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[1.7.10]Curious about crafting[Answerd]/[solved]


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So I am curious on this idea I have. I am thinking of making this item and give it a NBTTagCompound of uses, I would set it to 5 uses, Now what I want to do is when used in crafting it will not consume the item and set the uses to 4(3,2,1,0). Once it hits 0 I want it to then consume the item.


Mock code/idea:

public boolean hasContainerItem(ItemStack itemStack)
       return true;
    public ItemStack getContainerItem(ItemStack itemStack)
        ItemStack stack = itemStack.copy();
         if(uses !=0){
        stack.setItemDamage(stack.getItemDamage() - 1);
else {
//allow item to be removed 

        return stack;


now the one thing is I don't know how to make the item not be used up when crafted, and I was debating on using the oncreated() function but read that, that's best to use only for vanilla crafting tables.

~SureShotM/Leo~ gaming coding all around fun!

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again this was more of a thought, I'm more curious if this would work or not and like I said it was a mock code I don't actually have that code any where so technically there is no where uses is being defined, but I would define like this

// I don't fully know where I would put this cause the item will not be crafted but found in a chest
stack.setTagCompound(new NBTTagCompound());
stack.stackTagCompound.setInteger("uses", 4);


then I would use stack.getTagCompound().getInteger("uses") to define uses

~SureShotM/Leo~ gaming coding all around fun!

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again Mock Code if I was to actually put this in which i will soon, I would check to see if the NBTtag exists if not then to create it,

now the one thing is I don't know how to make the item not be used up when crafted I think that is my initial place to start.


I also want to apologize for my scatter brain, this is just how I think and work.


~SureShotM/Leo~ gaming coding all around fun!

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Like I said in my first post what I am looking to do is have this item not be used up in crafting until its uses hits 0 again the reason why we were talking about the uses NBTTag, even though that part I knew how to do, the part I don't know is the item not being used up part.


Not to sound rude but did any one read the first post fully, or was it just the way I worded things. If it was the way I word things I want to apologize.

~SureShotM/Leo~ gaming coding all around fun!

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