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[1.8]getallTheEntityes close to this particular block. how get this done.<fixed>


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goo days


what I want is to get all entities within a distance of 5 blocks of this particular block in a list and then causes damage to each according to distance from the block

in the code I found this command

worldIn.getEntitiesWithinAABB (clazz, AABB, filter), who says to return a list,  I alredy have an idea that is AABB but not know how to load and use this object in minecraft as for others have no idea of  whath are the required values and this clazz and filter


i been doing an explosive box it explodes and all but behaves like box means more destrucction than damage over the closes entites i wanna this barrel behaves diferent causing more damage to creatures than destruction over the world.


i need guide to use getEntitiesWithinAAB or maiby a diferent method to achive the list thing.


very gratefull.

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Well, the parameters are:



: the entity class you want to check for, for example


will get all the


in the radius.



: an AxisAlignedBB which specified the box it will search for entities in. You get one using





: an IEntitySelector to specifiy which entities are applicable to put in the List. You can either make a new one, or use one of the existing ones.


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well i do this


public boolean onBlockActivated(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, EntityPlayer playerIn, EnumFacing side, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ)
chat.chatdp(playerIn, "activado");
ArrayList<EntityLivingBase> lisanimales = new ArrayList<EntityLivingBase>();
List lista=null; 

int f=5;
int x=pos.getX(),y=pos.getY(),z=pos.getZ();

BlockPos posMin = new BlockPos(x-5,y-1,z-5);
BlockPos posMax = new BlockPos(x+5,y+1,z+5);

AxisAlignedBB boundingBox=new AxisAlignedBB(pos, pos);
lista = worldIn.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityLivingBase.class, boundingBox);

int llist=lista.size();

for(int l=0 ;l<llist;l++){

chat.chatda(playerIn, ""+lista.get(l).toString());	

    return false;

it must return on player screen a list of all the entity living aroun the block. but no works also no errors it execute i get message "activado" but no list is display

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1. You should are calling new AxisAlignedBB() with the same position twice, this will find all the entities in one place. From the looks of your code you should probably be creating the AxisAlignedBB with posMin and posMax, not pos and pos.

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see i alredy see the little mistake


now is working like it must but tired i gonna end this code otherday




public boolean onBlockActivated(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, EntityPlayer playerIn, EnumFacing side, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ)
chat.chatdp(playerIn, "activado");
ArrayList<EntityLivingBase> lisanimales = new ArrayList<EntityLivingBase>();
List lista=null; 

int f=2;
int x=pos.getX(),y=pos.getY(),z=pos.getZ();

BlockPos posMin = new BlockPos(x-f,y-1,z-f);
BlockPos posMax = new BlockPos(x+f,y+1,z+f);

AxisAlignedBB boundingBox=new AxisAlignedBB(posMin, posMax);
lista = worldIn.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityLivingBase.class, boundingBox);

int llist=lista.size();

for(int l=0 ;l<llist;l++){
	EntityLivingBase mob=	(EntityLivingBase) lista.get(l);
chat.chatda(playerIn, ""+mob.getName()+" hp="+mob.getHealth() );


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