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[SOLVED] Trouble with Blockstates and a Torch-like block


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I've been hard at work trying to make my first mod, and I've finally got most of the issues worked out and have a (nearly) working set of .json files for my block. I'm basically making a torch with a different texture and recipe, and everything's worked fine until I changed the blockstates json file from a simple one to the one the vanilla torch uses. Here's what I have right now:



  "variants": {

    "facing=up": { "model": "braziermod:brazier" },

    "facing=east": { "model": "braziermod:brazier_wall" },

    "facing=south": { "model": "braziermod:brazier_wall", "y": 90 },

    "facing=west": { "model": "braziermod:brazier_wall", "y": 180 },

    "facing=north": { "model": "braziermod:brazier_wall", "y": 270 }




The result is a black-and-purple-checker texture on a cube. I think the issue is that the class file for the block doesn't do anything to set the block state when it's placed, but in my internet searches I haven't found out how to do it and I can't look through the thousand obfuscated classes in the vanilla .jar to find out how Mojang did it. How can I solve this?


This is my first time asking for help here, apologies if I have done so poorly.

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This troubleshooting guide might help


and perhaps this background information on states



Also this example mod (MBE03)



For vanilla see BlockTorch.


you are probably missing

    protected BlockState createBlockState()


        return new BlockState(this, new IProperty[] {FACING});





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