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[1.8] Troubles with items textures.


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despite setting everythink like in tutorials my textures still dont show.


Some necessary code.


modid = "BetterWorld"
public static Item Aluminum = new ItemAluminum(15029).setUnlocalizedName("Aluminum");
GameRegistry.registerItem(Aluminum, "Aluminum");

public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event)
	if(event.getSide() == Side.CLIENT)
		RenderItem renderItem = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem();

		renderItem.getItemModelMesher().register(Aluminum, 0, new ModelResourceLocation("BetterWorld:Aluminum", "inventory"));

In .json
"layer0": "BetterWorld:items/Aluminum"


And some screens:




I was trying to use mod name with small leters and capital too, but nothing changed.

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Don't give what works, give us what doesn't :D (because you cut code from different places)


Also, remove this ridiculus Id stuff from your new ItemAluminum(15029), don't use IDs at all actually (since 1,6).


I'd try lowercasing everything (EVERYTHING).

EDIT: Is there some console output?

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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Dont use Id, so how can I set my items/blocks in a correct queue in a own tab?

I was trying to lowercase everythink but it was the same.


By the way. I made it working, some folder names have started form capital letter.

Now I am curious how to code bows like stuffs, I cant find code in Bow.class how texture changes when pulling.

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"Dont use Id, so how can I set my items/blocks in a correct queue in a own tab?"


Have look at displayAllReleventItems(List list) in CreativeTabs.class

It allows you to make an ordered list for display (you need to use your own tabs ofc.)


To make it "neat", you could do: (example on Block calss since I had one in IDE):

public MyBlock(Material material)


And in your MyTab.class you would have:

public static ArrayList<Object> tabOrder = new ArrayList<Object>();


Now one thing left is to use displayAllReleventItems(List list) to display stuff :D (have look at what vanilla does there).


Obviously the order will be same as your initialization order and will work for both Block and Items (ofc you will need to do it well).

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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