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Is there a way to change skylight?


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The world.getStarBrightness() and world.getSunBrightness() methods look promising.  You might be able to implement this through the corresponding WorldProvider methods, for example by DimensionManager.unregisterProviderType and then DimensionManager.registerProviderType for the surface world with your new customised WorldProvider.  Otherwise ASM+Reflection is probably necessary.



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The world.getStarBrightness() and world.getSunBrightness() methods look promising.  You might be able to implement this through the corresponding WorldProvider methods, for example by DimensionManager.unregisterProviderType and then DimensionManager.registerProviderType for the surface world with your new customised WorldProvider.  Otherwise ASM+Reflection is probably necessary.




No, TGG, That is not enough.

For World#getSunBrightness is client-only, Modifying it only changes.

So, here is what you have to do to change skylight:


1. Make your new customized WorldProvider.

2. Override getSunBrightnessFactor, getSunBrightness, and getStarBrightness.

  - getSunBrightnessFactor is for skylight calculation on Server&Client. Affects the light value of whole world.

  - getSunBrightness is for sky rendering on Client on day.

3. Modify the methods with your needs.

4. As TGG said, replace overworld provider with yours.

    first, unregister the overworld provider using DimensionManager.unregisterProviderType

    then DimensionManager.registerProviderType for the surface world with your new customised WorldProvider

5. Done.


* These thing can be possible thanks to my PR. :-)

  • Thanks 1

I. Stellarium for Minecraft: Configurable Universe for Minecraft! (WIP)

II. Stellar Sky, Better Star Rendering&Sky Utility mod, had separated from Stellarium.

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