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[1.7.10] People reporting weird occasional crash with my mod - sound issue?


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I have a mod on the Minecraft Forums, but a few people have been complaining of a crash they are receiving when near farms (lots of animal sounds combined with NPC sounds). Here is the log: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=qKx8MbuC


I have absolutely no idea what is causing it, but some users have reported successfully stopping it by manually going into the jar file and deleting all the sounds. I have only had this crash once, so it appears that users with better computers (such as myself) receive the crash less frequently than the users with lesser quality computers. One user even said the mod was unplayable because they received the crash seconds after logging into their world.


Please help me work out what is causing this.

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It looks like either there are too many sounds for the sound handler to process, or some sounds are being registered or modified while the game is trying to play them. Might be a problem with Minecraft, and not your mod.



Creator of Witch Hats, Explosive Chickens and Battlefield!

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I have cut out a lot of unnecessary code for this post, so any uneven brackets are actually even, but their opposite bracket has been cut out.


public void onUpdate() {

		// // greet player
		if (System.currentTimeMillis() - greetTimer > 1000) {
			Random r = new Random();
			double dist = this.theData.getDistanceToPlayer();

			if (SimukraftReloaded.states != null) {
				Long ls=System.currentTimeMillis()- theData.anyFolkLastSpoke;
				if (SimukraftReloadedConfig.configFolkTalkingEnglish == true
						&& ls > 5000) {
					if ((!theData.greetedToday & dist < 5) || (theData.vocation==Vocation.BURGERSWAITER && dist <5 && r.nextInt(20)==2)) {
						theData.greetedToday = true;
						theData.anyFolkLastSpoke = System

						int sf = r.nextInt(25) + 1;
						String fn = "ashjacksimukraftreloaded:";

						if(theData.vocation !=null && theData.vocation==Vocation.BURGERSWAITER) {
							 sf=r.nextInt(6);  // 0 to 5
							 switch(sf) {
							 case 0:
								 if(theData.gender==0) {
								 } else {
							 case 1:
								 if(theData.gender==0) {
								 } else {
							 case 2:
								 if(theData.gender==0) {
								 } else {
							 case 3:
								 if(theData.gender==0) {
								 } else {
							 case 4:
								 if(theData.gender==0) {
								 } else {
							 case 5:
								 if(theData.gender==0) {
								 } else {

						} else { // non Vocational

						if (theData.age >= 18) {
							if (SimukraftReloaded.isDayTime()) {
								if (sf == 1) {
									if (theData.gender == 0) {
										fn += "daymone";
									} else {
										fn += "dayfone";
								} else if (sf == 2) {
									if (theData.gender == 0) {
										fn += "daymtwo";
									} else {
										fn += "dayftwo";
								} else if (sf == 3) {
									if (!this.worldObj.isRaining()) {
										if (theData.gender == 0) {
											fn += "daymthree";
										} else {
											fn += "dayfthree";
									} else {
										if (theData.gender == 0) {
											fn += "mwxbad";
										} else {
											fn += "fwxbad";
								} else if (sf == 4) {
									if (theData.gender == 0) {
										fn += "meight";
									} else {
										fn += "feight";
								} else if (sf == 5) {
									if (theData.gender == 0) {
										fn += "mnine";
									} else {
										fn += "fnine";
								} else if (sf == 6) {
									if (theData.gender == 0) {
										fn += "mseven";
									} else {
										fn += "fseven";
								} else if (sf > 6) {
									// 7 > 97
									if (theData.gender == 0) {
										fn += "mspeak";
									} else {
										fn += "fspeak";

									fn = fn
											+ Character
													.toString((char) (sf + 90));

							} else {
								if (sf == 1) {
									if (theData.gender == 0) {
										fn += "nightmone";
									} else {
										fn += "nightfone";
								} else if (sf == 2) {
									if (theData.gender == 0) {
										fn += "nightmtwo";
									} else {
										fn += "nightftwo";
								} else if (sf == 3) {
									if (theData.gender == 0) {
										fn += "nightmthree";
									} else {
										fn += "nightfthree";
								} else if (sf == 4) {
									if (theData.gender == 0) {
										fn += "meight";
									} else {
										fn += "feight";
								} else if (sf == 5) {
									if (theData.gender == 0) {
										fn += "mnine";
									} else {
										fn += "fnine";
								} else if (sf == 6) {
									if (theData.gender == 0) {
										fn += "mseven";
									} else {
										fn += "fseven";
						} else // child speaking
							sf = r.nextInt(3) + 1;
							fn += "cspeak";
							fn = fn + Character.toString((char) (sf + 96));


						if (r.nextBoolean()) {
							try {
								// SimukraftReloaded.log("greeting: " + fn);
										.playSound(this.posX, this.posY,
												this.posZ, fn, 1.0f, 1.0f,
							} catch (Exception e) {

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