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Is there a way to move our own player by any actions like onItemUse or onItemRightClick? And is it even possible to make our player wander on its own? I know that we can make all of this on an entity but im working on an AI MOD for our player itself where it wanders around without me controlling it.


Help would be appreciated.



I think the best way would be using the onEntityUpdate event or OnPlayerTickEvent. In these events you can set an entity(player)'s yaw,pitch, posistion, movements etc.. It won't be as easy as making an Entity wander since you can't use actions. So you have to define the path which the player should walk manually.



- N2ConfigAPI

- Meachanical Crafting Table



- CollectionUtils



- InGameConfigManager


Note that movements for player are different than other entities - while entites are moved by server, the player is moved on client, the server only checks if the movement made by given client is acceptable (not too fast, not through wall like ghose blocks, etc.).


You will have to operate mostly on client here.

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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