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[1.7.10+] Forcing client to construct other player in MP.

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I am trying to implement command that allows you to see info about other player in MP.


The GUI takes EntityPlayer argument and can be opened via command.

/see [nick]

Command -> to server -> server checks permission -> send synchronization packet to ICommandSender about [nick] -> clint receives packets -> QUESTIONABLE -> Client shows gui using argumented [nick].


Now - problem is (again) with tracking. Client only constructs Entities that are being tracked by him, so no way it can synchronize other player IEEP that is not in range/world.



How can I forcibly make ICommandSender construct entity (start tracking it) and how can I make sure it will stop once the Gui is closed.

Also - from my Bukkit experience I know I had problems with worlds (you can't track entity in other not-loaded by client world), so that is NOT necessary. Only the world the ICS is now in.


Other way would bo to pull that info into proxy storage. But 1st I wanna know if above is possible.

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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