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[1.8] Ore Dictionary Help


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I am adding the ability to dye stone to the colored stone in my mod. It works well but I am having one issue, the light gray dye is the only dye that does not work. I am using the ore dictionary to allow the players to use dyes from other mods. My question is am I getting the ore dictionary name of the dyes correctly and if not what is the correct way of doing it.


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I think your approach should work if you make sure you check all the OreIDs instead of just the first one, i.e.

String dye = OreDictionary.getOreName(id[0]);

should be

for (int idToCheck : id) {

  dye = OreDictionary.getOreName[idToCheck];

  dye = dye.toLowerCase();

    // etc



Alternatively you could  use OreDictionary.getOres(dye name) instead, to get a list of all ItemStacks that correspond to each Ore dye, and check each one to see if it matches (this is how recipes work).


i.e. -

(1) for red, get OreDictionary.getOres("dyeRed"); to retrieve a list of all ItemStacks which are red dye

(2) for each redDyeItemStack, check OreDictionary.itemMatches(heldItemStack, redDyeItemStack, true)

(3) repeat for all remaining dye colours




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