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[1.8] Custom Fluid Rendering (Invisible Fluid)


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I have added a fluid in 1.8 using the latest build of forge. I have textures and json files, but in game the item in hand has a texture, but the placed fluid is invisible. If you go under it, it has the water material. Also bubbles from water show, but the actual fluid is invisible. I looked through forge's github and IIcons are removed (which I knew), but their are still and flowing icon variables. These are TextureAtlasSprites though and I have no idea how to get my texture to show up using them.



I need my Fluid to show up with my texture. Any ideas?


Any help is appreciated!

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Fluids aren't rendered the same way as normal blocks.  Vanilla does it this way, fluid blocks return 1 for getRenderType().


    public boolean func_175018_a(IBlockState p_175018_1_, BlockPos p_175018_2_, IBlockAccess p_175018_3_, WorldRenderer p_175018_4_)
            int i = p_175018_1_.getBlock().getRenderType();

            if (i == -1)
                return false;
                switch (i)
                    case 1:
                        return this.fluidRenderer.func_178270_a(p_175018_3_, p_175018_1_, p_175018_2_, p_175018_4_);  // here
                    case 2:
                        return false;
                    case 3:
                        IBakedModel ibakedmodel = this.getModelFromBlockState(p_175018_1_, p_175018_3_, p_175018_2_);
                        return this.blockModelRenderer.func_178259_a(p_175018_3_, ibakedmodel, p_175018_1_, p_175018_2_, p_175018_4_);
                        return false;


Unfortunately I don't know how to get it to show the fluid texture.  You may need to use ASM+Reflection to force a call to your own renderer from this switch.




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So I have literally coded, deleted, recoded in repeat for the last 2 days updating my mod, yet I still can't figure out this fluid thing. I even created a new TextureMap and TextureAtlasSprite and registered my sprite to a new resource location:


public static TextureAtlasSprite[] atlasSpritesFluid = new TextureAtlasSprite[2];
TextureMap texturemap = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureMapBlocks();
this.atlasSpritesFluid[0] = texturemap.registerSprite(new ResourceLocation("examplemod:textures/blocks/FluidStill.png"));
this.atlasSpritesFluid[1] = texturemap.registerSprite(new ResourceLocation("examplemod:textures/blocks/FluidFlow.png"));


I do this because minecraft uses TextureAtlasSprites as the parameters for setStillIcon and setFlowingIcon.


But when I setStillIcon and setFlowingIcon to my fluid, it still renders invisible...




My fluid does flow and moves seeds and displaces water like any normal fluid, but like stated before, it renders invisible.


EDIT: I set a println to tell me the color of the fluid, and even when I set the blocks color, the fluid color stays as 16777215... Any ideas?

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