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Having trouble sending a file to the server.


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As part of a schematic system i am currently working on i am trying to make it possible to send schematic files from a client to the server. These files are potentially much to large to send via the default packet system so i am trying to create my own file transfer system.


I didn't know anything about sending files so i did some research and came up with the following system.


It works fine when sending to a server running on my local machine but when i try to actually send a file to a server over the net it throws

"ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect" on the server side.


I dont know a lot about sending files and its rather hard to debug code running on a server half way around the world so im hoping someone can help me out with this.


FileSender (client side code)


public class FileSender
public static final FileSender instance = new FileSender();
private SenderThread thread;
private String file = null;
private int port;

public FileSender()

public void sendFile(String file, int port)
	if (this.thread != null && this.thread.getRunning()) {
		Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.addChatComponentMessage(new ChatComponentText(EnumChatFormatting.RED + "File transfer already in progress"));
	this.thread = new SenderThread(this);
	this.file = file;
	this.port = port;

public class SenderThread extends Thread
	private FileSender sender;
	private boolean running = false;

	public SenderThread(FileSender sender)
		super("TT File Sender Thread");
		this.sender = sender;

	public void run()
		if (sender.file == null) return;
		FileInputStream fis = null;
		BufferedInputStream bis = null;
		OutputStream os = null;
		ServerSocket servsock = null;
		Socket sock = null;

		LogHelper.info("Waiting for connection... [" + port + "]");
			servsock = new ServerSocket(port);
			sock = servsock.accept();
			LogHelper.info("Accepted connection : " + sock);

			File myFile = SchematicHandler.getFile(sender.file);
			byte [] mybytearray  = new byte [(int)myFile.length()];
			fis = new FileInputStream(myFile);
			bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis);
			os = sock.getOutputStream();

			LogHelper.info("Sending " + myFile.getName() + "(" + mybytearray.length + " bytes)");

			int count;
			while ((count = bis.read(mybytearray)) > 0)
				os.write(mybytearray, 0, count);


			running = false;
			sender.file = null;
		catch (IOException e)
			running = false;
			sender.file = null;


	public boolean getRunning() { return running; }

	public void setRunning(boolean b) { this.running = b; }



FileReceiver (server side code)


public class FileReceiver
public static FileReceiver instance = new FileReceiver();
private ReceiverThread thread;
private EntityPlayer client;
private InetAddress clientAddress;
private String fileName;

public void receiveFile(String fileName, NetHandlerPlayServer netHandler)
	if (this.thread != null && this.thread.getTransferInProgress()){
		netHandler.playerEntity.addChatComponentMessage(new ChatComponentText(EnumChatFormatting.RED + "A file transfer is already in progress from another client"));
	this.client = netHandler.playerEntity;
	this.clientAddress = ((InetSocketAddress)netHandler.func_147362_b().channel().remoteAddress()).getAddress();
	LogHelper.info("Receiving file from: " + this.clientAddress);
	client.addChatComponentMessage(new ChatComponentText("Receiving file from: " + this.clientAddress));
	this.fileName = fileName;
	this.thread = new ReceiverThread(this);
	this.thread.transferInProgress = true;

public boolean getTransferInProgress() { return thread != null && thread.getTransferInProgress(); }

public class ReceiverThread extends Thread
	private FileReceiver receiver;
	private boolean transferInProgress;

	public ReceiverThread(FileReceiver receiver)
		super("TT File Receiver Thread");
		this.receiver = receiver;

	public void run()
			Socket socket;
			InputStream is;
			FileOutputStream fos;
			BufferedOutputStream bos;

			client.addChatComponentMessage(new ChatComponentText("Attempting to connect"));
			LogHelper.info("Attempting to connect");

                                // ######## This is where it throws the exception ########
			socket = new Socket(receiver.clientAddress, ConfigHandler.filePort /*port being used is 25566 also tried 25565*/);  

			LogHelper.info("Connection established");
			client.addChatComponentMessage(new ChatComponentText("Connection established"));

			is = socket.getInputStream();
			fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(SchematicHandler.getSaveFolder(), receiver.fileName + ".schematic"));
			bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos);

			int size = socket.getReceiveBufferSize();

			byte [] bytes  = new byte [size];

			receiver.client.addChatComponentMessage(new ChatComponentText(EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "Upload in progress..."));

			int count;
			while ((count = is.read(bytes)) > 0) {
				bos.write(bytes, 0, count);



			LogHelper.info("File " + receiver.fileName + " downloaded [" + size + "]");
			receiver.client.addChatComponentMessage(new ChatComponentText(EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "Upload Complete"));
		catch (IOException e)
			client.addChatComponentMessage(new ChatComponentText(EnumChatFormatting.RED + "Upload Failed [iOException]"));

		transferInProgress = false;

	public boolean getTransferInProgress() { return transferInProgress; }




The packet that handles the operation


public static class Handler implements IMessageHandler<PacketFileTransfer, IMessage>
public IMessage onMessage(PacketFileTransfer message, MessageContext ctx)
	if (ctx.side == Side.CLIENT)
		if (SchematicHandler.loadCompoundFromFile(message.fileName) != null) {
			TownBuilder.proxy.sendFile(message.fileName, message.port);
			return new PacketFileTransfer(message.fileName, true);
		else return new PacketFileTransfer(message.fileName, false);
		if (message.transferValid)
			TownBuilder.proxy.receiveFile(message.fileName, ctx.getServerHandler());
		else ctx.getServerHandler().playerEntity.addChatComponentMessage(new ChatComponentText("That file dose not exist on your client"));
	return null;



Server proxy


public void sendFile(String file, int port){}

public void receiveFile(String fileName, NetHandlerPlayServer netHandler)
FileReceiver.instance.receiveFile(fileName, netHandler);

public boolean isTransferInProgress() { return FileReceiver.instance.getTransferInProgress(); }



Client proxy


public void sendFile(String file, int port) {
FileSender.instance.sendFile(file, port);

public void receiveFile(String fileName, NetHandlerPlayServer netHandler) {}

public boolean isTransferInProgress() {
return false;



I am the author of Draconic Evolution

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After a bit more troubleshooting i believe the connection is being blocked by the firewall on ether my router or my pc. If that is the case how can i get around that? (how dose minecrafts connection work?)


Or better yet would there be a way i could use minecrafts existing connection to send the file?


Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. 

I am the author of Draconic Evolution

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