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[1.7.10] Structure Spawn Multiple Times at same place

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Hi, it's me again :D I have a structure that it spawn twice in the same place :/ Any ideas on how to solve this?


Code from biome:

package mineworld.world.biomes;
import java.util.Random;

import mineworld.core.MWBlocks;
import mineworld.entities.EntityCorruptor;
import mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorruptedHouse;
import mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorruptedTree;
import mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import net.minecraft.world.biome.BiomeGenBase;
import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenAbstractTree;
import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenBigMushroom;
public class BiomeGenCorrupted extends BiomeGenBase
WorldGenCorruptedTree worldGenTrees = new WorldGenCorruptedTree(false);
WorldGenCorrupterHouse house = new WorldGenCorrupterHouse();
int portal_generated = 0;
int crate_x, crate_z;
boolean has_crate_spawned;
public BiomeGenCorrupted(int par1)
	this.portal_generated = 0;
	//this.theBiomeDecorator.treesPerChunk = 5;
	this.topBlock = MWBlocks.corrupted_grass;
	//this.topBlock = Blocks.grass;
	this.fillerBlock = MWBlocks.corrupted_dirt;
	Random rand = new Random();
	this.crate_x = 200 + rand.nextInt(56);
	this.crate_z = 200 + rand.nextInt(56);
	this.has_crate_spawned = false;

public WorldGenAbstractTree getRandomWorldGenForTrees(Random par1)
	return (WorldGenAbstractTree) worldGenTrees;

public void decorate(World par1World, Random par2Random, int par3, int par4)
	int k;
	int l;
	int i1;
	int j1;
	int k1;

	for (k = 0; k < 2; ++k)
		for (l = 0; l < 2; ++l)
			i1 = par3 + k * 4 + 1 + 8 + par2Random.nextInt(3);
			j1 = par4 + l * 4 + 1 + 8 + par2Random.nextInt(3);
			k1 = par1World.getHeightValue(i1, j1);

			if (par2Random.nextInt(20) == 0)
				WorldGenBigMushroom worldgenbigmushroom = new WorldGenBigMushroom();
				worldgenbigmushroom.generate(par1World, par2Random, i1, k1, j1);
				WorldGenAbstractTree worldgenabstracttree = this.getRandomWorldGenForTrees(par2Random);
				worldgenabstracttree.setScale(1.0D, 1.0D, 1.0D);

				if (worldgenabstracttree.generate(par1World, par2Random, i1, k1, j1))
					worldgenabstracttree.func_150524_b(par1World, par2Random, i1, k1, j1);

	Entity corrupter = par1World.getEntityByID(new EntityCorruptor(par1World).getEntityId());
	if(corrupter == null)
		house.generate(par1World, par2Random, crate_x, par1World.getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock(crate_x, crate_z), crate_z);
	super.decorate(par1World, par2Random, par3, par4);

public void genTerrainBlocks(World world, Random random, Block[] blocks, byte[] bytes, int int1, int int2, double d) {
	boolean flag = true;
	Block block = this.topBlock;
	byte b0 = (byte)(this.field_150604_aj & 255);
	Block block1 = this.fillerBlock;
	int k = -1;
	int l = (int)(d / 3.0D + 3.0D + random.nextDouble() * 0.25D);
	int i1 = int1 & 15;
	int j1 = int2 & 15;
	int k1 = blocks.length / 256;

	for (int l1 = 255; l1 >= 0; --l1)
		int i2 = (j1 * 16 + i1) * k1 + l1;

		if (l1 <= 0 + random.nextInt(5))
			blocks[i2] = Blocks.bedrock;
			Block block2 = blocks[i2];

			if (block2 != null && block2.getMaterial() != Material.air)
				if (block2 == MWBlocks.corrupted_stone || block2 == Blocks.grass || block2 == Blocks.stone)
					if (k == -1)
						if (l <= 0)
							block = null;
							b0 = 0;
							block1 = MWBlocks.corrupted_grass;
						else if (l1 >= 59 && l1 <= 64)
							block = this.topBlock;
							b0 = (byte)(this.field_150604_aj & 255);
							block1 = this.fillerBlock;

						if (l1 < 63 && (block == null || block.getMaterial() == Material.air))
							if (this.getFloatTemperature(int1, l1, int2) < 0.15F)
								block = Blocks.ice;
								b0 = 0;
								block = MWBlocks.corrupted_water;
								b0 = 0;

						k = l;

						if (l1 >= 62)
							blocks[i2] = block;
							bytes[i2] = b0;
						else if (l1 < 56 - l)
							block = null;
							block1 = MWBlocks.corrupted_dirt;
							blocks[i2] = Blocks.gravel;
							blocks[i2] = block1;
					else if (k > 0)
						blocks[i2] = block1;

						if (k == 0 && block1 == Blocks.sand)
							k = random.nextInt(4) + Math.max(0, l1 - 63);
							block1 = Blocks.sandstone;
				if(block2 == Blocks.dirt)
					block = null;
					b0 = 0;
					block1 = MWBlocks.corrupted_dirt;
				if(block2 == Blocks.water || block2 == Blocks.flowing_water)
					block = null;
					b0 = 0;
					block1 = MWBlocks.corrupted_water;
				k = -1;


Code from Structure:


package mineworld.world.gen;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;

import mineworld.core.MWBlocks;
import mineworld.core.MWItems;
import mineworld.entities.EntityCorruptor;
import mineworld.entities.EntityTitan;
import mineworld.entities.TileEntityCorruptedChest;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.init.Items;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import net.minecraft.world.chunk.IChunkProvider;
import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenerator;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.IWorldGenerator;

public class WorldGenCorrupterHouse extends WorldGenerator implements IWorldGenerator
public WorldGenCorrupterHouse() { 

public void generate(Random random, int chunkX, int chunkZ, World world, IChunkProvider chunkGenerator, IChunkProvider chunkProvider) { }

public void setBlock(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block block, int metadata)
	Block b1 = world.getBlock(x, y, z);

	if(b1.isAir(world, x, y, z) || b1.isLeaves(world, x, y, z))
		world.setBlock(x, y, z, block, metadata, 2);

	if(block == Blocks.air || block == Blocks.grass || block == Blocks.dirt)
		world.setBlockToAir(x, y, z);

public void setChestContent(World world, int x, int y, int z)
	TileEntityCorruptedChest chest = (TileEntityCorruptedChest) world.getTileEntity(x, y, z);
	List<ItemStack> items = new ArrayList<ItemStack>();
	items.add(new ItemStack(MWItems.ruby));
	items.add(new ItemStack(MWItems.sapphire));
	items.add(new ItemStack(Items.diamond));
	items.add(new ItemStack(Items.gold_ingot));
	items.add(new ItemStack(Items.iron_ingot));
	items.add(new ItemStack(Items.emerald));
	items.add(new ItemStack(MWBlocks.ruby_block));
	items.add(new ItemStack(MWBlocks.sapphire_block));
	items.add(new ItemStack(Blocks.diamond_block));
	items.add(new ItemStack(Blocks.iron_block));
	items.add(new ItemStack(Blocks.emerald_block));
	items.add(new ItemStack(MWItems.corrupted_emerald));
	items.add(new ItemStack(MWItems.corrupted));
	items.add(new ItemStack(MWItems.corrupted_meat_cooked));
	items.add(new ItemStack(MWItems.corrupted_meat));

	Random rand = new Random();
	int r, quantity, slot, objects;
	objects = items.size() * 2;
	for (int i = 0; i < objects; i++) {
		r = rand.nextInt(items.size());
		slot = rand.nextInt(26);
		quantity = 1 + rand.nextInt(7);
			if(chest.getStackInSlot(slot) == null)
				ItemStack stack = items.get(r);
				stack.stackSize = quantity;
				for(int j = 0; j < quantity; j++)
					chest.setInventorySlotContents(slot, stack);
				slot = rand.nextInt(26);
		} while(chest.getStackInSlot(slot) == null);

public boolean generate(World world, Random rand, int i, int j, int k) {
		System.out.println("House generated at: " + i + " " + j + " " + k);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		world.setBlock(i + 5, j + 3, k + 5, MWBlocks.corrupted_chest, 0, 3);

		setChestContent(world,i + 5, j + 3, k + 5);

		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);

		EntityCorruptor entitycorruptor = new EntityCorruptor(world);
		entitycorruptor.setLocationAndAngles(i + 6, j + 2, k + 8, rand.nextFloat() * 360.0F, 0.0F);

		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);

		generate2(world, rand, i, j, k);
	return true;


public boolean generate2(World world, Random rand, int i, int j, int k) {
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.cobblestone, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.cobblestone, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);

	generate3(world, rand, i, j, k);
	return true;

public boolean generate3(World world, Random rand, int i, int j, int k) {
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);

	return true;



Console Log:

[21:40:57] [server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.7.10
[21:40:57] [server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[21:40:58] [server thread/INFO]: Converting map!
[21:40:58] [server thread/INFO]: Scanning folders...
[21:40:58] [server thread/INFO]: Total conversion count is 0
[21:40:58] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Injecting existing block and item data into this server instance
[21:40:59] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Applying holder lookups
[21:40:59] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Holder lookups applied
[21:41:01] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension 0 (New World) (net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer@5a270d9)
[21:41:01] [server thread/WARN]: Unable to find spawn biome
[21:41:07] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension 5 (New World) (net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer@5a270d9)
[21:41:07] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension 4 (New World) (net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer@5a270d9)
[21:41:07] [server thread/WARN]: Unable to find spawn biome
[21:41:12] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension 3 (New World) (net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer@5a270d9)
[21:41:12] [server thread/WARN]: Unable to find spawn biome
[21:41:13] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:13] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:14] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:14] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:14] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:14] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:14] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:14] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:16] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:16] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:16] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:16] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:16] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:16] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:16] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:16] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:18] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:18] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:18] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:18] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension 2 (New World) (net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer@5a270d9)
[21:41:18] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension 1 (New World) (net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer@5a270d9)
[21:41:18] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension -1 (New World) (net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer@5a270d9)
[21:41:18] [server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0
[21:41:19] [server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 12, from 10
[21:41:20] [Netty Client IO #0/INFO] [FML]: Server protocol version 1
[21:41:20] [Netty IO #1/INFO] [FML]: Client protocol version 1
[21:41:20] [Netty IO #1/INFO] [FML]: Client attempting to join with 4 mods : [email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
[21:41:20] [Netty IO #1/INFO] [FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [] at CLIENT
[21:41:20] [Netty Client IO #0/INFO] [FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [] at SERVER
[21:41:20] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: [server thread] Server side modded connection established
[21:41:20] [server thread/INFO]: Player151[local:E:385c455f] logged in with entity id 1219 at (740.5, 4.0, -256.5)
[21:41:20] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: [Client thread] Client side modded connection established
[21:41:20] [server thread/INFO]: Player151 joined the game
[21:41:23] [server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[21:41:23] [server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'New World'/Overworld
[21:41:25] [server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'New World'/Nether
[21:41:25] [server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'New World'/The End
[21:41:25] [server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'New World'/Crazy
[21:41:25] [server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'New World'/The Shadow
[21:41:25] [server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'New World'/Sacred
[21:41:25] [server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'New World'/Corrupted


Thanks in advance to all who will help me ;)

Don't blame me if i always ask for your help. I just want to learn to be better :)


It's an auto generated code from a Schematic to Java Converter, but if needed i will change it ;)

Don't blame me if i always ask for your help. I just want to learn to be better :)

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    • ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // I bet Cylons wouldn't have this problem. Time: 2/6/25 6:40 PM Description: Rendering overlay java.lang.NullPointerException: Rendering overlay     at cam72cam.immersiverailroading.registry.DefinitionManager.getDefinitions(DefinitionManager.java:368) ~[?:1.16.5-forge-1.10.0] {re:classloading}     at cam72cam.immersiverailroading.items.ItemRollingStock.getItemVariants(ItemRollingStock.java:51) ~[?:1.16.5-forge-1.10.0] {re:classloading}     at cam72cam.mod.render.ItemRender.lambda$register$5(ItemRender.java:125) ~[?:1.2.1] {re:classloading}     at cam72cam.mod.render.ItemRender$$Lambda$11067/1961840810.run(Unknown Source) ~[?:?] {}     at cam72cam.mod.event.ClientEvents$$Lambda$18070/916936815.accept(Unknown Source) ~[?:?] {}     at java.lang.Iterable.forEach(Iterable.java:75) ~[?:1.8.0_51] {}     at cam72cam.mod.event.Event.execute(Event.java:24) ~[?:1.2.1] {re:classloading}     at cam72cam.mod.event.ClientEvents.fireReload(ClientEvents.java:59) ~[?:1.2.1] {re:classloading}     at cam72cam.mod.ModCore$Internal$$Lambda$17884/1594513480.run(Unknown Source) ~[?:?] {}     at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.uniRun(CompletableFuture.java:705) ~[?:1.8.0_51] {}     at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$UniRun.tryFire(CompletableFuture.java:687) ~[?:1.8.0_51] {}     at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.postComplete(CompletableFuture.java:474) ~[?:1.8.0_51] {}     at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.postFire(CompletableFuture.java:561) ~[?:1.8.0_51] {}     at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$UniRun.tryFire(CompletableFuture.java:690) ~[?:1.8.0_51] {}     at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$Completion.run(CompletableFuture.java:442) ~[?:1.8.0_51] {}     at net.minecraft.resources.AsyncReloader.func_219557_a(SourceFile:71) ~[?:?] {re:classloading}     at net.minecraft.resources.AsyncReloader$$Lambda$18064/1330012679.run(Unknown Source) ~[?:?] {}     at net.minecraft.util.concurrent.ThreadTaskExecutor.func_213166_h(ThreadTaskExecutor.java:189) ~[?:?] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:computing_frames,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:OptiFine:default,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:OptiFine:default}     at net.minecraft.util.concurrent.RecursiveEventLoop.func_213166_h(SourceFile:23) ~[?:?] {re:mixin,re:computing_frames,re:classloading}     at net.minecraft.util.concurrent.ThreadTaskExecutor.func_213168_p(ThreadTaskExecutor.java:151) ~[?:?] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:computing_frames,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:OptiFine:default,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:OptiFine:default}     at net.minecraft.util.concurrent.ThreadTaskExecutor.func_213160_bf(ThreadTaskExecutor.java:128) ~[?:?] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:computing_frames,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:OptiFine:default,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:OptiFine:default}     at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_195542_b(Minecraft.java:947) [?:?] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:mixin:APP:randompatches.mixins.json:client.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:mining_helmet.mixins.json:MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:flywheel.mixins.json:ShaderCloseMixin,pl:mixin:APP:konkrete.mixin.json:client.MixinMinecraft,pl:mixin:APP:abnormals_core.mixins.json:client.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:immersiveengineering.mixins.json:accessors.client.MinecraftAccess,pl:mixin:APP:assets/mining_dimension/mining_dimension.mixins.json:MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:create.mixins.json:WindowResizeMixin,pl:mixin:A,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A}     at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(Minecraft.java:607) [?:?] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:mixin:APP:randompatches.mixins.json:client.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:mining_helmet.mixins.json:MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:flywheel.mixins.json:ShaderCloseMixin,pl:mixin:APP:konkrete.mixin.json:client.MixinMinecraft,pl:mixin:APP:abnormals_core.mixins.json:client.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:immersiveengineering.mixins.json:accessors.client.MinecraftAccess,pl:mixin:APP:assets/mining_dimension/mining_dimension.mixins.json:MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:create.mixins.json:WindowResizeMixin,pl:mixin:A,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A}     at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(Main.java:184) [?:?] {re:classloading,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A}     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_51] {}     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) ~[?:1.8.0_51] {}     at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) ~[?:1.8.0_51] {}     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:497) ~[?:1.8.0_51] {}     at net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.FMLClientLaunchProvider.lambda$launchService$0(FMLClientLaunchProvider.java:51) [forge-1.16.5-36.2.2.jar:36.2] {}     at net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.FMLClientLaunchProvider$$Lambda$486/913902572.call(Unknown Source) [forge-1.16.5-36.2.2.jar:36.2] {}     at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandlerDecorator.launch(LaunchServiceHandlerDecorator.java:37) [modlauncher-8.0.9.jar:?] {}     at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandler.launch(LaunchServiceHandler.java:54) [modlauncher-8.0.9.jar:?] {}     at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandler.launch(LaunchServiceHandler.java:72) [modlauncher-8.0.9.jar:?] {}     at cpw.mods.modlauncher.Launcher.run(Launcher.java:82) [modlauncher-8.0.9.jar:?] {re:classloading}     at cpw.mods.modlauncher.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:66) [modlauncher-8.0.9.jar:?] {re:classloading} A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Head -- Thread: Render thread Stacktrace:     at cam72cam.immersiverailroading.registry.DefinitionManager.getDefinitions(DefinitionManager.java:368) ~[?:1.16.5-forge-1.10.0] {re:classloading}     at cam72cam.immersiverailroading.items.ItemRollingStock.getItemVariants(ItemRollingStock.java:51) ~[?:1.16.5-forge-1.10.0] {re:classloading}     at cam72cam.mod.render.ItemRender.lambda$register$5(ItemRender.java:125) ~[?:1.2.1] {re:classloading}     at cam72cam.mod.render.ItemRender$$Lambda$11067/1961840810.run(Unknown Source) ~[?:?] {}     at cam72cam.mod.event.ClientEvents$$Lambda$18070/916936815.accept(Unknown Source) ~[?:?] {}     at java.lang.Iterable.forEach(Iterable.java:75) ~[?:1.8.0_51] {}     at cam72cam.mod.event.Event.execute(Event.java:24) ~[?:1.2.1] {re:classloading}     at cam72cam.mod.event.ClientEvents.fireReload(ClientEvents.java:59) ~[?:1.2.1] {re:classloading}     at cam72cam.mod.ModCore$Internal$$Lambda$17884/1594513480.run(Unknown Source) ~[?:?] {}     at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.uniRun(CompletableFuture.java:705) ~[?:1.8.0_51] {}     at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$UniRun.tryFire(CompletableFuture.java:687) ~[?:1.8.0_51] {}     at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.postComplete(CompletableFuture.java:474) ~[?:1.8.0_51] {}     at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.postFire(CompletableFuture.java:561) ~[?:1.8.0_51] {}     at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$UniRun.tryFire(CompletableFuture.java:690) ~[?:1.8.0_51] {}     at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$Completion.run(CompletableFuture.java:442) ~[?:1.8.0_51] {}     at net.minecraft.resources.AsyncReloader.func_219557_a(SourceFile:71) ~[?:?] {re:classloading}     at net.minecraft.resources.AsyncReloader$$Lambda$18064/1330012679.run(Unknown Source) ~[?:?] {}     at net.minecraft.util.concurrent.ThreadTaskExecutor.func_213166_h(ThreadTaskExecutor.java:189) ~[?:?] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:computing_frames,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:OptiFine:default,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:OptiFine:default}     at net.minecraft.util.concurrent.RecursiveEventLoop.func_213166_h(SourceFile:23) ~[?:?] {re:mixin,re:computing_frames,re:classloading}     at net.minecraft.util.concurrent.ThreadTaskExecutor.func_213168_p(ThreadTaskExecutor.java:151) ~[?:?] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:computing_frames,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:OptiFine:default,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:OptiFine:default} -- Overlay render details -- Details:     Overlay name: net.minecraft.client.gui.ResourceLoadProgressGui Stacktrace:     at net.minecraft.client.renderer.GameRenderer.func_195458_a(GameRenderer.java:807) ~[?:?] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:OptiFine:default,pl:mixin:APP:flywheel.mixins.json:StoreProjectionMatrixMixin,pl:mixin:APP:fruittrees.mixins.json:MixinGameRenderer,pl:mixin:A}     at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_195542_b(Minecraft.java:976) [?:?] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:mixin:APP:randompatches.mixins.json:client.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:mining_helmet.mixins.json:MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:flywheel.mixins.json:ShaderCloseMixin,pl:mixin:APP:konkrete.mixin.json:client.MixinMinecraft,pl:mixin:APP:abnormals_core.mixins.json:client.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:immersiveengineering.mixins.json:accessors.client.MinecraftAccess,pl:mixin:APP:assets/mining_dimension/mining_dimension.mixins.json:MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:create.mixins.json:WindowResizeMixin,pl:mixin:A,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A}     at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(Minecraft.java:607) [?:?] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:mixin:APP:randompatches.mixins.json:client.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:mining_helmet.mixins.json:MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:flywheel.mixins.json:ShaderCloseMixin,pl:mixin:APP:konkrete.mixin.json:client.MixinMinecraft,pl:mixin:APP:abnormals_core.mixins.json:client.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:immersiveengineering.mixins.json:accessors.client.MinecraftAccess,pl:mixin:APP:assets/mining_dimension/mining_dimension.mixins.json:MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:create.mixins.json:WindowResizeMixin,pl:mixin:A,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A}     at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(Main.java:184) [?:?] {re:classloading,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A}     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_51] {}     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) ~[?:1.8.0_51] {}     at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) ~[?:1.8.0_51] {}     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:497) ~[?:1.8.0_51] {}     at net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.FMLClientLaunchProvider.lambda$launchService$0(FMLClientLaunchProvider.java:51) [forge-1.16.5-36.2.2.jar:36.2] {}     at net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.FMLClientLaunchProvider$$Lambda$486/913902572.call(Unknown Source) [forge-1.16.5-36.2.2.jar:36.2] {}     at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandlerDecorator.launch(LaunchServiceHandlerDecorator.java:37) [modlauncher-8.0.9.jar:?] {}     at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandler.launch(LaunchServiceHandler.java:54) [modlauncher-8.0.9.jar:?] {}     at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandler.launch(LaunchServiceHandler.java:72) [modlauncher-8.0.9.jar:?] {}     at cpw.mods.modlauncher.Launcher.run(Launcher.java:82) [modlauncher-8.0.9.jar:?] {re:classloading}     at cpw.mods.modlauncher.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:66) [modlauncher-8.0.9.jar:?] {re:classloading} -- System Details -- Details:     Minecraft Version: 1.16.5     Minecraft Version ID: 1.16.5     Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0     Java Version: 1.8.0_51, Oracle Corporation     Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation     Memory: 10151887400 bytes (9681 MB) / 12817793024 bytes (12224 MB) up to 15032385536 bytes (14336 MB)     CPUs: 6     JVM Flags: 9 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xss1M -Xmx14G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M     ModLauncher: 8.0.9+86+master.3cf110c     ModLauncher launch target: fmlclient     ModLauncher naming: srg     ModLauncher services:          /mixin-0.8.2.jar mixin PLUGINSERVICE          /eventbus-4.0.0.jar eventbus PLUGINSERVICE          /forge-1.16.5-36.2.2.jar object_holder_definalize PLUGINSERVICE          /forge-1.16.5-36.2.2.jar runtime_enum_extender PLUGINSERVICE          /accesstransformers-3.0.1.jar accesstransformer PLUGINSERVICE          /forge-1.16.5-36.2.2.jar capability_inject_definalize PLUGINSERVICE          /forge-1.16.5-36.2.2.jar runtimedistcleaner PLUGINSERVICE          /mixin-0.8.2.jar mixin TRANSFORMATIONSERVICE          /OptiFine_1.16.5_HD_U_G8.jar OptiFine TRANSFORMATIONSERVICE          /forge-1.16.5-36.2.2.jar fml TRANSFORMATIONSERVICE      FML: 36.2     Forge: net.minecraftforge:36.2.2     FML Language Providers:          [email protected]         minecraft@1         [email protected]     Mod List:          create-stuff-additions1.16.5_v1.1.6.jar           |Create Stuff Additions        |create_stuff_additions        |1.1.6               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         BetterDungeons-1.16.4-1.2.1.jar                   |YUNG's Better Dungeons        |betterdungeons                |1.16.4-1.2.1        |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         supermartijn642configlib-1.1.8-forge-mc1.16.jar   |SuperMartijn642's Config Libra|supermartijn642configlib      |1.1.8               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         CreateSlimeCraft1165.jar                          |Create slime Craft            |create_slime_craft            |1.0.0               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         refinedpipes-0.5.jar                              |Refined Pipes                 |refinedpipes                  |0.5                 |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         mcw-windows-1.0.3-mc1.16.5.jar                    |Macaw's Windows               |mcwwindows                    |1.0.3               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         SilentMechanisms-1.16.3-1.0.1+77.jar              |Silent's Mechanisms           |silents_mechanisms            |1.0.1+77            |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         strawgolem-1.16-1.9.jar                           |Straw Golem                   |strawgolem                    |1.16-1.9            |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         modnametooltip_1.16.2-1.15.0.jar                  |Mod Name Tooltip              |modnametooltip                |1.15.0              |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         essentials-1.16.5-2.11.1.jar                      |Essentials                    |essentials                    |1.16.5-2.11.1       |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         BetterCaves-Forge-1.16.4-1.1.2.jar                |YUNG's Better Caves           |bettercaves                   |1.16.4-1.1.2        |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         Horror_elements_mod_1.5.5_1.16.5.jar              |Horror Element Mod            |horror_element_mod            |1.5.5               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         namepain-1.4.0 forge-1.16.x.jar                   |Name Pain                     |namepain                      |1.4.0               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         farmersdelightintegrations-1.16.5-1.2.jar         |Farmer's Delight Compats      |farmersdelightintegrations    |1.16.5-1.2          |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         YungsApi-1.16.4-Forge-13.jar                      |YUNG's API                    |yungsapi                      |1.16.4-Forge-13     |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         mcw-stairs-1.0.1-1.16.5forge.jar                  |Macaw's Stairs and Balconies  |mcwstairs                     |1.0.1               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         Wither-Skeleton-Tweaks-1.16.4-5.3.0.jar           |Wither Skeleton Tweaks        |wstweaks                      |5.3.0               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         lootbeams-1.16.5-release-july1722.jar             |LootBeams                     |lootbeams                     |1.16.5              |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         guardvillagers-                   |Guard Villagers               |guardvillagers                |1.2.6               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         randompatches-2.4.4-forge.jar                     |RandomPatches                 |randompatches                 |2.4.4-forge         |CREATE_REG|Manifest: 92:f6:29:d4:09:89:f5:f5:98:5e:20:34:31:d0:7b:58:22:06:bd:a5:d1:6a:92:6e:ac:3d:8d:18:c5:b2:5b:d7         create_compressed_0.9.1_forge_1.16.5.jar          |Create Compressed             |create_compressed             |0.9.1               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         Morpheus-1.16.5-4.2.70.jar                        |Morpheus                      |morpheus                      |4.2.70              |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         Hwyla-forge-1.10.11-B78_1.16.2.jar                |Waila                         |waila                         |1.10.11-B78_1.16.2  |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         SnowRealMagic-1.16.4-2.5.7.jar                    |Snow! Real Magic!             |snowrealmagic                 |2.5.7               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         immersive-armors-1.5.1+1.16.5-forge.jar           |Immersive Armors              |immersive_armors              |1.5.1+1.16.5        |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         refinedstorage-1.9.15.jar                         |Refined Storage               |refinedstorage                |1.9.15              |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         structure_gel-1.16.5-1.7.8.jar                    |Structure Gel API             |structure_gel                 |1.7.8               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         industrial-foregoing-1.16.5-       |Industrial Foregoing          |industrialforegoing           |            |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         CreateDrinks-1.0.1-1.16.5.jar                     |Create: Drinks                |create_drinks                 |1.0.0               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         BiomesOPlenty-1.16.5-     |Biomes O' Plenty              |biomesoplenty                 |1.16.5-   |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         ironfurnaces-1.16.5-2.7.7.jar                     |Iron Furnaces                 |ironfurnaces                  |2.7.7               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         mcw-trapdoors-1.0.2-mc1.16.5.jar                  |Macaw's Trapdoors             |mcwtrpdoors                   |1.0.2               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         silent-gear-1.16.5-2.6.30.jar                     |Silent Gear                   |silentgear                    |2.6.30              |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         supermartijn642corelib-1.1.18-forge-mc1.16.jar    |SuperMartijn642's Core Lib    |supermartijn642corelib        |1.1.18              |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         YungsBridges-Forge-1.16.4-1.0.1.jar               |YUNG's Bridges                |yungsbridges                  |1.16.4-1.0.1        |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         MysticalAdaptations-1.16.5-1.2.1.jar              |Mystical Adaptations          |mysticaladaptations           |1.16.5-1.2.1        |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         curios-forge-1.16.5-                   |Curios API                    |curios                        |1.16.5-      |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         YungsExtras-Forge-1.16.4-1.0.jar                  |YUNG's Extras                 |yungsextras                   |Forge-1.16.4-1.0    |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         NaturesAura-34.2.jar                              |Nature's Aura                 |naturesaura                   |34.2                |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         cfm-7.0.0pre22-1.16.3.jar                         |MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod    |cfm                           |7.0.0-pre22         |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         mcw-furniture-2.0.1-mc1.16.5.jar                  |Macaw's Furniture             |mcwfurnitures                 |2.0.1               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         cloth-config-4.11.26-forge.jar                    |Cloth Config v4 API           |cloth-config                  |4.11.26             |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         the_bumblezone-1.16.5-2.4.11-forge.jar            |The Bumblezone                |the_bumblezone                |1.16.5-2.4.11-forge |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         FallingTree-1.16.5-2.11.5.jar                     |FallingTree                   |fallingtree                   |2.11.5              |CREATE_REG|Manifest: 3c:8e:df:6c:df:a6:2a:9f:af:64:ea:04:9a:cf:65:92:3b:54:93:0e:96:50:b4:52:e1:13:42:18:2b:ae:40:29         FastLeafDecay-v25.jar                             |FastLeafDecay                 |fastleafdecay                 |v25                 |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         BetterMineshafts-Forge-1.16.4-2.0.4.jar           |YUNG's Better Mineshafts      |bettermineshafts              |1.16.4-2.0.4        |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         mcw-lights-1.1.0-mc1.16.5forge.jar                |Macaw's Lights and Lamps      |mcwlights                     |1.1.0               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         torchslabmod-1.16.4_v1.6.19.jar                   |Torch Slab Mod                |torchslabmod                  |1.6.18              |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         mining_helmet-1.16.5-2.0.1.jar                    |Mining Helmet                 |mining_helmet                 |2.0.1               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         bountifulbaubles-1.16.5-0.1.0-forge.jar           |Bountiful Baubles             |bountifulbaubles              |1.16.5-0.1.0        |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         jei-1.16.5-                          |Just Enough Items             |jei                           |           |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         goblintraders-1.6.0-1.16.3.jar                    |Goblin Traders                |goblintraders                 |1.6.0               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         Mekanism-1.16.5-                   |Mekanism                      |mekanism                      |10.0.21             |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         caelus-forge-1.16.5-                   |Caelus API                    |caelus                        |1.16.5-      |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         NaturesCompass-1.16.5-1.9.1-forge.jar             |Nature's Compass              |naturescompass                |1.16.5-1.9.1-forge  |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         scattered_weapons-1.16.5.jar                      |scattered weapons             |scattered_weapons             |1.0.0               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         snowundertrees-1.16.5-v1.1.4.jar                  |Snow Under Trees              |snowundertrees                |v1.1.4              |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         JEITweaker-1.16.5-                    |JEI Tweaker                   |jeitweaker                    |            |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         CraftTweaker-1.16.5-                 |CraftTweaker                  |crafttweaker                  |           |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         ImmersivePetroleum-1.16.5-3.4.0-20.jar            |Immersive Petroleum           |immersivepetroleum            |3.4.0-20            |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         forge-1.16.5-36.2.2-universal.jar                 |Forge                         |forge                         |36.2.2              |CREATE_REG|Manifest: 22:af:21:d8:19:82:7f:93:94:fe:2b:ac:b7:e4:41:57:68:39:87:b1:a7:5c:c6:44:f9:25:74:21:14:f5:0d:90         mcw-paths-1.0.5-1.16.5forge.jar                   |Macaw's Paths and Pavings     |mcwpaths                      |1.0.5               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         ironchest-1.16.5-11.2.13.jar                      |Iron Chests                   |ironchest                     |1.16.5-11.2.13      |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         forge-1.16.5-36.2.2-client.jar                    |Minecraft                     |minecraft                     |1.16.5              |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         smoothchunk1.16.5-2.0.jar                         |Smoothchunk mod               |smoothchunk                   |2.0                 |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         MouseTweaks-2.14-mc1.16.2.jar                     |Mouse Tweaks                  |mousetweaks                   |2.14                |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         useful_railroads-1.16.5-              |Useful Railroads              |usefulrailroads               |            |CREATE_REG|Manifest: f4:a6:0b:ee:cb:8a:1a:ea:9f:9d:45:91:8f:8b:b3:ae:26:f3:bf:05:86:1d:90:9e:f6:32:2a:1a:ed:1d:ce:b0         morevanillalib-1.16.4-1.4.0.jar                   |MoreVanillaLib                |morevanillalib                |1.4.0               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         CreateTweaker-                        |CreateTweaker                 |createtweaker                 |            |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         mmlib-1.1.1-1.16.5.jar                            |Mysterious Mountain Lib       |mmlib                         |1.1.1-1.16.5        |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         flywheel-1.16-0.2.5.jar                           |Flywheel                      |flywheel                      |1.16-0.2.5          |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         steampowered-1.16.5-1.2.8.jar                     |Create: Steam Powered         |steampowered                  |1.16.5-1.2.8        |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         polymorph-forge-1.16.5-0.25.jar                   |Polymorph                     |polymorph                     |1.16.5-0.25         |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         AutoRegLib-1.6-49.jar                             |AutoRegLib                    |autoreglib                    |1.6-49              |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         structurize-1.16.5-1.0.454-ALPHA.jar              |Structurize                   |structurize                   |1.16.5-1.0.454-ALPHA|CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         create-supercharged1.16.5_v1.7.3.jar              |Create: SuperCharged          |createsupercharged            |1.0.0               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         PickleTweaks-1.16.4-5.2.3.jar                     |Pickle Tweaks                 |pickletweaks                  |5.2.3               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         appleskin-forge-mc1.16.x-2.1.0.jar                |AppleSkin                     |appleskin                     |mc1.16.4-2.1.0      |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         lootr-1.16.5-                        |Lootr                         |lootr                         |           |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         Aquaculture-1.16.5-2.1.20.jar                     |Aquaculture 2                 |aquaculture                   |1.16.5-2.1.20       |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         SkyVillage_1.0.0_1.16.5.jar                       |Sky Villages                  |skyvillages                   |1.0.0               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         NetherPortalFix_1.16.3-7.2.1.jar                  |NetherPortalFix               |netherportalfix               |7.2.1               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         connectivity-2.4-1.16.5.jar                       |Connectivity Mod              |connectivity                  |2.4-1.16.5          |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         InsaneLib-1.1.2-mc1.16.5.jar                      |InsaneLib                     |insanelib                     |1.1.2-mc1.16.5      |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         create_recycle_0.9.0_forge_1.16.5.jar             |Create Recycle                |create_crush_everything       |0.9.0               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         Placebo-1.16.4-4.5.0.jar                          |Placebo                       |placebo                       |4.5.0               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         citadel-1.7.3-1.16.5.jar                          |Citadel                       |citadel                       |1.7.3               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         alexsmobs-1.11.1.jar                              |Alex's Mobs                   |alexsmobs                     |1.11.1              |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         moreminecarts-1.3.20.jar                          |More Minecarts                |moreminecarts                 |1.3.20              |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         Bookshelf-Forge-1.16.5-10.4.33.jar                |Bookshelf                     |bookshelf                     |10.4.33             |CREATE_REG|Manifest: eb:c4:b1:67:8b:f9:0c:db:dc:4f:01:b1:8e:61:64:39:4c:10:85:0b:a6:c4:c7:48:f0:fa:95:f2:cb:08:3a:e5         BotanyPots-1.16.5-7.1.41.jar                      |BotanyPots                    |botanypots                    |7.1.41              |CREATE_REG|Manifest: eb:c4:b1:67:8b:f9:0c:db:dc:4f:01:b1:8e:61:64:39:4c:10:85:0b:a6:c4:c7:48:f0:fa:95:f2:cb:08:3a:e5         BotanyTrees-1.16.5-3.0.12.jar                     |BotanyTrees                   |botanytrees                   |3.0.12              |CREATE_REG|Manifest: eb:c4:b1:67:8b:f9:0c:db:dc:4f:01:b1:8e:61:64:39:4c:10:85:0b:a6:c4:c7:48:f0:fa:95:f2:cb:08:3a:e5         u_team_core-forge-1.16.5-            |U Team Core                   |uteamcore                     |           |CREATE_REG|Manifest: f4:a6:0b:ee:cb:8a:1a:ea:9f:9d:45:91:8f:8b:b3:ae:26:f3:bf:05:86:1d:90:9e:f6:32:2a:1a:ed:1d:ce:b0         relics-1.16.5-                         |Relics                        |relics                        |             |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         CreateArmorAndWeaponsv2.jar                       |Create Tools and Armor        |create_tools_and_armor        |1.0.0               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         Waddles-1.16.5-0.8.13.jar                         |Waddles                       |waddles                       |1.16.5-0.8.13       |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         ProgressiveBosses-3.3.2-mc1.16.5.jar              |Progressive Bosses            |progressivebosses             |3.3.2               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         mcw-doors-1.0.3-mc1.16.5.jar                      |Macaw's Doors                 |mcwdoors                      |1.0.3               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         MekanismGenerators-1.16.5-         |Mekanism: Generators          |mekanismgenerators            |10.0.21             |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         carryon-1.16.5-                      |Carry On                      |carryon                       |           |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         [1.16.X-1.0.10] Dragon Mounts Legacy.jar          |Dragon Mounts: Legacy         |dragonmounts                  |1.0.10              |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         twilightforest-1.16.5-4.0.870-universal.jar       |The Twilight Forest           |twilightforest                |NONE                |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         konkrete_forge_1.6.1_MC_1.16.2-1.16.5.jar         |Konkrete                      |konkrete                      |1.6.1               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         createcafe-1.16.5-2.4.jar                         |Create Cafe                   |createcafe                    |1.16.5-2.4          |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         chipped-1.16.5-1.2.1-forge.jar                    |Chipped                       |chipped                       |1.16.5-1.2.1-forge  |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         createplus-1.16.4_v0.3.2.1.jar                    |Create Plus                   |createplus                    |1.16.4_v0.3.2.1     |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         mcw-bridges-1.0.6-mc1.16.5.jar                    |Macaw's Bridges               |mcwbridges                    |1.0.6               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         FarmersDelight-1.16.5-0.6.0.jar                   |Farmer's Delight              |farmersdelight                |1.16.5-0.6.0        |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         corn_delight-1.0.3-1.16.5.jar                     |Corn Delight                  |corn_delight                  |1.0.3-1.16.5        |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         culturaldelights-1.16.5-0.9.2.jar                 |Cultural Delights             |culturaldelights              |0.9.2               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         honeyexpansion-1.0.1.jar                          |Honey Expansion               |honeyexpansion                |1.0.1               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         farmersrespite-1.16.5-1.1.jar                     |Farmer's Respite              |farmersrespite                |1.16.5-1.1          |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         largemeals-1.16.5-2.2.jar                         |Large Meals                   |largemeals                    |1.16.5-2.2          |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         ends_delight-1.16.5-1.8.jar                       |End's Delight                 |ends_delight                  |1.16.5-1.8          |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         customizableelytra-1.16.4-1.6.1.jar               |Customizable Elytra           |customizableelytra            |1.16.4-1.6.1        |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         AmbientSounds_v3.1.9_mc1.16.5.jar                 |Ambient Sounds                |ambientsounds                 |3.0.3               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         mcw-fences-1.1.2-mc1.16.5forge.jar                |Macaw's Fences and Walls      |mcwfences                     |1.1.2               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         mining_dimension-1.16.5-1.0.5.jar                 |Mining World                  |mining_dimension              |1.16.5-1.0.5        |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         simplefarming-1.16.5-1.3.8.jar                    |Simple Farming                |simplefarming                 |1.16.5-1.3.8        |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         born_in_chaos_1.16_1.3.jar                        |Born in Chaos                 |born_in_chaos_v1              |1.0.0               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         dungeons_enhanced-1.16.5-1.9.2.jar                |Dungeons Enhanced             |dungeons_enhanced             |1.9.2               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         simplybackpacks-1.16.3-1.4.13.jar                 |Simply Backpacks              |simplybackpacks               |1.16.3-1.4.13       |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         Bountiful-1.16.4-3.3.1.jar                        |Bountiful                     |bountiful                     |1.16.4-3.3.1        |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         Patchouli-1.16.4-53.1.jar                         |Patchouli                     |patchouli                     |1.16.4-53.1         |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         collective-1.16.5-2.58.jar                        |Collective                    |collective                    |2.58                |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         balancedflight-mc1.16.5_v1.3.0.jar                |Balanced Flight               |balancedflight                |mc1.16.5_v1.3.0     |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         OreExcavation-1.8.157.jar                         |Ore Excavation                |oreexcavation                 |1.8.157             |CREATE_REG|Manifest: e7:68:1c:0d:b9:7e:cf:f8:f3:40:9c:84:c5:39:d7:a4:59:78:b0:6b:c3:fd:b7:4f:69:18:a3:88:e3:76:8c:3f         elevatorid-1.16.5-1.7.13.jar                      |Elevator Mod                  |elevatorid                    |1.16.5-1.7.13       |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         BetterStrongholds-1.16.4-1.2.1.jar                |YUNG's Better Strongholds     |betterstrongholds             |1.16.4-1.2.1        |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         MekanismTools-1.16.5-              |Mekanism: Tools               |mekanismtools                 |10.0.21             |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         TwilightDelight-1.16.5-1.1.3.jar                  |Twilight Delight              |twilightdelight               |1.1.3               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         SpartanWeaponry-1.16.5-2.2.2.jar                  |Spartan Weaponry              |spartanweaponry               |2.2.2               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         architectury-1.20.29-forge.jar                    |Architectury                  |architectury                  |1.20.29             |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         ftb-library-forge-1605.3.1-build.58.jar           |FTB Library                   |ftblibrary                    |1605.3.1-build.58   |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         ImmersiveRailroading-1.16.5-forge-1.10.0.jar      |Immersive Railroading         |immersiverailroading          |1.16.5-forge-1.10.0 |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         UniversalModCore-1.16.5-forge-1.2.1.jar           |Universal Mod Core            |universalmodcore              |1.2.1               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         TrackAPI-1.16.4-forge-1.2.1.jar                   |TrackAPI                      |trackapi                      |1.2                 |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         curiouselytra-forge-1.16.5-            |Curious Elytra                |curiouselytra                 |1.16.5-      |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         AI-Improvements-1.16.2-0.3.0.jar                  |AI-Improvements               |aiimprovements                |0.3.0               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         light-overlay-5.8.1.jar                           |Light Overlay                 |lightoverlay                  |5.8.1               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         inventorysorter-1.16.1-18.1.0.jar                 |Simple Inventory Sorter       |inventorysorter               |18.1.0              |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         Cucumber-1.16.4-4.1.10.jar                        |Cucumber Library              |cucumber                      |4.1.10              |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         ae2wtlib-0.3.3-1.16.5.jar                         |AE2 Wireless Terminals        |ae2wtlib                      |0.3.3-1.16.5        |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         TrashSlot_1.16.3-12.2.1.jar                       |TrashSlot                     |trashslot                     |12.2.1              |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         simpledelights-1.2.jar                            |Simple Delights               |simpledelights                |1.2                 |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         metalbarrels-1.16.2-3.3b.jar                      |Metal Barrels                 |metalbarrels                  |1.16.2-3.3b         |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         the-conjurer-1.16.4-1.0.13.jar                    |The Conjurer                  |conjurer_illager              |1.0.13              |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         abnormals_core-1.16.5-3.2.0.jar                   |Abnormals Core                |abnormals_core                |3.2.0               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         upgrade_aquatic-1.16.5-3.1.0.jar                  |Upgrade Aquatic               |upgrade_aquatic               |3.1.0               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         endergetic-1.16.4-3.0.0.jar                       |The Endergetic Expansion      |endergetic                    |3.0.0               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         savageandravage-1.16.5-3.1.0.jar                  |Savage & Ravage               |savageandravage               |3.1.0               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         autumnity-1.16.5-2.1.1.jar                        |Autumnity                     |autumnity                     |2.1.1               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         nethers_delight-2.1.jar                           |Nethers Delight               |nethers_delight               |2.1                 |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         buzzier_bees-1.16.5-3.0.1.jar                     |Buzzier Bees                  |buzzier_bees                  |3.0.1               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         ae2extras-1.3.1-1.16.5.jar                        |AE2 Extras                    |ae2extras                     |1.3.1-1.16.5        |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         extraboats-1.16.5-2.1.0.jar                       |Extra Boats                   |extraboats                    |2.1.0               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         create-mc1.16.5_v0.3.2g.jar                       |Create                        |create                        |v0.3.2g             |ERROR     |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         createdeco-1.1.2-1.16.5.jar                       |Create Deco                   |createdeco                    |1.1.2-1.16.5        |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         createautomated-1.16.5-1.4.1a.jar                 |Create Automated              |createautomated               |1.16.5-1.4.1a       |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         Waystones_1.16.5-7.6.2.jar                        |Waystones                     |waystones                     |7.6.2               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         Clumps-                               |Clumps                        |clumps                        |            |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         journeymap-1.16.5-5.7.3.jar                       |Journeymap                    |journeymap                    |5.7.3               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         comforts-forge-1.16.5-                 |Comforts                      |comforts                      |1.16.5-      |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         appliedenergistics2-8.4.7.jar                     |Applied Energistics 2         |appliedenergistics2           |8.4.7               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: 95:58:cc:83:9d:a8:fa:4f:e9:f3:54:90:66:61:c8:ae:9c:08:88:11:52:52:df:2d:28:5f:05:d8:28:57:0f:98         AEInfinityBooster-1.16.5-1.0.0+12.jar             |AEInfinityBooster             |aeinfinitybooster             |1.16.5-1.0.0+12     |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         ae2ao-8.1.1-1.16.jar                              |AE2AO                         |ae2ao                         |8.1.1               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         FruitTrees-1.16.5-2.4.3.jar                       |Fruit Trees                   |fruittrees                    |2.4.3               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         Kiwi-1.16.5-3.5.2.jar                             |Kiwi                          |kiwi                          |3.5.2               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         Artifacts-1.16.5-2.10.5.jar                       |Artifacts                     |artifacts                     |1.16.5-2.10.5       |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         VanillaTweaks-1.16.5-1.5.40.jar                   |VanillaTweaks                 |vanillatweaks                 |1.16.5-1.5.40       |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         DungeonCrawl-1.16.5-2.3.2.jar                     |Dungeon Crawl                 |dungeoncrawl                  |2.3.2               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         create-confectionery1.16.5_v1.0.2.jar             |Create Confectionery          |create_confectionery          |1.0.2               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         Farmers_Extra_Foods_1.2.jar                       |Farmer's Extra Foods          |farmers_extra_foods           |1.0.0               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         creategears-1.16.5-1.3.3.jar                      |Create Gears                  |creategears                   |1.16.5-1.3.3        |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         creategearaddon-v2.0.1.jar                        |Create gear addon             |creategearaddon               |v2.0.1              |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         spartantwilight-1.16.5-2.3.3.jar                  |Spartan Weaponry: Twilight For|spartantwilight               |1.16.5-2.3.3        |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         ImmersivePosts-1.16.5-4.3.0-1.jar                 |Immersive Posts               |immersiveposts                |4.3.0-1             |CREATE_REG|Manifest: d5:aa:49:67:b7:dd:64:8a:a4:7d:3e:57:12:6b:f9:3f:e8:5e:6b:24:d9:f9:c5:fb:c5:e7:a0:cf:98:64:dc:d0         ImmersiveEngineering-1.16.5-5.1.0-148.jar         |Immersive Engineering         |immersiveengineering          |1.16.5-5.1.0-148    |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         ImmersiveIndustry-1.16.5-0.1.8f.jar               |Immersive Industry            |immersiveindustry             |1.16.5-0.1.8f       |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         MysticalAgriculture-1.16.5-4.2.1.jar              |Mystical Agriculture          |mysticalagriculture           |4.2.1               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         MysticalAgradditions-1.16.5-4.2.0.jar             |Mystical Agradditions         |mysticalagradditions          |4.2.0               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         CraftingTweaks_1.16.5-12.2.1.jar                  |Crafting Tweaks               |craftingtweaks                |12.2.1              |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         EnchantmentDescriptions-1.16.5-7.1.27.jar         |EnchantmentDescriptions       |enchdesc                      |7.1.27              |CREATE_REG|Manifest: eb:c4:b1:67:8b:f9:0c:db:dc:4f:01:b1:8e:61:64:39:4c:10:85:0b:a6:c4:c7:48:f0:fa:95:f2:cb:08:3a:e5         swingthroughgrass-1.16.4-1.5.3.jar                |SwingThroughGrass             |swingthroughgrass             |1.16.4-1.5.3        |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         nohostilesaroundcampfire_1.16.5-3.6.jar           |No Hostiles Around Campfire   |nohostilesaroundcampfire      |3.6                 |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         titanium-1.16.5-                    |Titanium                      |titanium                      |             |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         Alex's Delight 1.1.3 - Forge 1.16.5.jar           |Alex's Delight                |amfd                          |1.1.3               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         silent-lib-1.16.3-4.9.6.jar                       |Silent Lib                    |silentlib                     |4.9.6               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         CreativeCore_v2.2.1_mc1.16.5.jar                  |CreativeCore                  |creativecore                  |2.0.0               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         Create Deco Casing 2.0.0 1.16.5.jar               |Create Deco Casing            |create_deco_casing            |2.0.0               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         atmospheric-1.16.5-3.1.0.jar                      |Atmospheric                   |atmospheric                   |3.1.0               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         easy_villagers-1.16.5-1.0.13.jar                  |Easy Villagers                |easy_villagers                |1.16.5-1.0.13       |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         SpartanShields-1.16.5-2.1.2.jar                   |Spartan Shields               |spartanshields                |2.1.2               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         Quark-r2.4-316.jar                                |Quark                         |quark                         |r2.4-316            |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         JAOPCA-1.16.5-                        |JAOPCA                        |jaopca                        |            |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         StorageDrawers-1.16.3-8.3.0.jar                   |Storage Drawers               |storagedrawers                |8.3.0               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         FluxNetworks-1.16.5-                  |Flux Networks                 |fluxnetworks                  |            |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         vanillahammers-1.16.4-2.2.0.jar                   |Vanilla Hammers               |vanillahammers                |2.2.0               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         moredragoneggs-2.5.jar                            |More Dragon Eggs              |moredragoneggs                |2.5                 |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         refinedstorageaddons-0.7.3.jar                    |Refined Storage Addons        |refinedstorageaddons          |0.7.3               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         SolarGeneration-1.16.5-2.4.0.jar                  |Solar Generation              |solargeneration               |2.4.0               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         expandability-2.0.1-forge.jar                     |ExpandAbility                 |expandability                 |2.0.1               |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         valhelsia_core-16.0.9.jar                         |Valhelsia Core                |valhelsia_core                |16.0.9              |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         valhelsia_structures-1.16.5-0.1.4.jar             |Valhelsia Structures          |valhelsia_structures          |1.16.5-0.1.4        |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE         createaddition-1.16.5-20220129a.jar               |Create Crafts & Additions     |createaddition                |1.16.5-20220129a    |CREATE_REG|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE     Crash Report UUID: 26056c56-92d4-49a8-a98b-38c12b61b176     Launched Version: forge-36.2.2     Backend library: LWJGL version 3.2.2 build 10     Backend API: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 SUPER/PCIe/SSE2 GL version 4.6.0 NVIDIA 572.16, NVIDIA Corporation     GL Caps: Using framebuffer using OpenGL 3.0     Using VBOs: Yes     Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'forge'     Type: Client (map_client.txt)     Graphics mode: fancy     Resource Packs:      Current Language: English (US)     CPU: 6x AMD Ryzen 5 3500 6-Core Processor      OptiFine Version: OptiFine_1.16.5_HD_U_G8     OptiFine Build: 20210515-161946     Render Distance Chunks: 12     Mipmaps: 4     Anisotropic Filtering: 1     Antialiasing: 0     Multitexture: false     Shaders: null     OpenGlVersion: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 572.16     OpenGlRenderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 SUPER/PCIe/SSE2     OpenGlVendor: NVIDIA Corporation     CpuCount: 6
    • I have no idea why it sent twice im really sorry
    • Was launching forge for the first time and it crashed: Processor failed, invalid outputs: /home/frenchy/.local/share/PrismLauncher/libraries/net/minecraft/client/1.20.1-20230612.114412/client-1.20.1-20230612.114412-slim.jar Expected: de86b035d2da0f78940796bb95c39a932ed84834 Actual: a8fb49bc364562847d6e7e6775e3a1b3f6b2bb05 /home/frenchy/.local/share/PrismLauncher/libraries/net/minecraft/client/1.20.1-20230612.114412/client-1.20.1-20230612.114412-extra.jar Expected: 8c5a95cbce940cfdb304376ae9fea47968d02587 Actual: cf941ba69e11f5a9de15d0c319d61854c456a116 No idea why I think it's because I'm on linux or something  
    • Game crashed on launch with:  Processor failed, invalid outputs: /home/user/.local/share/PrismLauncher/libraries/net/minecraft/client/1.20.1-20230612.114412/client-1.20.1-20230612.114412-slim.jar Expected: de86b035d2da0f78940796bb95c39a932ed84834 Actual: a8fb49bc364562847d6e7e6775e3a1b3f6b2bb05 /home/user/.local/share/PrismLauncher/libraries/net/minecraft/client/1.20.1-20230612.114412/client-1.20.1-20230612.114412-extra.jar Expected: 8c5a95cbce940cfdb304376ae9fea47968d02587 Actual: cf941ba69e11f5a9de15d0c319d61854c456a116 No idea why, but im on linux which might matter
    • PixelmonGo est un incroyable serveur Pixelmon disponible grâce à notre launcher en version 1.16.5 Ce serveur accepte les joueurs premiums comme les cracks ! Un gameplay unique vous attend.. Rejoignez nous dès maintenant ! Site: https://pixelmongo.fr/ Launcher: https://pixelmongo.fr/launcher/ Discord: https://discord.gg/pixelmongo Découvrez notre serveur minecraft Pixelmon moddé basé sur un univers mélangeant Minecraft et Pokémon. Plus de 900 Pokémon à capturer ainsi que des fusions unique au serveur, un hôtel des ventes, un monde aventure reproduisant l'aventure de sinnoh, Explorez des donjons de chaque team maléfique au début de votre aventure, accomplissez des quêtes et remportez des récompenses quotidiennes. Revivez vos meilleurs souvenirs Pokémon au sein d'une communauté multijoueur dynamique. Rejoignez le meilleur serveur minecraft pixelmon français des maintenant en téléchargeant notre launcher. Pixelmongo est la référence en serveur pixelmon en France ! Présentation Amenez votre Minecraft dans le monde des Pokémon, ou des Pokémon dans votre monde Minecraft ! Avec Pixelmon, découvrez votre monde Minecraft sous un nouvel angle. Pixelmon est un mod populaire pour Minecraft qui permet aux joueurs d'attraper, d'entraîner et de combattre des Pokémon dans le monde de Minecraft. Développé par un groupe de fans dévoués, le mod ajoute une large gamme de créatures Pokémon au jeu. Il possède des fonctionnalités et des mécanismes uniques qui en font une expérience amusante et engageante pour les joueurs de tous âges. Le mod Pixelmon est disponible pour les mondes Minecraft solo et multijoueur et peut être téléchargé et installé à l'aide de divers lanceurs et modpacks. Une fois installé, les joueurs peuvent explorer le monde et rencontrer des Pokémon dans la nature, se battre avec d'autres entraîneurs et créer leur propre équipe de créatures puissantes. L'une des fonctionnalités clés de Pixelmon est la possibilité de capturer et d'entraîner des Pokémon en utilisant diverses méthodes. Les joueurs peuvent fabriquer des Pokéballs et les utiliser pour capturer des Pokémon sauvages, qui peuvent ensuite être entraînés et améliorés au fil du temps. Chaque Pokémon a des capacités et des mouvements uniques, ce qui rend important pour les joueurs de choisir la bonne équipe de créatures pour chaque combat. Capturez des Pokémons, constituez une équipe, entraînez-les et remportez des combats contre d'autres joueurs ! Dans un univers reprenant les standards du jeu Nintendo original : Dresseurs, centres Pokémon, mais aussi fossiles et matériaux divers. Les Pokémon comme dans le jeu original sont classés par type (Insecte, Ténèbres, Dragon, Électrique, Combat, Feu, Vol, Spectre, Plante, Sol, Glace, Normal, Poison, Psy, Pierre, Acier, Eau), ce qui définira les faiblesses et les spécificités des Pokémons. Par exemple, un Pokémon de type Feu subira deux fois plus de dégâts si l'attaque du Pokémon ennemi est de type Glace. Le mod possède 900 Pokémon différents plus ou moins rares qui apparaîtront en fonction de leur environnement (jour, nuit et biomes). Les Pokémon évoluent en fonction de leur niveau (jusqu'à 100). Plus leur niveau est élevé, plus ils seront forts et auront des attaques plus puissantes. Pour augmenter le niveau de votre Pokémon, et ainsi évoluer, vous devrez combattre d'autres Pokémon et les vaincre. Plus vos adversaires sont forts, plus ils vous rapporteront de l'expérience. Les Pokémons ont également leurs propres statistiques (attaque, défense, vitesse, vitesse d'attaque et vitesse de défense). Ils peuvent également avoir des tailles et des formes différentes, et peuvent occasionnellement vous donner des objets une fois tués. Pour les capturer, vous devrez utiliser des pokéballs, qui selon leur forme seront plus ou moins efficaces. Pixelmon est un mod amusant et engageant pour Minecraft qui ajoute une touche unique et passionnante au jeu. Avec sa large gamme de fonctionnalités et de mécanismes, il offre aux joueurs des possibilités infinies d'exploration et de plaisir, ce qui en fait un choix populaire pour les fans de Minecraft et de Pokemon.  
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