -pick

Since English is not my mother tongue, my sentences may are confusing.


I'm coding java for a long time now - just MC and forge stop me sometimes.




It looks like I see why you're so confused.

Metadata is a number that a block can have, as an attribute. The best known example is wool: the color is a 'visual representation' of that metadata (from the coding view it's vice versa).


You should calculate or _return_ the harvest level more or less the same why like you did it with the IIcons.


-> EDIT: As diesieben07 previously mentioned: _return_ is the keyword you are looking for.


But to be honestly, it looks like you really recently started modding and I'd really suggest to go to google and read through / look some tutorials.


Sincerely -pick

Since English is not my mother tongue, my sentences may are confusing.


I'm coding java for a long time now - just MC and forge stop me sometimes.


Yes, your right.

Maybe I should look for tutorials.

But can you give an example?

Then I am gonna try to understand what it means.


After that, I AM gonna look for some tutorials on google.  :)


Thanks for helping.




Creator of the Master Chef Mod and many more to come.


If I helped you, please click the 'thank you' button.


Yes, your right.

Maybe I should look for tutorials.

But can you give an example?

Then I am gonna try to understand what it means.


After that, I AM gonna look for some tutorials on google.  :)


Thanks for helping.



If you have to search for tutorials for this type of very basic Java, you shouldn't be modding. Learn Java and come back then.

Don't PM me with questions. They will be ignored! Make a thread on the appropriate board for support.


1.12 -> 1.13 primer by williewillus.


1.7.10 and older versions of Minecraft are no longer supported due to it's age! Update to the latest version for support.



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