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General question, sending packets with variable number of pars.


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I am working on probably the most difficult part of my orders system - customization of orders.

After choosing own customization in gui, packets have to be send.


I made write and readBytes methods using sth like: int...args


Method returns object(my task) with set parameters.

With packets table is send with ints customization numbers(each task customization I will make as an int value)


public Object getTaskWithParameters(int id, int...args)
		case 1:
			task = new EntityAIStayHere(villager, [u]some args[/u]);
		case 2:
			task = new EntityAIStay(villager, [u]some args[/u]);

	return task;		


Is that way of setting pars for object is good or I should try sth else?

Should I continue working on my code or its only waste of time??


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In my eyes - it's perfectly fine.


Note: Use some abstract AI class instead of object and generalize methods - there must be SOME methods (like execute()) that would exist for all AI tasks. Makes things easier. :)

Also note: you will need some instanceof checks and stuff, to not overload AI with arguments. (Unless you are certain that args received will never be too much/few).


If you'd create abstraction, you couls put there abstract method load and write NBT.

Then inside packet you could simply call load and write, where write would be done on server to serialize data, and then on clisnt read would read that data and construct AI task.

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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I use Object, some methods cant work with general ai class(its abstract)

Object classes are only for a while, they are converted into their oryginal classes.

I think that instanceof checks and stuff also arent needed, my refreshing orders packet clears all orders and than sets it again(for me easier)

Thanks for confirmating that code should work. So far the code works fine, orders can be added with out crash. I only need to make some order with customization to find out is my code realy working.

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