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Hi. In 1.6.4 I edited Minecraft.class and added a public variable which would count player attack clicks every tick. I then generated binpatches using recompile.bat, reobfuscate.bat, GenDiffSet.class.


In 1.7.10 though system has changed completely. Could someone explain me how can I edit base MC classes and generate patches for them? Also, I would appreciate if someone told me if it is possible (and if it is, how is it possible) to count player swings every tick without editing base classes.


Thank you in advance.


How should I do it? Should I override swingItem() method and somehow, using reflection use my child class instead of EntityClientPlayerMP? Player may swing item using different keys, and rebind them during gameplay. Binding to a key is not an option. Also, I still want to know how to create binpatches.


I dont really see why are they such a bad idea. They enable you to alter mc code without actually publishing any of the vanilla stuff. It is indeed a bad ideato use it in mods, but I still want to know what is the way to do it. Also, it would be great if you could alter just 1 file and publish only 1 class patch in your mod. I wonder if that is possible.

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